any _good_ alb rvr grp active?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Cant say I ever rated Terror Inc that great, but didnt play against them much.

And BDkite was what made people cry so much about caster grps, running half of across agramon etc ;p

not exactly a good grp. although they did it well :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
People know how to deal with kite groups alot better these days imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 25, 2006
horner and his di bot are the best alb grp period.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
the guild groups who currently run atm are as follows

Forgotten legends, Kupo FLux, Custodia Malacitana, Dark Aura, (Synergy will be back on the sceen soon) but untill then Gingys Pug groups rox!!, Gobo's group when he runs it. that is about it as it goes for guild / regular pug groups on alb as far as i know or have seen out / setting up.

i havnt said any are good or shit but these are that run! tbh ppl moan at KF, CM, saying we are shit ect but we dont run a set group we just a buntch of m8s who play for fun we take whos online and guildes then we go to alliance / other friends to fill our spots!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Prothoe said:
the obvious difference is no one really cares what happens on bridges/towers/keeps hmm? who the fuck goes to these areas expecting a "fair" fight? its pretty much a free for all and very much a grey area regarding "adding" if we run from beno over oce bridge and see randoms fighting and a 1v1 in the middle, 99% of the time we will pass them and let them get on with it, imo anything within 500-1k units of a tower/keep is fair game to be added on if people are sieging etc, 10k+ or so away from these area is a nono to add on (unless its some FH organised mass rvr event)

there are no grey areas regarding adding, adding is adding and the fact that it is near a bridge or keep or whatever doesnt make it a slight bit better at all

Prothoe said:
please :) and you dont have to answer this, but if you were offered to play+win for cash in a fg v fg for say 15k euro or something, how many would pick an alb fg?

that would pretty much depend on what class i want to play and what class/realm my teammates want to play. but i wouldnt have a problem at all with alb if the team wants to play there. maybe ask some AD/PE ppl if they think alb is weaker than the other realms. in a long ago past they were weaker, no doubt but that has changed alot when toa came out. nowadays its just bollox to say that mid/hib are stronger.

Prothoe said:
strange because im sure i saw the movie of Our Group adding on anything and everything during a Mastade fh raid and it seemed like they were having fun
No disrespect to them, they were imo the strongest and most honourable set group ever to run on excal/pry and certainly not a guild that could be named as an "adding" guild, but can you seriously say there is 1 guild that has never added on people during a siege?

Prothoe said:
imo anything within 500-1k units of a tower/keep is fair game to be added on if people are sieging etc, 10k+ or so away from these area is a nono to add on (unless its some FH organised mass rvr event)

you answered that question yourself in the same post i guess, think i never ever saw OG add on anything in a normal RvR night


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
there are no grey areas regarding adding, adding is adding and the fact that it is near a bridge or keep or whatever doesnt make it a slight bit better at all

daoc_xianghua said:
pug´s and normal gg´s might do that, there i agree. the _good_ groups wont

i really dont understand what you fail to understand, perhaps something is lost in translation if english is not your first language.. i dont know, but its impossibly stupid to say the "_good_ groups wont add" in a siege area when probably the best set group ever on excal/pry Our Group actually made a video of adding in a siege enviorment

I am ONLY talking about adding in a siege area k?

I hate to use OG's name in the same post as "adding" but its the best example i can give to you of a _good_ group that adds in siege enviroment, do you understand?

daoc_xianghua said:
think i never ever saw OG add on anything in a normal RvR night

agreed 100% although i never implied they did


Feb 22, 2006
Cromcruaich said:
Where have BDC and Asylum got to? And its great to see CM getting stuck into fg fights. Time to give em a bit of a break over the AC and adding ribbing they always receive. Time to give encouragement and a bit of respect rather than taking the piss all the time.

pretty sure asylum went camlann

if people came back to cluster from camlann it would be much better imo even though i have group on camlann waiting for others to finish pve mode :E


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, had a think and i believe the wrong question is being asked. A better question would be are any Alb groups improving?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2005
Lethul said:
zorena would make it 5, im taking about the more "recent" AD :p

so much cool talk on here, but what about the ingame sexyness?


Nov 28, 2004
tribute said:
Is there any _good_ alb grp active?

PE aint active from what I heard, AD aint huh? dunno any others, good ones..
Don't think there is any good alb grps, and as never ever been 1:p

ps...roll mid make whorelock :) join the Clan:flame:


>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
ad was only _goot kroop_ when they had 6 relix imo! :wub:

but seriously, ad and pe have ran with many different shapes, setups and players over the past years. some harder then others, but always a challenge. next to that i was always impressed by terror inc / boys dont cry but my guildm8s laughed at me for it. :( this was when they were very low rr still, but put up a good fight regardless.

groups like FL, AC and Asylum have always been a notch lower then those above, but good groups regardless. then a few notches lower is Synergy, Kupo Flux, Gobo's groups / CM, and so on. hope none take offense, but thats my opinion from playing with OG / DH the past year+.
as for active groups right now, i don't really have a clue, but felt like writing something! :D

when u are from the hill u can see people down there so small tell me 1 rr8 rr9 peep from always been in our group or dem hibbies plz ? no? thought so ....

realm rank doesnt matter and crap not when ur group is over rr11 gods shake

and all are elder titled experienced players :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
A CM member trying to justify adding in certain area.... shocking! xD
Adding is adding no matter where you add and the only reason people do it is cause they care more about rps than they do about fair fights. :)
Most groups avoid adding no matter where the fight is, blaming 'siege areas' or 'irvr' or whatever for adding is just a poor excuse for wanting easy rps. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
>.< Pooned said:
when u are from the hill u can see people down there so small tell me 1 rr8 rr9 peep from always been in our group or dem hibbies plz ? no? thought so ....

realm rank doesnt matter and crap not when ur group is over rr11 gods shake

and all are elder titled experienced players :p

for some strange reason i horribly fail to see your point, try again. i never even mentioned realmranks, it was just my opinion on strength of albgroups.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Septina said:
A CM member trying to justify adding in certain area.... shocking! xD
Adding is adding no matter where you add and the only reason people do it is cause they care more about rps than they do about fair fights. :)
Most groups avoid adding no matter where the fight is, blaming 'siege areas' or 'irvr' or whatever for adding is just a poor excuse for wanting easy rps. :)
Sometimes it can't be avoided tho, as some groups just make it impossible for you not to add. It's easy for a group to run around on, say, the bridges leading to Agramon, and then moaning when they get added on even tho the adding group would've most likely got damaged/cc'ed or whatever simply by leaving them alone and passing by. And then there's the adding out of revenge, after having been added on by a group, which certain groups seem consider justified, aswell as getting added on when farming from the zerg in certain area's, which might only be part of the zerg defending itself while being farmed. Then again, you could blame them for zerging in that case :d


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Sollers said:
so much cool talk on here, but what about the ingame sexyness?

are you saying i miss ingame sexyness?
fyi i dont miss any sexyness at all! except yours <3


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
tribute said:
for real?

Madi's degree of subtle sarcasm has breached the ordinary boundaries of reliant internet communication. However that was quite obviously sarcastic :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
swords said:
Hmm, had a think and i believe the wrong question is being asked. A better question would be are any Alb groups improving?

I am a one man army !


Loyal Freddie
Sep 23, 2004
Edlina said:
Madi's degree of subtle sarcasm has breached the ordinary boundaries of reliant internet communication. However that was quite obviously sarcastic :(

repping this sentence for some badass english :D

and about the post i think that FL pugs are funniest/hardest alb grps to fight atm


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Cloudz said:
Cant say I ever rated Terror Inc that great, but didnt play against them much.

And BDkite was what made people cry so much about caster grps, running half of across agramon etc ;p

not exactly a good grp. although they did it well :)

hehe you do know that those two guild are kinda the same guild. with some smaller class changes and obvious name.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Cloudz said:
Cant say I ever rated Terror Inc that great, but didnt play against them much.

And BDkite was what made people cry so much about caster grps, running half of across agramon etc ;p

not exactly a good grp. although they did it well :)

such a silly post - there is only one true way to judge how good a group is, and that's by playing with them. you can also judge how well a group performs in rvr by having played against them, but this is also partly based on the setup, rather then just personal skill + teamwork.

my memory is kinda shit, but i don't recall you ever playing with or against bdc. :p

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