An odd enemy


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
2 realms can ally against another but they cannot communicate in any way aka cross realm on mutiple pc's or chat programs i heard.

like when 2 good players see each other and ally to kill the 3 realms gimpy noobs trying to leech.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
and ELitestoner: Cuting and pasting doesnt illustrate a point. It just shows you couldnt think of a reply on your own.

my point was to summarise the thread, you died, and felt the need to make a whine thread, as so many people do when they die to zergs easymode classes etc.

the argument boils down to the difference in playstyle between the elitest, and the roleplayer. opposite playstyles and you cant handle it, this kind of thing has been happening for years, nothing new here.

Phule_Gubben said:

Isn't there a leetserver you could join perhaps?

yeah ok, ill do that, cheers, you sure showed me


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
It's a shame when people who try to respect the spirit in which the laws of the game were written get abuse for it...

But then these days, it seems a growing number of folks don't give a flying *&^% about that...

If this trend continues it doesn't bode well for the future, does it...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
nothing says that 2 realms can´t cooperate ingame for a common goal aslong as they don´t use third patry software to do so


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
actually dimse people would read it, if it didnt go i got owned blah blah blah xrealm olol blah blah blah, its a damn tower, get over it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I've have lead several groups that have gone and smashed down the gates, kill the guards and run away for hibs to take back tower and get back irvr, if you can't handle people playing how they like, don't.

Vonwar said:
I fully understand your wondering. I can only spit in contempt on those cowards, and be ashamed that they belong to our realm. I hope they had a good reason for not killing the hibs, but it is hard to know if you were not there yourself.

It smells of opted rvr guild/group or something, i have seen it before, running in hib frontier with a low rr casual guild group, we meet some hibs (high rr opted ones) we attack them, after that we are killed we notice that another mid group have been watching the whole scenery and wave to the hibs, whereafter both the mid and the hib group leave the spot, only to meet in a private 8 vs. 8 battle.

I was totally pissed, that another group from the same realm letting realm mates die, just in order to keep the 8 vs. 8 appointment they obviously had with the hib group.

They even flamed us hereafter that we should p i s s off from their battlefield. Im sorry but i thought we were on the same side, not on opposite.

The way i was brought up in this game, and the way i play it, is:

A good enemy is a dead one, no matter what, or put in another way be to others like you want them to be to you, (i never get spared, only killed.)

"Adding is an artificial word made up by opted RvR groups, not to the benefit of the realm"

The correct synonymous for "Adding" can only be "Fire Support".

I only could wish that you had posted the names of the mid traitors, that did not kill the hibs so the rest of us can be warned about fellow realm mates NOT doing their job.


Guildmaster Danish Huscarls.

Remember this quite clear, as the fights before we had versus several groups in that area your group added(for the realm) on "our" fights, our group withdraw from the fight and let the other group kill your group, then we went away to rest/roam until we meet them for a 8vs8 again just to find them fight you.. the way we want to play daoc aint for the realm-style, we like 8vs8 so we didnt leap in to save your sorry ass and thus destroying a 8vs8 fight =)

Pay and play like you want my best mate =)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Vonwar said:
I fully understand your wondering. I can only spit in contempt on those cowards, and be ashamed that they belong to our realm. I hope they had a good reason for not killing the hibs, but it is hard to know if you were not there yourself.

It smells of opted rvr guild/group or something, i have seen it before, running in hib frontier with a low rr casual guild group, we meet some hibs (high rr opted ones) we attack them, after that we are killed we notice that another mid group have been watching the whole scenery and wave to the hibs, whereafter both the mid and the hib group leave the spot, only to meet in a private 8 vs. 8 battle.

I was totally pissed, that another group from the same realm letting realm mates die, just in order to keep the 8 vs. 8 appointment they obviously had with the hib group.

They even flamed us hereafter that we should p i s s off from their battlefield. Im sorry but i thought we were on the same side, not on opposite.

The way i was brought up in this game, and the way i play it, is:

A good enemy is a dead one, no matter what, or put in another way be to others like you want them to be to you, (i never get spared, only killed.)

"Adding is an artificial word made up by opted RvR groups, not to the benefit of the realm"

The correct synonymous for "Adding" can only be "Fire Support".

I only could wish that you had posted the names of the mid traitors, that did not kill the hibs so the rest of us can be warned about fellow realm mates NOT doing their job.


Guildmaster Danish Huscarls.

You choose to add on the fg vs fg fight that the mids and hibs had.
The mids which obviously was an 'gankgrp' most likely play this game for the fun full group vs full group, your grp charges in and 'adds' on the fight, the mids decide to pull off and give the hibs a fair chance to take your grp down for adding on the fight.
You die, hibs go away, rest up and start roaming again and the 1st midgrp will get another chance to fight them the way they want it.
There is nothing in the CoC that says that you HAVE to kill every enemy you see, most decent groups out there these days avoid adding and often do pull out of the fight if another group barges in and adds on the fight just cause they want a fg vs fg fight and have the decency to respect other groups wish to have it aswell, be it enemy or a grp from the same realm.

If you dont like it... tough not much you can do about it. :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Get a break seriously guys u played this game for 4 years and you still haven't got bored of the epic fights?

Let me tell you one thing... there are no such thing as fair epic fights not only cuz some classes are sickly overpowered in zergs such like animists, sorcs, theurgists and all casters with long range basicly but also cuz the one who wins those fights are the one who bring the most people.

After 4 years of playing DAoC MOST people have finally understood this and prefere fair 8vs8 fights there it's actually a chance of that the grp who play best can win.
OFC Realm Rank can make 8vs8 fights unfair aswell but mostly when a grp with people who usally play opted grps play with lowbie chars they beat the randoms pretty easy even if the randoms are higher RR.

This speaking of FOTM l33t dudes or whatever it is you call us is getting kinda damn annoying now tbh.
The majority of Prydexc doesn't want any zerg fights so stop whining on people not helping you when u can't handle 8vs8 fights on your own tbh.

And to make 8vs8 working now that there aren't a lot of people playing iRvR is truely needed agramon would be dead even if it wasn't possible to port to a keep in an enemy zone even if you owned the keep.
With this few grps playing it's either boats to Hadrains or instaRvR in Hadrains and what do you pick between boat or insta port? HMMMMM!

DAoC isnt at those times when people still liked to be running 3fgs+ with their alliance anymore, I've been the same as you I used to think that 100 vs 100 fights are the coolest thing there is but after playing the game some more you get bored of it and you want the competive side of the game.
I think that those people who still don't prefere 8vs8 just haven't tried taking it serious, it won't work without good teamplay and with people knowing what they are doing on their classes et.c.

You get killed a lot by people who are more experinced in every game before you learn it just have to deal with it instead of saying "WE ARE WEAKER WE NEED HELP!".

So basicly can you stop call ous FOTMl33tdudes or whatever you call us?

One side calls the other l33tdudes and the other side calls the other side roleplayers.
But tbh neither of the sides think that getting called one of these words is a diss if you would have turned it around and called the roleplayers for l33tdudes and calling the l33tdudes for roleplayers it would suddenly be a diss though apperently ;P.

It would be great if you could put all roleplayers on one server and all competetive at another but its just not possible so you have to stick to the majority and the majority is against zerging for sure cuz it isn't fun anymore after these 4 years.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Adding sucks, if my group are in a fg vs fg fight and another group adds we move away from the fight.

Why move away? adds make the fights booring. The hib/alb/mid group that need to handle all the adding will find it boring and the chanse that they logg are big. And that meens if a alb or hib group loggs thx to adding from other groups there will be one group less for my group to fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
I totally get your point vonwar.. I also get the 'L33tboyz' vieuw.. As we all like a challange.

But this for the 'Competetive players' ;) Understand that the random/roleplayer/not fixed grps encounter one of your groups they die very fast. No fun 2 be had. They go out a couple of more times and all they encounter are The l33t people. With no chance killing you 8vs8 they add.. Because quite frankly there are no other randoms about and if there were they got ganked by another realms l33t grp and logged after a few runs.

This is nothing weird, it just marks the ending of a game.. The harddcore people (fixed grps) will be the last ones remaining as in most dying games, fighting the same people day in day out... Its simply natures law. In the end opted people will have chased the random/roleplayers away (unknowing/unwillingly).. Just get ready too jump on the next MMORPG train when it starts or join the ranks of the fixed groups...

Newayz thats my 2 cents, have an enjoyable gaming experience everyone

PS; since when can't people QQ on FH anymore :( gives a good read other then all the gratz threadz...

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Ignore Valgair tbh, he is a hypocrite and sits a lot with plenty of Albs and Hibs on the same vent making x-realm communication very easy :p. I can't really blame him for that, hanging around with friends is funny.

Funniest thing I have seen was an Alb group adding on a HW Hib vs Mid fight, just to have Hibs and Mids pull back together, come back together to kill the Albs, then they just went away their own way. Once upon a time 3 way fights were okay, guess the clock is ticking faster for the game than some assume.

I am for 8 vs 8 fights, but I think it would be better for the game if it would had 2 realms only or fixed size battlegrounds.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
if u can´t handle a 8vs8 don´t run with only 8?

its hard enought to get 1 'random' group let alone another one that is willing too go with you on stick... (most people here are not french ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Yay! Another 8v8 addwhine thread.

Here we go again...


/agree valgair,septine and dilandio

I dont see how ppl can still enjoy epic rvr zerg vs zerg fights after all these years

and to quote my siggy:

This game would have faded away a long time ago had it not been for the fg vs fg action. Mindless zergs become boring..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Chamie said:
<snip long and rambling bollocks>
Since when are you speaking for 'most people' on the cluster? I very much doubt you represent the majority at all, you just represent the loudest element on forums. There are ~1500-2000 people on the cluster primetime and about 150 are running 8v8 groups (being kind and assuming 5fg per realm + a few bots). Doesn't sound like a majority to me.
Zerg warfare isn't about who has the most numbers, it's very possible for a more disciplined, better set up force to beat a much larger one, in fact this happens regularly. You don't like epic RvR which is fair enough but I'd put money on the fact that the vast majority of players on the server do like that kind of RvR, as they can at least compete and aren't reliant on having the right RR, the right fotm spec or whatever to get an invite from the 8v8 crowd. The vast majority of the server is casual and they play casual. Unfortunately the elitism in RvR means that they don't get much of a chance to play so they either go back to levelling alts or join in with the zerg RvR when it happens.

This game would have faded away a long time ago had it not been for the fg vs fg action. Mindless zergs become boring.
Oh, my god. You actually believe that?
I thought you were being ironic or something.
The elitist attitude in RvR is what is killing this game (which is bound up a lot - although not exclusively - with the FGvFG scene).
I guarantee that if RvR was more active with more epic battles going on, this game would have a lot more attraction to new players. Much more casual friendly 'end game', much more chance to take part in big realm events.
Mindless zergs can be boring but who says a zerg has to be mindless? What's wrong with zerging for an objective? That's why there are realm missions, that's why Mythic piles everyone into the same area and lets them go at each other, because it's designed to be AlbvMidvHib not Maelstrom v PE and NFD v Synergy etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Only thing i wanne say is

its called Realm Vs Realm for somthing.
i follow my groupleader as hes in charge of the group, if he sais add on a group we add on that group. Tho in most cases ive had was they mostly leave them to fight it out.

When im solo i attack whatever i can, Unless its a 1-1.
If in that 1-1 situation the mid is loosing, ill help him.

As other said, its just a game, and all play the way they like. As long as u follow the rules laid down in the CoC.



chretien said:

Oh, my god. You actually believe that?
I thought you were being ironic or something.
The elitist attitude in RvR is what is killing this game (which is bound up a lot - although not exclusively - with the FGvFG scene).
I guarantee that if RvR was more active with more epic battles going on, this game would have a lot more attraction to new players. Much more casual friendly 'end game', much more chance to take part in big realm events.
Mindless zergs can be boring but who says a zerg has to be mindless? What's wrong with zerging for an objective? That's why there are realm missions, that's why Mythic piles everyone into the same area and lets them go at each other, because it's designed to be AlbvMidvHib not Maelstrom v PE and NFD v Synergy etc.
the majority would have left this game years ago then
in the end,mindless zergs etc ARE boring,its always the challenge etc

and yes,im 100% sure that fg rvr is what keeps this game alive,and not "hi2U we run 5fg on stick cause we cant compete with 1" rvr


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Eruptix said:
the majority would have left this game years ago then
in the end,mindless zergs etc ARE boring,its always the challenge etc

and yes,im 100% sure that fg rvr is what keeps this game alive,and not "hi2U we run 5fg on stick cause we cant compete with 1" rvr
You've completely not understood the point. Fg RvR is a tiny minority of the action on the server. The only reason it doesn't appear that way is because the people who prefer that are the loudest on forums and are constantly reinforcing each other's perception that this is where it's at. Imagine there was no FH, no IRC, no way to communicate with other players except ingame about ingame stuff, would you still hold that view? I very much doubt you would, you'd be one of a small number of hardcore players complaining that the casuals were ruining your fun. Oh, wait....

And the reason for running 5fg on stick isn't because they can't compete with 1, it's because they want to achieve something that takes 5fg (or more). However like everything else, that just utterly passed you by.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chamie said:
the majority is against zerging

That's bollox. Far more people zerg every night than run in opted fgs :)

I do agree though people have the right to pull out of a fight rather than "help" their realm mates if that's how they want to play the game, just as players from different realms can work together for their own end if it suits them. Nothing in the rules says they can't. Personally I wouldn't and don't really like it when it happens - I still play the game the "traditional" way of it being realm v realm - but I wouldn't bitch at people for doing it. The only time "co-operating" is unacceptable is when it involves them communicating on 3rd party programmes, and unfortunately that's virtually impossible to prove.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
chretien said:
You've completely not understood the point. Fg RvR is a tiny minority of the action on the server. The only reason it doesn't appear that way is because the people who prefer that are the loudest on forums and are constantly reinforcing each other's perception that this is where it's at. Imagine there was no FH, no IRC, no way to communicate with other players except ingame about ingame stuff, would you still hold that view? I very much doubt you would, you'd be one of a small number of hardcore players complaining that the casuals were ruining your fun. Oh, wait.....

If the FG vs FG scene is the minority, how is it exactly that these players earn 3x the rps of everyone else, since the FG's only fight the FG's and the various adds.
chretien said:
And the reason for running 5fg on stick isn't because they can't compete with 1, it's because they want to achieve something that takes 5fg (or more). However like everything else, that just utterly passed you by

The only thing that really requires more than 1fg is taking a relic though.. so what exactly is it you're trying to achieve with the 5fg?.

If Mythic intented the game to be all epic battles/mindless zerging depending on your view, why didnt they set groupsize to 40?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Fyric said:
The only thing that really requires more than 1fg is taking a relic though.. so what exactly is it you're trying to achieve with the 5fg?.

If Mythic intented the game to be all epic battles/mindless zerging depending on your view, why didnt they set groupsize to 40?

I'm pretty sure attacking a keep with 17 warlocks sitting on the walls needs more than 1fg ;)

A groupsize of 40? 8 players is probably the optimal to balance damage, healing etc. It would be chaos with anything larger.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
eggy said:
A groupsize of 40? 8 players is probably the optimal to balance damage, healing etc. It would be chaos with anything larger.

exactly my point :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Fyric said:
exactly my point :)

No, you're twisting what I'm saying.

I'm saying a zerg of 40 people is easier to manage in 5 groups of 8, hence that specific group size.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Haha eggy i know :D, i just couldnt help myself.

more seriously though, i dont understand why mythic doesnt realise that the gfx engine they developed cant cope with the large numbers, why keep encouraging people to do epic battles, when, no matter what computer you got you will still lag stupidly.

I have a very nice PC for one, can handle bf with 64 players flawlessly.. but it has issues with daoc if anything above 24 people is on my screen, if massive epic battles was running like daoc normally would im sure it would be quite abit more popular.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Fyric said:
If the FG vs FG scene is the minority, how is it exactly that these players earn 3x the rps of everyone else, since the FG's only fight the FG's and the various adds.

The only thing that really requires more than 1fg is taking a relic though.. so what exactly is it you're trying to achieve with the 5fg?.

If Mythic intented the game to be all epic battles/mindless zerging depending on your view, why didnt they set groupsize to 40

Pure FG players are in the minority - always have been. This idea that suddenly the majority play for fg action is just bollox. The majority who regularly post on these boards might be, but that is very different from the majority in game. As to why they earn more rps, well that's a no brainer. They are much more efficient at earning their rps aswell as often playing for longer. And only fighting other fgs and "adds"? Nonsense. A big portion of their rps come from farming the zergs. ;)

Oh and try taking a reasonably well defended keep with 1fg :p

As for what Mythic intended with the game - check the press releases going back 5 years. It's all about massive battles and sieges. No where does it say "Enjoy exclusive fights against 8 enemies". That's not to say that the game is all about mass battles, but if you're talking about what Mythic intended with the game that was certainly the major priority. The beauty with DAOC of course is that it also caters for a range of other playstyles. You're right about the game engine though...although it's a hell of alot better than it used to be :)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
im going to go out on a limb here
myself, and various people i know who play regularly want... to have fun!
dont care if its 8v8, 16v16, zerg v zerg, whatever.
its not the numbers involved, its the length of fight.. good 1 - 2 min fights are way more fun than 15 sec insta ganks, wether you win or not. you actually PLAY, rather than mash your timer'd RAs and win :puke:

just because your the loudest voice doesnt mean your the biggest voice, and it also doesnt mean your automatically right.

stop being so narrow minded, and accept people want to do different things, and that doesnt make them gay, or roleplayers, or noobs, just people with a different mindset - and this applies both ways


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Eruptix said:
the majority would have left this game years ago then
in the end,mindless zergs etc ARE boring,its always the challenge etc

and yes,im 100% sure that fg rvr is what keeps this game alive,and not "hi2U we run 5fg on stick cause we cant compete with 1" rvr

Just want to point out to you, in case you did not notice, the majoirty HAVE left the game already...

ToA have some of the blame, sure, but the elitist attitude surely have taken away many others from the game, if you are in a random guild without opted setups, unable to muster the numbers to start an RvR group, you are fucked by now.

Sure, can stand at Svasud/Keep in iRvR area, shouting "LFG" etc and wait 1 hour or so until you get one, then run out and find a 8vs8 fight (cause you know that if you add, you will get verbal abuse and/or have the other realm mates pull back to let you die) and get owned because your group was random and they was opted, run 4-6 times, finally meet another random group, maybe get lucky and win, maybe unlucky and loose, but had some fun, then run another hour before you get the next fun fight, just getting stream-rolled etc...

Those who dont want to play EVERY night (or by a fixed time setting, whatever) is very hampered in gaming if they don't have "l33t" contacts for groups or an above average reputation..

I bet, that if the elitist attitude hadn't started coming on so strong as did, DAoC would have MORE players today...

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