Another BIG Alliance!!!

  • Thread starter old.CrazyMuppet
  • Start date


It has been a while since Albion United was founded and it looks like that alliance has matured and is ready for large scale action. There are however certain limitations that prevent Albion United to become even bigger than they already are.

First, there is the limitation in the number of guilds that can actually join the alliance and it seems that Albion United has reached that number or is close to it. This leaves a LOT of guilds that would like to join the alliance, but can't.

Second, Albion United might not *always* be capable of successfully defending against attacks. It is a big task for the leaders of the alliance to arrange an attack or mount a defense force and it takes lots of energy and logistics.

And last but not least, creating structure in the realm is a very difficult task and is an always ongoing process and takes lots of effort. Due to the limitation in guilds per alliance you can only structure up to a certain point.

This is why our guild, The Ministry, in cooperation with a few other guilds have decided to make an effort in creating a second big alliance.

The goals of this alliance would be similar to the goals of Albion United, and if it is possible, would cooperate together with Albion United.

There are guilds who have already shown interest and the alliance will be formed. This thread is to make the decision to make another as-big-as-possible alliance public to everyone and to measure the interest and enthusiasm that may exist among the guilds not in Albion United.

We are not interested in taking (leeching) guilds from Albion United. We are interested to join guilds who are still without an alliance, or are in a small and limited alliance.

So by all means: If you are a GM or a guild Trustee and are interested in joining, or if you want to express your thoughts about a 2nd big alliance, please post or contact anyone in <The Ministry> ingame.

As a conclusion i would like to make the point clear again that we are not set to try and compete with Albion United, but the goal would be to co-operate. Perhaps if the time is right and this effort succeeds we could set up semi-formal communication lines.


I think it sounds like a brilliant idea to be honest!

The more the merrier when it comes to keep defense

To be honest I am really proud to be part of Albion now, we really have pulled together as a realm and its soooo wicked to see on alliance chat when things happen and everyone rallies together!

Zag Barr

In this game, there is hardly ever a problem with us being to many - it's always about being not enough. There is so many of those enemies out there!!!

A second alliance will be great - all the best luck for you :)


This is why our guild, The Ministry, in cooperation with a few other guilds have decided to make an effort in creating a second big alliance.

Indeed. Thanks for putting into eloquent wordsthe concepts of the last week or so :)

So by all means: If you are a GM or a guild Trustee and are interested in joining, or if you want to express your thoughts about a 2nd big alliance, please post or contact anyone in <The Ministry> ingame.

My chars (see bottom) are in game a lot this week, I may be AFK but I will reply to any messages with reference to this.

the.ministry is enjoying itself in the 20-24 BG ;0 there will be hotpix posted soon of the taking of the keep at the 2nd try :)
Many thanks to all who turned up :)

GM, The Ministry

Styxx - L42 PBT theurg
Sputum - L41 Scout (resting a bit)
alien - L22ish Infiltrator (many thanks to Light - you are a star :)
Ioxaus - L20 Cleric (non smiter! w00t!)


Well, my guild is currently part of a 5 guild alliance that is growing every so often, the alliance includes ourselves, The Dead Dragons Society, ASq, The Merry Men and the Art of War.

Ergo we have a reasonable alliance base now :)



The Dragon Fighters are up for this new alliance, please join us.

GM of <The Dragon-Fighters>


A second alliance is a wonderful idea - gives us a perfect opportunity to field 2 independent armies simultaneously.


Result after the first day

Ok, yesterday evening i got a lot of questions ingame about how this will be arranged.

The intention is to get a list of guilds wanting to join first. After this, we will formalize it and sort out all the details.

There are quite a few GM's that made their intention of wanting to join clear, but wanted to discuss it with their guildmembers first, so i won't mention them here yet.

There is also a number of guilds who have already said yes and will be in the alliance. These are (in random order) :

<Forgotten Few>
<The Corporation>
<The Dragon-Fighters>
<Phoenix Guard>
<The Ministry>

This is a good result, after 1 night of talks.

We do hope the number of guilds willing to join us will grow further, so don't hesitate to state your interest if you have any.


As of this moment, the alliance has been formed!!!

The name is short and sweet:


More info later.


Great!!! Nice to see more and more of Albion come together and cooperate.

Proud member of Albion United

Zag Barr

Somebody contacted me last night about forming a communications line between the two alliances.

Unfortunately this happend, when I was just organizing a raid, and had three busy chats and lots of tells. I completely lost track of this particular conversation and might have seemed a little rude, by not answering.

Be asured - I just had so many things at hand, that I plain forgot to answer - and might even have missed a tell or two.

So please post here, how you think we can achieve good communications between those 2 alliances - we all think it's a good idea - of course :)


Heh, it was me actually that contacted you... and no, you didnt seem rude at all. :)

The fact is, i was pretty swamped myself because lots of people were messaging me about how the alliance works and if they could join it, so no harm done. :)

My suggestion:

Appoint 4 liaison officers per alliance. that would make the total of liaison officers 8. The names of the 4 in Albion United should be known in the Fellowship and vice versa. If one of the alliances would plan a large scale attack they could inform the other alliance through the liaison officers. And just before the attack perhaps a CG could be made which would include persons from both alliances. In a large scale attack, the alliances could have different primary tasks.

For example:

A possible hypothetical offensive cooperation:

A raid on either a mid or a hib relic is planned. Both the alliances take 1 normal keep simultaneously (so 2 keeps at once). After the 2 keeps are conquered, 1 alliance goes for the relic keep, while the other alliance works on taking the other keeps. When the enemy realises they are losing all their keeps it would be too late to mount a defense, because the other alliance has been banging on the relic doors for awhile already.

A possible hypothetical defensive cooperation:

In the event Albion has been attacked and keeps are taken, and relic doors are down/damaged, one alliance could focus on defending the relic and repairing the doors, while the other alliance could focus on reclaiming our lost keeps and hunt the enemy down.

Dragon raid:

Speaks for itself... it's time the dragon dies... 1 alliance pounding on the dragon and the other killing giants and the uber giants that come when dragon is low on health, would be a possible plan.

These were just a few of the ideas that were mentioned among the guilds the past few days.

Now we're very curious how Albion United would think about this.

In a posting later today or tonight (if and when time permits) i will make a posting adding the names of the guilds in the alliance...


The Humberton Guard would like to pledge itself to the Fellowship to aid the defence of our realm.

Either myself or another Guard officer will present themselves shortly.


We are members of a little alliance. Is a spanish alliance and is working well because it allows us to work together and have a lot of fun.

We don´t want to break our alliance but working with the big alliances would be nice. A third little force who can help in all u need (well not all but almost :))

For the Glory of Albion !! :p


What is the limit on guilds within an alliance?

My guild is presently allied with another guild but I will discus this new big alliance with them assuming there would be space for us to join you!?


CrazyMuppet, with regards to your suggestions, that sounds like a VERY good idea.

Our alliance would probably follow with this as well. Can you please contact myself when we're next online? I'm never anon. I'll put forward the ideas to the alliance leader, Draven of the Dead Dragons Society. You may wish to contact him also if you catch him online.



Originally posted by old.Spanjab
What is the limit on guilds within an alliance?

My guild is presently allied with another guild but I will discus this new big alliance with them assuming there would be space for us to join you!?

20 guilds per alliance



My GM asked me to post for the guild because she is having problems getting her old login back for this forum :(.
We the chosen would be glad if we could help out in the alliance.
people that can be contacted about it are Grimbo Neon Ayane Ambeon and myself.
We are maybe not the biggest guild but we fight for every milimeter :D


:clap: AoP is in :) can someone post the current guilds in it, or is it growing too quickly, lol ?

we got an allience webby yet?



The guilds currently in the alliance are:

<Forgotten Few>
<The Corporation>
<The Dragon-Fighters>
<Phoenix Guard>
<The Ministry>
<Avengers of Pendragon>

Guilds who are in the queue of getting joined:

<Eternal Knights>
<The Humberton Guard>
<The Chosen>

And some guilds who haven't been clear about their name...

Now, our first priority is sorting out guilds that want to join the alliance. After that our priority is sorting out communications with Albion United. After that has been settled we could have a look if it's possible to communicate with more other alliances and how that would be done.

We're still taking in guilds (we have about 10 now and we will take in another 5-7 guilds) last few spots will be reserved for the reallyreally big guilds that may decide to join later. (this is based on the supposed limit of 20 guilds per alliance).

Some of the replies in this thread are like: 'Our guild would like to join', without actually saying which guild it is...

Some people have contacted me ingame about joining, and i have been very busy the last few days sorting out things. This may have resulted in slow replies or no replies at all. Don't let this influence you, just keep sending me once in awhile to remind me :)

Joining a guild in the alliance isn't my decision alone to make. Every night i (or other people who have been contacted) will state in alliance chat which guilds want to be joined and in cooperation with the GM's and guild officers a decision is made. Usually this will result in a guild being accepted unless 1 or more guilds in the alliance have a genuine problem with the candidate guild or if the alliance reaches the maximum number - 3.

Also keep in mind the alliance is still new and some guidelines have to still be set. We ask all the guilds to keep an open mind about this and try to make the alliance a tight, cooperating and happy alliance.

But as stands now, we're still open for business, so keep those applications coming. Don't wait too long, because there is a limit. :)


I personally like the idea but I'm going to have to speak to the other members of my guild and my alliance first, we're part of a small alliance between <Knights who say Ni>, <Order of the Azure Bonds>, <Blood Angels>, <Knights of the Rose> and I think <Righteous Bastards>.


discussions are currently underway, please add us to the 'maybe' list for now, if there is such a thing :)


I too, personally like the idea and will see if my guild likes it. (dark knights). If they do, we will ask our 2 allied guilds ( order of albion, red dragons) what they think. We are having a guild meeting at 2100 GMT, Sunday. It will be discussed there.
I hope it is not too late for us, if it is, I would like to suggest that we get a liason officer, who has access to the fellowships /asend.
This way, we will prolly do ok.


After the failed attempt to join Albion united, Red Devils would be happy to join the alliance!

Please tell me whom i should contact, or contact me ingame.

Cheers :)


Backing up what Wildfire said, personally I think it's a great idea, assuming there is room for all guilds in our small alliance (Righteous Bastards are not with us FYI Wildfire), I'm pretty sure <Order of the Azure Bonds> would love to join (have to have a guildmeeting about it first though).

Zag Barr

I don't know how far your alliance has come at this point, but we from <Albion United> want to insure cross-alliance communications is made as easy as possible.

To insure this, we make a thread here, where all guilds currently in AU post their guildnames and contact officers - if you don't reach any of the contact officers, you can still do a /who guild to find someone with /as rights.

Every guild in our alliance should have one guild in the new alliance to be it's main contact - this way we get to speak to the same people and thus get to know each others better over time.

Please check the thread I made for this purpose. Your contact officers should then contact ours - to establish comunications. Thx :)

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