Any old Excal players planning on playing Atlas?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Logged in to this site for the first time in many years.

Read some of my old posts... don't do it to yourself!

Anyone from Excalibur planning on playing Atlas?


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I guess... but it needs to launch first. Currently on Celestius, being a total noob when it comes to ToA stuff. No clue on artis, items, etc.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Celestius was a bore....

Started on Atlas. Bit of a rough start with lag and bugs - but the staff is awesome, and they're quickly working through the issues list.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Celestius was a bore....

Started on Atlas. Bit of a rough start with lag and bugs - but the staff is awesome, and they're quickly working through the issues list.

Honestly? Going through their announcement page on Discord, seems like a bunch of kids :D

Is it the same team as the one that killed Uthgard? I remember they were kids.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Meh. think i'm done with shards now, they're all the same - server tanks rapidly after like a month. I'll try the official classic server if it ever comes out, bout it for me now though I think. Fuck Ywain, takes way too long to get a character geared up now to compete with templated RR12+ people.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Meh. think i'm done with shards now, they're all the same - server tanks rapidly after like a month. I'll try the official classic server if it ever comes out, bout it for me now though I think. Fuck Ywain, takes way too long to get a character geared up now to compete with templated RR12+ people.

The problem is that they're trying to release a game that is mean to be much slower tempo to a community of nerds that know how to speed run it.

After the first weekend you'll have RR6 groups running around just bullying everyone, that's what kills it.

They should make a level 50 battleground up to RR5, another server tried this after they had a population decline due to the above, it worked quite well, but they left it too late and the damage was already done, people were leaving the battlegrounds into RR10+ groups instead :D


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Atlas tried to build from the old DOL code. It's a huge mess in terms of general gameplay, let alone server stability. The team is working hard, however as much as Celestius was a much different vibe (TOA/speed run pve) at least the game was mostly fixed & coded well since it was made by the same people who originally coded Phoenix.

I think Atlas will take a little while to get to the level of Phoenix. I don't want to "bash" the server, but it really does need a lot of work and should not have been released in the state that it is in.

Gwadien is correct also, people know where to go, what to do & how to pve efficiently now. No matter if they wipe again, there will still be level 50s on day 1.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
not holding my breathe for atlas tbh :/ I'd love it to succeed but I don't see what if offers that previous servers haven't and they all died in time. shards should have a seasonal mode tbh, reset RR's every X weeks but a faster leveling curve/templating period... maybe rewards for people that finished first on the RP table in terms of cosmetics or titles or something.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
not holding my breathe for atlas tbh :/ I'd love it to succeed but I don't see what if offers that previous servers haven't and they all died in time. shards should have a seasonal mode tbh, reset RR's every X weeks but a faster leveling curve/templating period... maybe rewards for people that finished first on the RP table in terms of cosmetics or titles or something.

nah, you don't reset RRs imo, that's the 'reward' element of the game...

It's a shame Uthgard are being so puritan in their approach because they seem to be the most clued up on how to actually run things; they just need to stop Drachengarde especially having RR12s 3 months in rolling everything they see.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
nah, you don't reset RRs imo, that's the 'reward' element of the game...

It's a shame Uthgard are being so puritan in their approach because they seem to be the most clued up on how to actually run things; they just need to stop Drachengarde especially having RR12s 3 months in rolling everything they see.

RRs are a double edged sword though in all honesty, both a reward but also a curse because who wants to fight a RR12 on a RR1 newly dinged character? - if they removed the RR5 damage increase component (aka 16.5 weapons full potential etc) it might be more viable.

Basically just making 16.5 etc available from the moment you ding 50 as opposed to RR5+

It's not going to bridge the gap fully but it'd be a decent start


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
RRs are a double edged sword though in all honesty, both a reward but also a curse because who wants to fight a RR12 on a RR1 newly dinged character? - if they removed the RR5 damage increase component (aka 16.5 weapons full potential etc) it might be more viable.

Basically just making 16.5 etc available from the moment you ding 50 as opposed to RR5+

It's not going to bridge the gap fully but it'd be a decent start

As I said earlier, just make a up to RR5 BG and your RP gain rate decreases massively as you get higher RR


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
As I said earlier, just make a up to RR5 BG and your RP gain rate decreases massively as you get higher RR

Problem with BG's is the size, its either too small or too big, there is generally no in between and ultimately just becomes a zerg fest bridge camping vs bridge camping.

Edit: You could argue Cathal was alright, again though... milegate camping is a thing


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Meh. think i'm done with shards now, they're all the same - server tanks rapidly after like a month. I'll try the official classic server if it ever comes out, bout it for me now though I think. Fuck Ywain, takes way too long to get a character geared up now to compete with templated RR12+ people.

On live, you can make a new toon be 50, ML 10, CL 15 in about a day and have a template in about 2. Gaining RR is quick and you can easily get RR5 in about a week or a day depending on action.

When they have the Catch up in Caledonia events you can come out of that with a level 50, ML10, CL15, Templated RR10+ toon from a weekend of playing.

Just wish more still played Live instead of the shards action would be much better.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
On live, you can make a new toon be 50, ML 10, CL 15 in about a day and have a template in about 2. Gaining RR is quick and you can easily get RR5 in about a week or a day depending on action.

When they have the Catch up in Caledonia events you can come out of that with a level 50, ML10, CL15, Templated RR10+ toon from a weekend of playing.

Just wish more still played Live instead of the shards action would be much better.

How does one earn plat these days? surely items must cost an absolute fortune, I know you can craft things with bounty crafting now but new characters won't have any BPs will they? I'd try but I deleted every single live character I had to stop me going back to it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Phoenix and Eden are both relaunching...

Eden seems to understand the issues - they're doing a RR cap for each month...

Rough Timeline Realm Skill Cap
Month 1 RR 3L9
Month 2 RR 5L9
Month 3 RR6
Month 4 RR7
Month 5 RR8
Month 6 RR9
Month 7 RR9
Month 8 RR10
Month 9 RR10
Month 10 RR10
Month 11 RR11+


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Atlas launched to a crap population, not surprised though tbh. 500 on average online on Atlas, which is terrible for a brand new server.

I don't think it's just the realm rank differences that kill it for people, it's the lack of a catchup mechanic - by month 6-8, it's still going to feel shit taking a new character out to RvR. They should gradually add in RP quests while you level... I don't think letting people start at RR4 by month 6+ is such a bad idea, by RR4 you can get most of your core RA's to compete.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm on Atlas Mid. Doing my usual Skald, also have a Warr about to temp.

Server hangs are annoying, it's bugs left and right, but I think it's slowly going into the right direction.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'll give it a go I guess, not holding my breath though. Making a Valkyn hunter.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I'll give it a go I guess, not holding my breath though. Making a Valkyn hunter.

You're starting late, and as hunter - you'll have a hard time levelling up. You won't get a lot of groups, best bow is in albion, and unless you spec spear high, your rvr experience will suck.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Looking forward to what the Phoenix chaps do, despite one of the mods being an absolute melt, it was a pretty good experience.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
You're starting late, and as hunter - you'll have a hard time levelling up. You won't get a lot of groups, best bow is in albion, and unless you spec spear high, your rvr experience will suck.

Already noticed :p are there quests on there to level? or it just all xp items and pure grind?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Looking forward to what the Phoenix chaps do, despite one of the mods being an absolute melt, it was a pretty good experience.

Always the problem sadly, always one of the mods that ends up being a total dickend.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
How does one earn plat these days? surely items must cost an absolute fortune, I know you can craft things with bounty crafting now but new characters won't have any BPs will they? I'd try but I deleted every single live character I had to stop me going back to it.

Money isnt that much of a thing these days, you need it for some items but not many.

Most things can be bounty crafted, and you can get BPs by doing certain TOA weekly quests, RvR quests, OW/Curse raids. a basic class template will cost about 1.5-2million BPs but as you can easily get 500k bps doing one of the above, it doesnt take long to get them all. Plus people sell the recipes cheap which brings down the cost in BPs also.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Money isnt that much of a thing these days, you need it for some items but not many.

Most things can be bounty crafted, and you can get BPs by doing certain TOA weekly quests, RvR quests, OW/Curse raids. a basic class template will cost about 1.5-2million BPs but as you can easily get 500k bps doing one of the above, it doesnt take long to get them all. Plus people sell the recipes cheap which brings down the cost in BPs also.

I see, are the OW quests still aids to do solo? I remember the prologue being really crap for soloers to do.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
I see, are the OW quests still aids to do solo? I remember the prologue being really crap for soloers to do.
you only need a group to do the whole OW quest chain TBH. Same with Cursed up until the Dragon anyway.

If you want to know more, drop me a message.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Already noticed :p are there quests on there to level? or it just all xp items and pure grind?

Past lvl 20, there's daily and weekly quests you can get from Svasud (3 NPCs lined up). Those are huge for quick advancement, as they give out XP, Gold and Orbs.

Atlas has Orbs (Phoenix feathers). They are not trade-able, but there's ways around that. People that have credit for a specific item (TG, SH, Gjalpi, Legion, etc) buy the item with orbs for you, and you give them plat.

The running rate is 10k Orbs = 1 plat.

On your way to 50, you should amass on average about 4-5 plat. Depending on how many TG / SH raids you participate in, orbs are obtainable quickly.

Note that any kind of RvR yields orbs aswell.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Past lvl 20, there's daily and weekly quests you can get from Svasud (3 NPCs lined up). Those are huge for quick advancement, as they give out XP, Gold and Orbs.

Atlas has Orbs (Phoenix feathers). They are not trade-able, but there's ways around that. People that have credit for a specific item (TG, SH, Gjalpi, Legion, etc) buy the item with orbs for you, and you give them plat.

The running rate is 10k Orbs = 1 plat.

On your way to 50, you should amass on average about 4-5 plat. Depending on how many TG / SH raids you participate in, orbs are obtainable quickly.

Note that any kind of RvR yields orbs aswell.

Ahh, so its a bit slow until level 20 then it picks up a little due to the quests then?


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Ahh, so its a bit slow until level 20 then it picks up a little due to the quests then?

Quests and XP items mobs, which you use to XP on anyway. You can turn in 30 XP items of one kind per level. There is a map and list of all the mobs and XP items and their lvl range on the Atlas website.

I found the Svasud quests very helpful past 40, when the XP curve goes up, as they give quite a lot of XP. Took me less to go from 40 to 50, then it took me to reach 40.

As a soloer, you will appreciate that.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Can't be bothered quite frankly. as much as I don't mind rerolling, these private servers have such a short lifespan lately it just isn't worth investing time into to level up, template a character out. They need a faster system in place. Rose tinted experience is one thing, no one plays classic servers for the slow/tedious levelling experience when you've repeated it 2-3 times a year across different servers.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Can't be bothered quite frankly. as much as I don't mind rerolling, these private servers have such a short lifespan lately it just isn't worth investing time into to level up, template a character out. They need a faster system in place. Rose tinted experience is one thing, no one plays classic servers for the slow/tedious levelling experience when you've repeated it 2-3 times a year across different servers.

Come play live, the action at the moment is mad. Getting up and running takes less than a day if your starting at level 1

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