And for my next question....Money...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2005
What's the quickest and easiest way to make money...i have some thing like 46 silver and a cloth armor item my level is costing around 40 silver.



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
PM Beeks in game, he has like 500p or something, he will sort you out with some cash :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2005
I'd rather enjoy the game and make my own cash thanks :p


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Well in that case ok...

At your level you are never going to make money. You wont make enough to buy armour/staves and will have to rely on drops which u may or may not get. Its a vicious circle. Your grey armour means you die easy, but you need to be able to kill yellow/orange mobs to get armour for your level. I think i speak for 90% of the DAoC population when i say we relied on hand me downs and cash donations from guildies (hi anderud, Vindicator, Belomar!!). You would probably enjoy the game much more if you had decent armour/staves which can be bought from money donated from people in game. Im not talking massive amounts, just enough to get you some decent armour and staves :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
I think if you have the Catacombs expansion then you should be ok, kill mobs in the instance dungeons so that you can get the aurulite drops which you can then use to buy the aurulite armour from the Inconnu Crypt merchants. The armour is actually pretty good for leveling with and probably the best/easiest pve items to get. You will still be getting cash drops from those mobs as well so you will manage to save a bit of cash as you level for other purposes.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Get 3 a/c, 1 ml3 pally with high shield, get ml3 50 ice wizz, get ml5 40 enh cleric

Buy a house + porch + CM

goto DV make 50p+ a night farming scrolls.

alternativly haxx Beeks a/c and steal some of the aforementioned 500p. He apparently requested his password changed to "letmein" as he was having trouble with his fat fingers and thick glasses.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
the original way to get money (before anyone else had loads to hand down ;)) is to kill easier monsters. Kill a load of greens, gets you cash without too much risk.

There's also some quests out there that give rewards - has a list of quests for various levels - you can turn off the spoilers if you want as well and just see what quests are worth doing to get you some armour for your character specifically.

Another option is to try out the instance dungeons off of the catacombs zones (or off of Mithra) - these are different from the instances the taskmaster sends you to, and the monsters inside there drop aurulite which you can use in the Inconnu Crypt to buy some nice armour with stats :)

A final way to make money is to take up crafting (tailoring would be good) - at the lower levels of crafting (up to 650 - crafting goes up to 1000->1100 ish) you can talk to the master of the craft (e.g. the <Tailors Master>) in Camelot and say "task" to get given a consignment. This involves making a particular item from your trade and delivering it to an NPC within the city (great fun trying to find the ones that live on the top of towers and stuff ;) if you look for a camelot map online it'd help) and getting a bit of cash from it - it's not an awful lot of cash to begin with but once you're crafting equipment of about the same level as you are (tradeskill = level*20, 100 in a tradeskill lets you make all the level 5 stuff) the money's a bit nicer relatively - plus you get the ability to make your own cloth armour anyway :)

I managed to save up about 100g to put towards my guild's emblem back at the start of the game at level 21 just doing weaponcrafting tasks... I very much doubt it's fastest way to get cash at lower levels (levelling up, killing some greens etc. will probably net you more over time) but you also get a tradeskill.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Doing task dungeons (from the taskmasters) is a fast and easy way to get money (provided you have Catacombs).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
A final way to make money is to take up crafting (tailoring would be good) - at the lower levels of crafting (up to 650 - crafting goes up to 1000->1100 ish) you can talk to the master of the craft (e.g. the <Tailors Master>) in Camelot and say "task" to get given a consignment. This involves making a particular item from your trade and delivering it to an NPC within the city (great fun trying to find the ones that live on the top of towers and stuff ;) if you look for a camelot map online it'd help) and getting a bit of cash from it - it's not an awful lot of cash to begin with but once you're crafting equipment of about the same level as you are (tradeskill = level*20, 100 in a tradeskill lets you make all the level 5 stuff) the money's a bit nicer relatively - plus you get the ability to make your own cloth armour anyway :)

Which also reminds me, at 600 skill in a craft you can start doing the repeatable tradeskill quests. This ends with an item that will help you in crafting (optional item for - faster crafting(faster), +1% chance to skill up per successful item created(smarter), +1% to quality of item produced(better)). The thing is the 600 skill quest will also reward you with a dye pot that sells to merchants for 15 gold, not much normally but for a low level character it's not too bad. The quest can be done as many times as you like and all it requires is a little bit of running about in Campacorentin forest (probably 15-20 minutes per attempt). Be warned though, crafting in daoc is not fun, its probably good to have a book handy while you do it :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I managed to save up about 100g to put towards my guild's emblem back at the start of the game at level 21 just doing weaponcrafting tasks...

omg... I used to wipe Catacombs (not itemized by that time) to rack up the crucial 300g for the emblem, killing green cons (I was like lvl 36.. and a Pally.. and no enrage, just body pulls.. and.. and...). The horror! :D

in topic: if you want to make money at low(er) levels, just kill stuff. You don´t really need all the top notch gear, just decide what you really want to have and save money while levelling up. There are tons of one-time-drops and quest items and epic quests to solve. That should keep you on a decent


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
omg... I used to wipe Catacombs (not itemized by that time) to rack up the crucial 300g for the emblem, killing green cons (I was like lvl 36.. and a Pally.. and no enrage, just body pulls.. and.. and...). The horror! :D

lol :) our "uber high level" (level 31) cleric got us 100g just from grouping in the catacombs as well.

I was the second highest weaponcrafter in albion at one point... all of 15 points behind Kiarra :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2005
What advantages are there to grouping?

Extra xp?
More money?

How are items given out to ppl in the group?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
jimmyh said:
What advantages are there to grouping?

Extra xp?
More money?

How are items given out to ppl in the group?


Generally if you are in a group you can kill higher level npcs which will usually yield more xp, in addition if you are in a group of 3 or more people some npcs 'BAF' (stands for bring a friend, in other words they come in twos and threes) this generates both additional xp in the form of a 'group' bonus for the npcs and also generates additional money drops. It also has the side effect of raising slightly the level of loot because of killing higher level npcs.

Loot is usually just split randomly among the group but in most groups people will simple trade to each other drops the other characters have more use for (this is the infamous 'need before greed' principle and not everyone will but most do).

You should find that the Sorc is very group friendly as you can mesmerise the 'adds' (extra npcs other than the one pulled) while the group kills the first one.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
grouping usually lets you kill bigger monsters and get more xp faster, plus you get to talk to someone whilst yer waiting for your hp to regen ;)

by default the loot is split randomly - back in ye olden days we had "need before greed" - if something dropped that someone in the group could use they got it, if more than one could use you had to do some sort of random way to distribute it (these days you can /random 100 but we didn't have that luxury - had to do things like "whoever guesses closest to the amount of copper the next mob drops" :))


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
But the most important of all advice... Find a guild and join ASAP.

This is really the best thing to do, you get advice the sec you need it, they can help you where to level best, maybe get some grouping going.

Its not like you have to choose a guild for life, you can allways change later, but it is a VERY good thing to have from the start. DaoC is really not much of a single player game, it is geared towards groupplay. :)

I cant really tell you what guild to choose, since there are loads of good one out there. But gettting one should be a high priority for you. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2005
and just thought, another way to earn extra cash while leveling to 20 is to /say task to any of the guards. You get extra xp for killing a certain mob, and earn a little extra money when you return to the guard.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Isunder said:
Be warned though, crafting in daoc is not fun, its probably good to have a book handy while you do it :)

Or in my case I have another pc set up behind me with a wireless keyboard and craft on that pc, while playing US account on the main pc and just hitting the craft button every time an item is made (or fails).

i find having the mirror i bought for when i was wearing contact lenses on my desk beside me helps too for noticing when i've run out of materials :p


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Malcolm said:
Or in my case I have another pc set up behind me with a wireless keyboard and craft on that pc, while playing US account on the main pc and just hitting the craft button every time an item is made (or fails).

i find having the mirror i bought for when i was wearing contact lenses on my desk beside me helps too for noticing when i've run out of materials :p

Hehe, nice idea :D

And miss the good old times with need before greed :( <---Givf ml10 raids like that! :D(Dreaming once again)

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