An offshoot from the /assist thread


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
There's many reasons why this simply wouldn't work..

1) Range. People that depend on it archers+casters would simply sease to be useful. If a caster takes twice as long to kill the tank the tank is twice as likely to get in melee range. Unless your going to make everyone run at half the speed as well this is a HUGE game changing balance.

2) Numbers. People keep arguing here about if they should zerg or not zerg. That's completely irrelevant to the point. I don't care if you run with 2, 8, 30 or 300. The point is numbers shouldn't be the overriding factor. I don't want to run out with 16 people, run into 24 people and sit down because "they have more people so will win". I'm quite happy for the 24 people to beat me, but i'd like the chance that if the 16 play much better then they can win. The slower you make fights, the more you give the larger numbers an advantage.

3) Power. If healers are healing for half the amount, all your doing is reducing the amount of power they have available. That's not prolonging fights, healers will just run oop without having healed as much. So you make heal spells cost half the power to cast. Casters are now going to go oop before killing anything, so reduce their power casts by half as well.

Is what your wanting a game that just runs at 50% of the speed it does at the moment because your reactions can't keep up?

If you think fights are just CC boom release, then that suggests your playing in fairly poor groups. There have been times when I was low RR and playing in pugs that I also had similar thoughts. Learn to split on inc so you don't all get CC'ed in one go, learn to demezz people quickly, learn to kite properly and fights can last quite a while.
Yeah certain characters can kill people very very quickly. The problem is that the way DAoC is designed, if they don't kill you very very quickly that you'll react to them and they will never kill you. We will go back to a time when casters never leave PvE because they will never kill anything.

All your doing is making it so bringing more numbers = win.
I've no problem with people bringing more numbers to allow them to win, that's not the issue. Just don't make it so once you've got the numbers you don't need any skill at all to win, because that's really not fun for either side unless you like gloating about beating someone that had no chance to fight back.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Things are fine the way they are, but...

All mythic have to do is FIX the classes, and stop dangling carrots in front of the various realms.

Years ago when I was playing Magic the Gathering, they brought out a seriously overpowered card called "Tolorian Academy". Every player bought pack after pack of cards to try and get hold of one. Tournaments were dominated by decks based on this card, like some classes in DaoC, it was an "I win" card.

Some months later, the card was offically banned, and things got back to normal.

Mythic work in exactly the same way, recently with Bainshee LoS and Warlock Insta death, and last year with TWF stacking stupidness.

Do you honestly think mythic has >no idea< people would moan so much, and the controvesy such things would cause ? Of course they know, they know exactly what they are doing - right from when the classes were introduced.

Mythic are playing with our heads - its that simple.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
lol at whining on balance in daoc
daoc has over 30 classes spread on 3 realms still got the most balanced pvp on the market imo.
take wow it got like 10 classes with only 2 uniqe to a realm and got very big issues with the pvp system.
i can agree that some classes is abit to much, hello vampir and warlock but this will only be a problem if ur solo or in a group with no healers. Daoc pvp got so much to offer and is indeed very balanced, if u believe the opposit i suggest u try something else and i will bet my underwear that u will be back within 2 weeks.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Gotta agree on daoc actually being pretty balanced in the group rvr (not battlegrounds:)).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
living said:
Gotta agree on daoc actually being pretty balanced in the group rvr (not battlegrounds:)).


How can you say something good about DAoC you GOA/Mythic fanboi! Now you will be bannished from the cool kids club!



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Imo keep damage and heal as it is, but double the HP of every tank class, because the role of a tank becomes pretty pointless when it insta-dies just as it were a caster.

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