Anand likes Xbox and 'cube...



That link is old news, there has been one more recent than that, which unveiled the new figures, I know this because I remember jiggling the press release around and throwing on the BarrysWorld news page.


Originally posted by Wazzerphuk

Sales statistics aren't calculated from how many MS are producing and shipping to shops. Sales statistics are calculated on how many are purchased by consumers...
Yes, but surely if Microsoft are shipping more and they are selling out as soon as they hit the shops... C'mon, you do the math.

I'm not denying GameCube got the best lead but MS is simply getting the more consoles into stores, which is what counts.

Anyway, as I say if more info comes along, please feel free to direct me to it. It's not like a WANT Xbox to win. I don't care. I'm just trying to relay the facts.


Originally posted by Lead Nibbler
I'm not a fan of DOA. Just Tekken without the style. Oh, but with jiggling breasts that defy the laws of physics, and with those zones that hurt you on the outside. Are they making an appearance in DOA3?
It's nothing like Tekken. More like VF3

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