another stupid cleric



Originally posted by old.Cordain

Why should I ? I mean they do get money from me in exchange for the services. Not my fault they didnt study hard enough and ended up in a crappy job.

No I dont get that many rez's but thats because I really dont need them. I am much better player than most so I dont get killed that often.

Why is it that words like arrogant, ignorant, ill mannered, rude, and tosser, spring to mind?


Originally posted by old.Cordain

Why should I ? I mean they do get money from me in exchange for the services. Not my fault they didnt study hard enough and ended up in a crappy job.

No I dont get that many rez's but thats because I really dont need them. I am much better player than most so I dont get killed that often.

Thanking people is a simple courtesy that is expected of people in most cultures. You are either the worst kind of scum ever to exist, or a troll with nothing better to do.

Oh, and rezzing is not a job, it's a hobby (we don't get paid for it). Unlike healing (which is our job) where we get paid (in loot and exp) 'cause we're in the group.


Any wizard that hasn't learned to control his aggro to some extent by lvl 25 is going to be a liability..

Note to wizards: don't use your biggest spells - use the little ones that are lower level than your focus stave.

and ffs wait till the tanks have hit it a few times :)

This way you will
A: not die
B: do damage for the whole fight (instead of the first 10 seconds whilst the monster charges up to you and splats you)
C: not drain all the healer's mana in three seconds (assuming he has the lightning-reflexes to heal you)
D: Have a lot more mana yourself
(as the focused spells cost bugger all mana)

It can be hard judging it right - too much damage you die, too little damage and the monster doesn't die fast enough = healer out of mana/dead tanks.

But if you stick to smaller DD nukes you might live to tell the tale.

Brannor McThife

Well, I love healers. And I will continue to draw aggro no matter what, so long as the healers live. I've played a druid. And one thing you learn as a druid that solo's. Is stand as far away from your fighting pet as possible...lessens the chance of aggro.

But, there are occasions, like last night, where just about no reaction time in the world can save you. I took a double hit from a Drakulv Executioner...I was fully buffed, and had aggro. He hit me for 750 and 650, after just having hit me for 400. That left me with an empty health bar and aggro. Well, I did what a tank does best. Hit him again and laughed in the face of death. Then got hit for 550 and promptly gave the groan.

Hell, I laughed. Nothing like watching an almost full health bar of 1800+ hps drop to empty in a split second. Pretty sure that had that hit gone against any other tank there, they'd have died from it. But the healers rezzed me, and I was back in there again slapping them while my rez illness went away.

Many of you know Twiz, and only once has he died before me. There have been many times where we both died. But my obligation to my healer, is that I die first. Now it doesn't matter anymore since he hit 50 (ya bastard). But we had an understanding. When I say RUN...he'd give me one last heal and bolt. Why? because he is THE most valuable member of a party. I don't care what anybody says. But in a major bad pull in Malm, healers get told to disband, RUN for a bit (you've been in combat...blah blah blah) then log. Or just simply log straight away.

In the end, I don't care what non-healer class you play. You can't get jack shit XP without healers. Anyone verbally abusing a healer goes on my list of people NOT to help...I'll stand by and watch them die and then jump on their corpses.



Originally posted by old.Cordain

Why should I ? I mean they do get money from me in exchange for the services. Not my fault they didnt study hard enough and ended up in a crappy job.

No I dont get that many rez's but thats because I really dont need them. I am much better player than most so I dont get killed that often.

Originally posted by nerys-wychhazel

Why is it that words like arrogant, ignorant, ill mannered, rude, and tosser, spring to mind?

... i think it might be because the person who posted that is arrogant, ignorant, ill-mannered and rude......

...oh....and also most likely a tosser;)


Originally posted by Alrindel
There have been times, playing my alt bard, when i wished there was a /finger command... :rolleyes:

there is ...


hope this one works in the forums ...


About thanking ppl after rezz:
I appriciate ppl that is thanking me after a outside-group-rezz (they should) since i did not get anything for doing it. In rvr i still appriciate a "thx" but it doesn't feel nessesary (especially at keepraids where everyone doing something for the realm). When grouping though, it mostly anoying since we're hunting as a group and should wait for all members to be ready. As a rezzer in a group it's a responsibility to rezz group-ppl, unless they're in really dangerous places where it only would result in additional deaths.

And to those who sends "REZZ PLZ1!!!" cross-zones: Just forget it :)
Being polite when asking for a rezz (even when within "rezz-range") doesn't hurt you, i promise. In fact it might motivate the rezzer to do it since you at least were polite. ;P


Why should I ? I mean they do get money from me in exchange for the services. Not my fault they didnt study hard enough and ended up in a crappy job.
I am much better player than most so I dont get killed that often.

I love how easy it is to bait arrogant immature people! It's just so easy to get them to dig themselves deeper and deeper.:p this is the most fun thread I've read for a long time and my main is a healer.


Hi everyone, well, I've been playing DAOC for about 2 months now and my main character is a Cleric on Excalibur.
He's currently 10th lvl (½way to 11th).

And even tho I've experienced a few cases of the above abuses.

In general, (apart from one particularly rude group which really laid on the abuse in Swedish, which they thought I couldn't understand....I can...after which I disbanded pretty quickly.) the groups I've been a member of have been pretty cool, Usually protecting me as they ought to so I can heal people.

As regards healing people all the time if they request it..
Well, if someone needs a heal or rezz in teh group, no probs.
If I see someone pretty close to me needing a heal or rezz I'll probably do it if I'm not busy with something else..

But one thing I've noticed is sometimes, when I see someone fighting a creature solo and I see they getting low on hits, I then healed them up, only to be told to stop leaching?!

By healing someone else (not in group) am I leaching XP...
I didn't think so...
Anyway this has happened several times now, so I generally don't heal people not in my group or buff them unless they ask now...


You do leech exp with heals, as heals are treated as aggro during a fight. So if you heal someone for 200hp during a fight, this counts as 200dmg done to the mob when the exp is shared out.

I have been flamed by people several times when I have healed them during a fight because I felt they might die. It seems the majority of people would rather risk death than lose a small amount of exp and remain alive. Now, I always ask before I heal, and if I get no response I will happily watch them die then ask them if they need a res (oddly, they always respond to that question :p)

Brannor McThife

Yeah Ches. I often see people in fights that I can see they're going to lose. But I just walk up, stand next to them, and take the time to type "You need help?". Often I get no response. All it takes is a /y and I'll hit the mob for all I'm worth. I think a lot of people need to start using /y.

I was in a dungeon in my early days in Hibernia, and one guy, insisted on constantly healing me in combat. Be it a grey or green or whatever. When asked to stop, he switched to Spanish and continued to do so. This went on for days, with the end result I had no other option but to report him for harassment.

There are many ways people leech XP. Healing is one of them, and though the intent is often good, there are those that do it just to get the XP. I mean, archers can do it in Malm, so many people fighting it, that probably, nobody will notice that arrows in the mob.

A polite word to the leecher should be sufficient. I've had people heal me on deaths door and more than willing give them 5-20g for saving me the time and XP.

Something else you need to be aware of. If you're in a group, and you heal a soloer, you place the "Curse of BAF" on him. I.e. If he's attacking social mobs, he'll get quite a few adds with his next pull.



Thanx for the info...

Well, looks like it's the best thing to do then to only heal/buff in group..

I can't really be bothered, following people around or walking up to them to ASK of they want ot be healed etc..
So I'd rather continue with the no out of group heal strategy from now on...


Originally posted by danskmacabre

Well, looks like it's the best thing to do then to only heal/buff in group..

Well, buffs/debuffs doesn't seem to draw agro/leech xp at all so feel free to buff ppl/debuff their mobs :)
Btw, health-regens (the ones not requiring that you are grouped) is a buff, not a heal :)
(those statements are based on my own experience so i might be wrong)


OK, interesting..

I get requests for Buffs from people quite frequently anyway, especially at the common meeting points (prydwen bridge, cots etc)....So my Concentration points for buffs is usually running on maximum.
That being the case, I usually don't bother buffing people who don't ask anyway, as people seem to ask pretty quick if they want a buff.

Having recently made it to lvl10, I've found that I get requests to join parties quite freqently...obviously because of now having the rezz. Pretty useful for me this spell and ensures that I'm almost always in a party if I want to be in one.

I get given magical items by extremely high level characters more frequently lately for no apparent reason...they just walk up and give me items...kinda odd, but nice anyway.

BTW, my Cleric's name is Cambrensis
So if you see me online (I'll be online tonight....) say hello, if you can be bothered..


Erm having experimented with this a bit, a friend and I were both fairly sure that if you are being healed by a non grouped cleric it doesn't leech XP from the total you should recieve, unless that cleric is considerably higher level.

We checked and it -seemed- that the xp the healer recieved was a bonus and didn't touch the xp from the combatant.

This could have been wrong, I guess, just thought i'd mention what we found.

Lvl 46+ Infiltrator
The Order of The Knights Templar

Brannor McThife

Yeah Jadow. I think that's how it worked up till today. ;)

Think the patch changes that and when working out XP, groups everyone and then devides. Should prove interesting for epic zone where you have 2 groups.

Also, if you play a class with stuns, mezzes, etc. Things that do not deal damage or heal, you can assist and not leech. But I still think this made affect the BAF code. Will have to check on this.


Roo Stercogburn

casters should NOT nuke the mob until imo the mob is at least 3/4 hp so hopefully not to draw aggro onto himself .


General rule of thumb is that if your dd spell will do more damage than the combined damage that has currently been done to the mob you got instant and deadly agro. A lot of casters forget they have smaller dd spells on their list as well as their top-of-the-line planet busting nuke, which can be used sooner in a fight if thats what they want to do.
Casters that don't adhere will get their groups killed, but then I guess you didn't need the xp or future groups that much anyway ;)

Occasionally caster has to peel mob from healer if they get agro as tanks are fully engaged or that bit further away (caster usually at back of group near healer). Caster dies 2/5 times (maybe mez fails or you have to use dd to get agro and when the tanks finally arrive they can't get agro off you). I usually try to position myself where I can easily see the healer if possible so can react fast to healer agro, but far enough away so that tanks have a chance to intercept once I get aforementioned agro :)
Deal with it and move on. Healer survives, group survives. You make the xp back quick with a good group so no point in worrying/moaning about it. Most already know this, not trying to teach to suck eggs or anything :)

Its a team thing, everyone should do their bit. The whingers and moaners tend not to be team players and are xp munchers with no thought for other players ;)


Players in difficulties

This is a tough one for all healing classes really.

Usually it is a bit obvious when someone is going to bite the dust, so what I do is use the very smallest heals possible for them to survive the fight (thus taking the very least xp). I explain this to them before I get any bad flack, then give them a full heal after it is over.

I don't think I have ever had a bad reaction to it, given the explanation that goes with it, and most if not all are really grateful.


Originally posted by old.cerebus
Your job is to rez and heal ANYBODY who needs it.
Yeah right, I delibratley ignore folk like that, now a nice bit of rp/politeness or an offer of gold then maybe - but to taken for granted is damn right rude.
Had it many times, just come down to the deepest part of the dungeon and rez me plz me and m' group have just been wiped out by a bunch of mobs - jeepers if a group can't stay alive down there how does a healer? one will never know.

Oh I rez me friends and guild members if near - I'm no meanie :p


Originally posted by galdora
I love how easy it is to bait arrogant immature people! It's just so easy to get them to dig themselves deeper and deeper.:p this is the most fun thread I've read for a long time and my main is a healer.

Why on earth did you roll a healer if your top priority at all times is not rezing, buffing and healing other people ? Healers are useless classes anyway so why waste a slot when you dont even play the character like it should be ? I mean I can understand caster little bit because they do atleast minimal damage in RvR but healers are totally useles. Not only do I have to run and protect the healers when they refuce to stay hidden and wait for rez call but I should thank them too ?! OMG


Dont Stereotype classes

People play how they want to, no?


I wouldnt want to go in your troll chain, so sweaty in there i bet


Originally posted by old.Cordain
Why on earth did you roll a healer if your top priority at all times is not rezing, buffing and healing other people ? Healers are useless classes anyway so why waste a slot when you dont even play the character like it should be ? I mean I can understand caster little bit because they do atleast minimal damage in RvR but healers are totally useles. Not only do I have to run and protect the healers when they refuce to stay hidden and wait for rez call but I should thank them too ?! OMG

What a bizarre post..
The cleric I run happens to be a Rezz Cleric, but some people play smite clerics which do quite well in their own way..
Even so, healing may be my top priority...But it's not my chars meaning in life to heal everyone no matter what.
I now heal in group and if someone asks me outside group....
As to Healers being useless...Well, I do SOME soloing as well and do quite well actually..using the farily limited smite from range and my reasonable combat skills..

And as far as a group Char class goes...Just try and run a party without some sort of healer.
They're not only good for healing, I quite often end up pulling monsters from range and I can save people's butts in combat when my PP's run out as well.

As to your blanket statement about healers refusing to STAY hidden...AS I've pointed out, healers can fight as well.

And yeah, it's nice to get a Thanx from people I heal (which 99% of them do)..the same as I thank fighters (or whatever) when they save my butt in some situations.
It's just polite and doesn't take a second or two.


Okay, my first flame ever, but i just can't tolerate such arrogance :p

Originally posted by old.Cordain
Why on earth did you roll a healer if your top priority at all times is not rezing, buffing and healing other people ?
- At tricky places or cross-zones (run 10 minutes to reach, then 10 minutes to get back) you really shouldn't ask a healer to come (unless he/she already heading that way). ppl don't want to risk their lifes not gaining anything, instead might lose xp when die trying.
- Buffing isn't any problem until the healer got a own group to buff. If you ask a soloing healer you'll prolly get some buffs.
- If a healer isn't in your group you shoudn't expect much. Since it is almost forbidden to heal ppl in combat that will be a problem but it's solved by a quick /y :p
Originally posted by old.Cordain Healers are useless classes anyway so why waste a slot when you dont even play the character like it should be ?
Oookay... so now healers are useless too... maybe mythic should remove them? :p
Originally posted by old.Cordain I mean I can understand caster little bit because they do atleast minimal damage in RvR but healers are totally useles.
yeah, buffs/heal/rezz/root/stun/mezz/whatever sux! (sorry trying too talk about healers generally)
Originally posted by old.Cordain Not only do I have to run and protect the healers when they refuce to stay hidden and wait for rez call but I should thank them too ?! OMG
No comment on that one since i've only played bard that more or the less should be quiet near the front to get their mezzes in.

But... just of curiosity what class are you? Archer-type? Seems too me that your opinion is that healers are not even worth a shit...


Any chance of someone changing cerebus's title to 'Lame Troll, ignore' :) (instead of Brentford resident or whatever)

trollin trollin trollin... trollin trollin trollin... flame war!

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