An idea about how distribute the dragon bow



Well, i am sure that is too dificoult distribute the loot of the dragon, but i have an idea:

The dragon bow OWNS to albion, cause all of we killed the dragon.

This bow will be used by lvl 50 scouts, to give it a large life.

With the lotto only a scout will be happy, and i think the bow owns to every scouts (lvl 50 :p ), so this could be better:
All lvl 50 scouts can share the bow, i am talking about 1 scout use the bow 5 days, the next 5 days another lvl 50 scout use it, the following 5 days another lvl 50 scout, etc. We can make a calendar with the days and the scouts, if a scout reachs lvl 50 he should be up to use the bow too. then we can do this till the bow breaks.

This is my idea, i think that is so good cause all the interested ppl (scouts in this case) can use it, all will be happy, with the lotto only 1 lucky guy will be happy, and then the relations between the guilds will be so bad, all will be picky and then the alliance will breaks.

Please write here your opinion, i think that this is the best way and if somebody says not it is because he /she feels so lucky to win the bow lotto :D.

Thx all for your atention.

PD: Please, this guy that has the bow, DONT DESTROY IT please, and DONT SELL IT IN EBAY, think that the bow ows to all albion and not to the guy who have more money. thx.


It should go to whoever is our best lvl50 scout. How u find that out without game exported RR stats I dunno.


I think that share the bow between all lvl 50 scouts is the best solution, there will be not problems between guilds and all the scouts will be happy to use the bow. How many scouts lvl 50 now? 6-7? in a week or month there will be more lvl 50 scouts and they can use the bow too, if only 1 scout is permited to use the bow with lotto, then all the others will be sad and pickied.
That is all, i think all scouts should be able to use the bow, and this is the only way to do it.


But if they do a dragon raid twice a week, ie saturday and sunday then there will be plenty of bows to go around :D


From an enemy point of view give it to Aussie (who is too low to use it properly but will some day), the rest of your scouts are either crap or dont RvR enough to deserve it.


but the owner of the bow atm doenst want to give the bow to Mallus...

He says the bow is too much worth IRL
so he's gonna sell it (on ebay prolly) and delete his char ;>

well that's what Mallus told me.

Hobbit :puke:


Guest thats a total twat behaviour...



Well after that I can order a TAXI to MIDS/HIBS for that TWAT


1 reason I dont look forward to kill the dragon...
to many Item whoes in this world..

btw how screwed is the 1 that buys the bow ?
as far as I know, it's not legal to sell/buy items in Daoc, maybe you should give GOA a little tell, a dragon bow arent hard to trace, and it's a good oppertunity for them to prove to the community that they dont tolerate sush actions *hopes*


i will never understand people buying stuff on e-bay.
I think every person that is crazy enough to put real cash for a item or a acount or even for game gold is nuts and don't know reality from a game anymore.

*walking in a bank*
hello can i help you

yes sure i would like to have a loan.
oh for what will that be?
I Saw a real cool sword sold on e-bay for the game daoc only 500 euro.

people that buy stuff from e-bay should really check there normale live

(but that is just my opinion :))

- Pathfinder -

Depending on your earnings, you could view it as rational to buy an account :) Extreme example - Bill gates wants to play DAoC; now, let's say he's a skilled player, and needs around 16 days to hit 50 with the character of his choice; if he plays 4 hours a day, that would take around 128 days, or 4 months.

You can probably get a lv 50 char for a relatively modest amount, but let's say he pays 200 Euro (which should net him most any Euro char I imagine). Now, the lost income due to him levelling the char would've been enourmous, so it's actually benefical for him to buy the char.

While this is an extreme example, IF someone is only interested in RvR, and has no patience for the xp threadmill, working these 16 days and then buying the account would actually net him a profit (as well as a high lv char) :)


I find this just plain ridiculous. 176 + all the anons battling a fierce dragon and some dweeb runs away with drops and says we don't distribute the loot fair. But instead he wants to sell it for money. Now tell me who is playing an egoist....

I vote to never let these people into groups or any other things planned with the alliance.


Still think they should stop it.
if selling on e-bay goes on you get more wankers that will keep loot for them self because they wanne sell it on e-bay.
I think they should be abble to look at e-bay and see what is auctioned. As soon as that auction is closed they can see when it is transfered and destroy or remove the item.
If they stop those things now they will have no problems after it. if the let it go now at the end it be a big mess.
(but again that is my opinion :))

old.chim aira

who is the person that doesn't want to give away the loot, if we post his name here, we can put some pressure on him, not sure of it'll will work, or that he even comes online, but who knows, it might do the trick


his name is up in the list but like they sayed he will sell it and delete the char he is there for money don't care for others or his char.

Hobbit is the name selling is his game :)


Eleasias, Ill come own your arse as soon as im done fletching - which is now cuz my money is out :)


Originally posted by old.TheAussie
but the owner of the bow atm doenst want to give the bow to Mallus...

He says the bow is too much worth IRL
so he's gonna sell it (on ebay prolly) and delete his char ;>

well that's what Mallus told me.

Hobbit :puke:

Lol, thats pretty damn lame. Anyway, He has to sell it on this server so unless some newbie wants to pay real money and keep it in his store for a month or 2 just get all the high lvl (45+) Scouts to agree not to buy it etc.

That kinda fucks his plans over ...

I might be being dim but who was it? Or is that why theres a :sick: next o Hobbit?


If someone posts the Ebay link to this forum you never know Kemor/Zargar might pop by and see it :)

then 'poof' bye bye account.

Would be nice if they stripped the bow off of him and gave it to Mallus too :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by dadi2
Well, i am sure that is too dificoult distribute the loot of the dragon, but i have an idea:...........................

Please write here your opinion, i think that this is the best way and if somebody says not it is because he /she feels so lucky to win the bow lotto :D.

Thx all for your atention.

PD: Please, this guy that has the bow, DONT DESTROY IT please, and DONT SELL IT IN EBAY, think that the bow ows to all albion and not to the guy who have more money. thx.


Decision has been made. Ok so it is not the decision I would have made, but everyone compromised and a decision was made.

The dragon dropped 16 items, ok so not all 16 items where Uber items, but you would have to do the same for every Uber item dropped now and in the future.


M8 are u an scout? are u interested in the bow? will be very very very egoist if only 1 scout use this bow, let all scouts use it. All should have this bow, no only 1. And the best way to make all ppl happy is letting all to use it, the bow owns to all albion, no only to 1 lucky scout, do u understand? i am against the lotto, in a epic hunt a lotto is easy but no a lotto between 200+ ppl, think in it.
And if the bow must be used by 1 guy this guy should be the only lvl 50 scout that was in the raid, no by lotto.
Yes u opine and u dont care about the bow cause u are not a scout, so u think lotto is the best, but what abot this scouts? think like u? i am sure all scouts want use the bow, i couldnt give my opinion in the cg chat so i am giving it here.


Good idea in theory but won't work in practice mate just let one person have it and thats that :)


the bow is hardly different to the thruster. Should we then have this thruster going around albion like mad?
It's a stupid idea. One guy will get the dragon drop, everyone else wait for 1.49 and have odysseus make you a nice crafted bow. Get over it. We killed the lizard, THAT is the point, not the OMFG I NEED THIS BOW TO LIVE heart of the north.
I'm not siding with the guys that have kept drops; that's an even worse attitude than rubbish like wanting to swap bow around all lvl 50 scouts of albion.

Btw, Dadi, is it not enough that you got booted from the dragondrop-distribution chat group for repeatedly trying to arrange a solution that involved you getting the bow? Do you have to come on here asking for this?
lol. As Bleri said, a decision was made and you damn-well stick by it, whether or not it means you get teh l33tz0r bow of ultra RPfarming.

Dons asbestos underpants of flame resistance


Problem with letting all scouts share the bow is sooner or later a twat scout will get it for his turn and say feck off I'm keeping it....if no one thinks this will happen just look at how many ppl have already not handed over items.

in Dreama's Perfect World we would share everything but hey, I'm the only one who lives there so it won't happen :p


Originally posted by dadi2
i couldnt give my opinion in the cg chat so i am giving it here.

eeerm...when i got it right u gave your opinion more then once in the cg...


how sweet, dadi want the bow for his brother :D
if that's what you mean with 'the only lvl 50 scout on raid' ^^

btw i would 'cry' if someone gets the bow who can't play the scout properly.

it's like giving a Mercedes to a 18 year old guy.

Give the bow to Eldric: he has most rp's .Think he earned that bow for his 5 months playing the same char.

Dont like that Lottory system. It's a scout item, let scouts decide.


First of all i didn't read the whole post due lack of time atm so if someone else said this already, well then this post is considered useless :)

It could be just me but wasn't the whole raid the purpose of killing the dragon rather then getting drops?
That means all the drops should be seen as extra's rather then a main objective. Therefore everyone should give the drops to Mallus and he will distibute them evenly as extra's (maybe as Trophy items for yer guilds future guildhouse). I don't see why everyone is making a fuss about this. Ppl who can't live with that should not belong in a group-based games and should be ignored by all the normal players.

Greetings to all from Graknak and Aristidus

Bleri McThrust

Dadi can you please comment on the idea that all Uber items dropped must be timeshared between lvl 50's ??

Im sure I must be misunderstanding you here, but at the moment your post seems to indicate to me that the only item you care about is the bow??

And in answer to your comment, no I'm not a scout, but yes I do care about the bow in exactly the same way as I care about all the items dropped.

I care that that they are distributed in the fairest possible manner.


Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, whats the stats on this bow that will hit me for over 1k dmg? anyone? what are u really arguing over?

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