another success for the trolls of midgard



Originally posted by Khalen
At least you made it easier to raid all 3 relics now ;)

We Middies are realistic. We know that no realm is geared up to defend effectively against a post midnight relic raid conducted by 50 or so high levels. Thats life.

Where the difference lies between Middies and Albs is in our refusal to conduct raids of this nature. (I'll excuse Hibs from this comparison as they are relatively new to the relic raiding scene). Why, you may ask? Simply because we like to feel a sense of achievement. All the relic raids I have either led or been involved in in some small way have been conducted in the early evenings weekdays or daytime/early evening weekends. (OK so my Word Cup Final affair was a tad on the unethical side...but then I am a heartless sadistic bastard).

Now no doubt us Middies will wake up one morning in the next few days to find 1, 2 or even 3 of the strength relics gone from Upplands. Live with it guys and dont let it get you down.Personally, I wouldn't have the audacity or be prepared to suffer the embarrassment and humiliation of posting about a successful post-midnite raid on these forums - because it carries a zero credibility rating. And I think the majority of my fellow Middies are of the same opinion.

Someone a while back defined the different realms (an Alb I think). Here's my view for what its worth:

Middies: Can take relics at any time they wish.
Albs: Can't
Hibs: Have potential...must do better.

Btw...grats to the Albs on slaying the dragon :clap:


Originally posted by Killgorde

Personally, I wouldn't have the audacity or be prepared to suffer the embarrassment and humiliation of posting about a successful post-midnite raid on these forums - because it carries a zero credibility rating.

Thats another one added to my wanker list


Originally posted by -Light-

Thats another one added to my wanker list

Err...probably not the first wanker's list I've been added to by a long way...but I'll survive ;)


It's scary that you can do this in broad daylight, gratz.

But unlike a 2am raid your achievement here was what? You killed half of the 700ppl on Albion at the time? Held back our masses at Castle Sauvage? Dazzingly broke through MMG in HW? No wait you didn't, you did admittedly a fast and effective raid but I count 2 slain Albs during all raid and 1 was my lvl30 caster alt standing at MMG to see my relic pass. Yes there were 700 albs on, there was a large risk involved should you get detected and that makes it more exciting, but what it comes down to is that because of luck you weren't detected, I alone can point to atleast 4 single events that randomly fell in your favour.

I could get started on how poor it is of Albion to not have anyone watching the frontier, but that's an extension of so many things and an issue for me to rant about elsewhere. Fact is you beat NPCs, 3 doors and lady fortune.


No, they beat the 700 people on Albion at the time. The fact that they caught you with your pants down - as they did to us - just adds glory to their victory.

Raiding at 5am when there are 30 enemies online guarantees that you will not have to face them. You get the relic, fair play, but you get neither glory nor respect.


Originally posted by lofff
ROFL :eek6:

somebody stop tha middie scum! we're runnig oorelics sooner or later! then theyll want our wifes and children!

Hehe :)


My initial impression was that they beat all of us on too, but coming to think of it I just don't find it true. Too many of these people walk around Albion without a care in the world, assuming someone else checks relics, that's our problem but hardly a victory for someone else?

That our regular relic scouts have IRL issues, that fortune favoured them in at what times people were there, it just doesn't make it a victory as such. Fortune favours the bold I guess.


20% melee dmg bonus= sweet/fast xp

Thanks to all the guys who made this possible for us lowbies, making the most of it while i can :)

42 Skald


You don't get any relic bonus in PvE against mobs. Only in RvR against us.


bummer, was told we did....

ahh well, best go and find someone to hit in emain then :)


And I think you only get 10 % against albs and 10 % against hibs?

Zag Barr

You caught us off guard - even with our pants down, if you wish to put it that way :). You executed the raid professionally and quick in main hours - grats for all that and well done.

Please cut all the other bullshit.

There hasn't yet been a successfull relic raid against Albion, when the invading army got spotted. Don't brag about defeating Albion, until the day you manage to take a defended relic.

And yes +20% melee damage hurts - enjoy while it lasts :D


Oh well just means we have got to take it back

Let the ping pong of relics once again commence


sure, sure, sure none has ever ever taken a relic from albion when they have been spoted. but what's the point??? They beated you ALL by NOT BEEING SPOTED. Face it, prime time succeded Relic Raids meaning not getting spoted to early:

Middyland: 2
Hibernia: 0
Albania: 0


Oh they feel high now not beinging spotted and taking a relic.

I ask all the Hibs to join in and get some relics back :) Let's kick some Mid butts so we can brag again :p

(I think I go play my alternate chars ;))


Originally posted by Khalen
I ask all the Hibs to join in and get some relics back :) Let's kick some Mid butts so we can brag again :p Alb-Hib alliance....interesting concept ;)


The thing i think mids are proud of that we got the relic within around 10mins. And as for someone saying that no one has ever got a defended Alb Relic, well i dont think anyone has got a defended Relic have they?

Also Light if you feel left you, i can put you on my wankers list, sure you will fit if just right :cool:


Putting aside all the "debates"

We still have A Glorious Golden Hammer, a scabby scabbard and a rust ridden spear, last 2 items i've skiffed btw :)

(FYI, scabbard holds 2.1gallons of wee-wee)


now please all you albion expers give me and Anubis a quick 'thanks' for telling army to hold and wait till you re past. didn t want you to be stampeded by 90 norse.

especially the cute sorc soloing at 40.51k pennine and Link and team.

hey! we saved your lives! feeling grateful?^^

Finster, <Nolby Pride>


Woohoo I am on a wankers list and release ur on mine! WOO

And huma behave haha


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
3 rams on Outer door. 5-6 on middle and 5-6 on Inner.

And just a comment for Etha, don't steal our rams. Maybe Dragons of the North doesn't know how to make quality rams, but that doesn't give U the right to steal a "Masterpiece" White Rose ram :p

hehe sorry about that, It was your ram I was using after all,
was my first time making a ram and it popped right in front of me, so I thought it was mine, then got to the next door and realised I still had all the materials :)


That raid was over before it started it seemed to me :D

Thanks to Wrathofgod i didn't have to stay behind and suffer from total boredom :sleeping:


/Me looks at the camelot chronicles from my vacation house, smiles and cheers at the brave midgardians.
Well done folks, im looking forward to get back 2 DaoC in August, and join your hunt once again.


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