If I got a silver every time Aada whined or threatened to cancel his account, I could ve bought a horse at 40.
I really do think at the rate funcom are going the game will be another Vanguard within a 1-2 years.
*waves free war mammoth at dee*
Who needs a whinehorse!
I was just reading how Plate offers no extra protection compared to Light armor to me that seems like its wrong and may be a reason to role a Barb over a Guardian? Go for damage rather than hit points.
I was just reading how Plate offers no extra protection compared to Light armor to me that seems like its wrong and may be a reason to role a Barb over a Guardian? Go for damage rather than hit points.
Plate/heavy armour is better, not in terms of defence ratings but in terms of bonuses and stuff on them, and saying "only" hit points is a bit silly so if u have 11 k hits on a guardian isnt a differance to a tanking hybrid with 4 k?
If i wanted a ok dmg class with solid hits and bonuses id go for a conq. Barb is much more of a glass canon, mabye even more so then an assasin as they have passive evade boost, passive resist boost and silk armour which apperently is superior to light armour at later levels atm.
I did not say only hit points from what i have seen best side of a Guardian is massive surviveabilty though hit points where as barbs have great burst damage.
But i would still expect full plate to take away more damage than light.