It is an amazing film, you will not be disappointed. Btw, stay for a bit when the end credits come up....Will be going to see it some time next week, haven't heard anything but amazing things about it.
The dude it's about was a prolific liar and manipulator.
Just treat it as a work of fiction and not a biopic.
tldr, decent movie, totally bullshit though.
He was called a legend among the seals after his attendance in the war of Iraq, even us in the Norwegian forces got to review some of his accomplishments. When he got back to the US(To his normal "boring" life) he might have dictated some stories to live through his past glories, but that does not mean his accomplishments during the Iraq war was "totally bullshit".![]()
I'm not questioning his kill count, I'm questioning the ecocentric nature of his tales, and the accuracy of anything that wasn't verified by others.
He's a pathological liar.
He claims he killed 30 people from the superdome after Katrina in New Orleans - a total fabrication.
He claims he was mugged at a gas station, that he killed the 2 muggers and told the officers that came to the incident to "ring the pentagon" and that he never heard from them again - again complete fiction.
He claimed Jesse Ventura - an exseal himself, said some pretty nasty things - to the point where Ventura sued him and won almost $2mill for defamation.
tldr, there is incident after incident he has claimed ( in his biography ), that are just demonstrably false - total 100% bullshit.
I'm not saying he didn't kill a lot of people, I'm saying the self aggrandisement is fictional.
Not only that but the film perspective on his character is nonsense, if you read his book he says shit like "I loved killing bad guys, I was sad when I was at home because it was so much more fun being over there".
He wasn't some silent gentle giant that donned the uniform to protect his country, he got his rocks off killing people.
That's why I said - decent movie, but fictional.
The dude it's about was a prolific liar and manipulator.
Just treat it as a work of fiction and not a biopic.
tldr, decent movie, totally bullshit though.
Don't understand your problem.Lots of words regarding a movie..