Sport Andy Murray.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Am I the only one who hates this prick?

Now as many of our Scottish brothers on here know I really do like the Jocks, but oh my god I fucking hate Murray.

Its so pathetic how the Wimbledon crowd are cumming in their pants for him, he is not English he is Scottish, he's a fucking good Scottish tennis player.....not English. I wonder if the favour would be returned were it to be an English man playing a sport in Scotland, no of course bloody not because they know he is English and not Scottish.

At the start of his career he openly admitted he considered himself Scottish and not British or English but now he's making a shitload of money from the insane British tennis fans he has decided to be all patriotic towards Britain and has tried his best to lose his Scottish accent.

British means a lot to me until it comes to sport, if British is the case why isn't there a British football team?

God I hate the fuzzy haired **** and I hope he loses really quite soon.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Bang on mate. I hate him too. If he said he was British, no worries, we are all British, but he insists he's Scottish and hates the English, then wants the English crowd to cheer for him. Little man, hope he looses!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I was worried a thread about this might appear eventually.

and has tried his best to lose his Scottish accent

To be fair to him, he's from Dunblane which is quite a middle class area as far as Scottish cities go, so he is quite well spoken. Trem, also; there's nothing worse than the stereotypical "occhht aye, the nooo!" strongly spoken "Scottish footballer" accent, because a fair chunk of us don't actually sound anything like that and are more akin to Murray's accent.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
To be fair growing up in scotland we had to put up for so many years whenever a scottish athlete represented the UK it was blah blah for Great Britain, if it was an Englishman it was blah blah for England. so i understand why he said he was scottish

I'm scottish and so proud of it, but i also support England during football if they arent playing Scotland of cours


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
To be fair growing up in scotland we had to put up for so many years whenever a scottish athlete represented the UK it was blah blah for Great Britain, if it was an Englishman it was blah blah for England. so i understand why he said he was scottish

The reverse happens too. For example the winter olympics the curlers were always Scottish not British. Its silly to pay any attention to these things.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
perhaps when you are on one side of the fence you notice it more. Like when you see a few of the same car you start to notice them and realise there are alot more of that car in the road than any others, which there isnt its just you notice them


Dec 17, 2003
To be fair to him, he's from Dunblane which is quite a middle class area as far as Scottish cities go, so he is quite well spoken.

Dunblane being a city is only a technicality. It hardly qualifies as a town.

I'll not wade in on the rest of the subject.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
To be fair growing up in scotland we had to put up for so many years whenever a scottish athlete represented the UK it was blah blah for Great Britain, if it was an Englishman it was blah blah for England. so i understand why he said he was scottish

I'm scottish and so proud of it, but i also support England during football if they arent playing Scotland of cours

Thats what I mean though, like that Scottish bloke who pwned everyone at the olympics in the bike racing. Such a good bloke and amazing athlete, it would of annoyed me at the GB thing if I were Scottish. From an English point of view we say British when it suits us and English when it suits us as well.

We ARE all British but like I said when it comes to sport I think we should have seperate nations like in football.

But my main point is that Andy Murray is a complete cock wherever he's from.

This is NOT an anti Scot rant, G and Will know I love them both even though they are both rubbish at tennis....I imagine :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
I feel a bit sorry for him

he get's the most fucking patronising questions by the media.

yesterday he was asked how he graded his performance school grade wise so far. You could see he wanted to rip the reporters head off and shit down his neck.

He never asked to be installed as the next Tim Henman and tbh he's only answered the questions put to him with honesty.

I think the main thing is he doesn't give a shit if you like him or not - he just wants to win tennis. he is a damn fine tennis player too. having said that I do think he has all the charisma of a rotting haddock.

Personally I've given up basing my hopes on an English player winning wimbledon atm so I just want a very good player to win and to watch a very good game in hte process :D



Part of the furniture
Jan 1, 2004
He makes Nigel Mansel look like he has social skills. Whoopee if he's Scotish he's still boring as fk.


Dec 26, 2003
I supported him quite happily until his stupid comments at the World Cup where he said he'd support whatever team England were playing.

All he had to do was keep his mouth shut but he didnt - by making it an issue about nationality I can no longer support him - frankly I hope he goes out because I'm sick of him being presented as an english player.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I supported him quite happily until his stupid comments at the World Cup where he said he'd support whatever team England were playing.

All he had to do was keep his mouth shut but he didnt - by making it an issue about nationality I can no longer support him - frankly I hope he goes out because I'm sick of him being presented as an english player.

Lol - so when the other couple million scotts say it its fine, but when someone on tv says it its naughty? who gives a fuck which football team he supports. His mate probably bet him a pint he wouldnt say it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
God damn tennis screwing with the TV schedules and everything i now hate tennis and any semi successful UK player cause now center court has flood lights and a roof it goes on all frigging night

Sooner he gets knocked out the better tbh


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm a bit meh about Andy Murray. Not bothered either way.

What did amuse me about the Scots was the survey on the news this morning that shows that Scots would like the power to lower their taxes and raise spending but would still like to be part of the UK. I'm sure there's a connection there somewhere but can't figure out what it is :D


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm a bit meh about Andy Murray. Not bothered either way.

What did amuse me about the Scots was the survey on the news this morning that shows that Scots would like the power to lower their taxes and raise spending but would still like to be part of the UK. I'm sure there's a connection there somewhere but can't figure out what it is :D

If Scotland becomes independent, I'm out. You're not leaving me up here with these fucktards. *shakes fist*


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
As you can see from my avatar, I consider myself Welsh first, British second.
In the Rugby World Cup and other events where Wales has a presence, I'll be rooting for my home team.
If Wales doesn't have a presence, or they've been knocked out, I'll back one of the other UK nations. There's nothing discriminatory about it, it's purely down to patriotism for your home nation.

I'm hoping that Murray does go the whole distance and wins Wimbledon. So what if he's Scots. There aren't any Welsh or English tennis players of the same calibre and he's the first Brit in years to have a reasonable chance at the title.
Instead of knocking him for being Scot, why not back him as a Brit? :cheers:


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Instead of knocking him for being Scot, why not back him as a Brit? :cheers:

Because (like throd said) HE doesn't consider himself to be a Brit, he considers himself to be Scottish. If he said I am British then fair play but he has made it clear he wants no part of it.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
To be fair growing up in scotland we had to put up for so many years whenever a scottish athlete represented the UK it was blah blah for Great Britain, if it was an Englishman it was blah blah for England. so i understand why he said he was scottish

As a Welshman I've also noticed this over the years, but I take it as more of an issue with the London based media than anything else really, there's also the classic tagging to British when someone is winning only to be relabelled Welsh, Scottish Or N Irish once they lose.

Sometimes I wish some Scots would leave the whole anti English nonsense alone for a while, after all they did willingly join the union once England offered to bail them out of bankruptcy. Over all the Scots have gotten a bloody good run out the Union, only to lose sense of true history once they've watched Brave Heart and listened to a few ex-pat's living in America.

On the other side some of the English don't really help themselves, over the centuries most of my lot of learnt to laugh it the worst of them and humour the rest, the poor dears can get their knickers in a twist over the littlest thing these days.

It would also be a little daft for a Welshman to say he's not British, after all we were called British or Britons centuries before we took up using Cymry, even the English called us the Britons before before inventing the term Welsh.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Sometimes I wish some Scots would leave the whole anti English nonsense alone for a while, after all they did willingly join the union once England offered to bail them out of bankruptcy. Over all the Scots have gotten a bloody good run out the Union, only to lose sense of true history once they've watched Brave Heart and listened to a few ex-pat's living in America.

Oh please, someone delete this fucking pish.

This is what I was worrying would come out this thread; that someone was going to post this sort of shite eventually.

Trem, I appreciate this was about Andy Murray to start with, but I don't think any good is going to come of this thread.

Edit: anyone want a game of "how many posts is it going to be before someone mentions 'we're subsidising the scots' "?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
But we are :p

Anyway, on topic. Trem I can't stand the attitude you have displayed there. Listened to it all day from people wanting Murray to loose yesterday. Tennis does not recognise Scotland / Wales / England / NI as seperate bodies, therefore we have British players competing. IIRC the Lawn Tennis Association covers the UK, there is not a separate one for each country -so the funding for these players is centralised.

No one gives a shit in other sports when we are represented by people from all over the UK. Olympics for example.

Murray is a twat though, but at least he is not as one dimensional as Henman, but he is a twat representing British Tennis -there is no such thing as Scottish or English tennis.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
Oh please, someone delete this fucking pish.

This is what I was worrying about would come out this thread; that someone was going to post this sort of shite eventually.

Trem, I appreciate this was about Andy Murray to start with, but I don't think any good is going to come of this thread.

I said "some" and there are indeed some who go off the deep end, the problem is they're loud and vocal, and usually more than a little bit daft in the head. We've got our own versions floating around down here, fortunately most of ignored, the Scottish versions seem to get a little more press coverage and then we have a group of English who seem to over react in response.

No need to over react. to this shite as you put it.

The silly thing is Welsh, English, Scottish, Irish or Cornish. 80% or the indigenous population of the British Isles is genetically descended from the same Palaeolithic population, with a smaller Neolithic influx making up the last 20%. All the old ethnic groups in the UK are nothing more that remnants of different cultural shifts.

Edit: anyone want a game of "how many posts is it going to be before someone mentions 'we're subsidising the scots' "?

Actually your subsidising the Welsh atm, but we did build up credit during the 19th century.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Comes as no surprise. As I said on another thread, if you go into work on Monday morning and say you never had a drink at the weekend, they all look at you like you've got a serious social problem. The girls all talk about how utterly pissed they were, that they have no idea where they were and what they did and some bloke they shagged (probably unprotected).


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Never really considered Henman to be anything by British, and would get behind him - ditto with Greg Rusedski while we're at it (who's Canadian).

Never really considered Murray to be anything but British, even though he's from Scotland (and I'm from Edinburgh).

Never thought that this level of Nationalism would reach the sort of people who enjoy Tennis. There's never really been a 'Scottish' Tennis and an 'English' Tennis, just because we ALL EQUALLY fucking suck at Tennis.

I feel it's just an excuse to bring up thee old argument again, just to spoil what was an EPIC game last night. Brilliant players, the roof, the 5-set thriller!

Come on guys, let's get over it eh?



Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Time to take this thread off-topic onto something more important: Andy Murray's bird.





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