America The Hate Target



America is just like humanity as a whole. Selfish.


ok saw this from an American thought it was funny. I know its an old thread..

hmmm....."Thank god I do not live in america"...Hmmm, let me see, you live in the UK, visit american public forums, use a game made by an american company, hmmmm, use technology to comunicate developed by america for use in the space program (clue, the CPU) hmmmm you comunicate via internet developed by america for govermental puposes prior to making it available to the public....You should thank america or you might be working in a tea plantation making your main export tea and ironically shipping to america....

now about Afghanistan and UK forces leading the UN forces....

From time to time we choose not to complete the entire misssion, why should we! The UK currently gets 32% of our foriegn aid of the 3% margin from our total GDP! hmmm, america, the world protector, the international police power! hmmm, well let me think, if america is the policing power for the world that just lets countries like yours milk off our military forces so you do not have to invest in an superior military. That goes for all countries of the world, especially japan, why do you think they advanced so rapidly, they never had to be concerned, we are the policing power and I would rather see countries carry there own. Maybe we could then focus on our own people and better yet, grow our own TEA.

though why the tea I dunno


you comunicate via internet developed by america for govermental puposes prior to making it available to the public

And here was me foolishly thinking Berners Lee (sp) was a European.



The Way forward: An over the top plan by me. FurOfKnight

The member states of europe join together and form and federal european state completed with intergrated european monachy. There a F.E.S military, parliament, police force, intelligence etc etc.
The new super state tacticaly invades the middle east and wipes the whole area out and takes control of the oil reserves promising the rest of the world its doing this to help the world. MAny of the old colonies of europe rejoin as the Ex-colonial memeber of the new commowealth states of the joint european powers.
The F.E.S now has control of all the raw material its need and now has no need to rely on any other countries that are not in this new world power. China, Russia and the USA get scared of this new power but because it hasn't done anything wrong and is now a modern world utopia and also has infact helped people cant complain and treaten it with militay action, the rest of the world slowly falls and the F.E.S gobbles up the scatterd remains.

Then the Federal European State turns into the United Countries of Terran. Tada thats my over the top and mindless drivel and now that my 150 mb download is finished im going to stop.


Is that the only part you had questions about, Kez?


The French wouldn't raise a finger in war anyway :)


Yeh - not meaning to slag off French ppl in general (fish in a barrel hehe :)) but their secret service would have sent all our glorious invasion plans off to the enemy for inspection before the coffee was cold in the War Cabinet room :)


French are probably the most useless military allies any country could have we saved their ass so many times


What Dub-Ya is proposing is the usual "White man speaks with forked tongue" type of bullsh_t. Here's what it boils down to:

1. We (the US and any other wealthy country) give developing nations a hand with their economies, but we need to see something done with the money. Roads, housing, food distribution, water systems, etc all need to be put in place as well as any number of other changes we would like to see in return for our help.

This part is fair. Nothing wrong with wanting to see your money put to good use. If there's a homeless guy asking for change, I give it to him. If he takes that money and f_cks it off by buying liquor, drugs, or some other b.s., I'mma be pissed. He won't get money from me ever again even if he's dying. The situation's the same here. BUT...

2. We (the US and any other wealthy country) give developing nations a hand with their economies, but in return, we expect our businesses to gain access to your land and people with little restriction. We'll throw up factories and give people jobs, but pay them far less than our own minimum wage and export the manufactured goods to other countries for next to nothing. We are to be given permission to exploit everything possible in your country. We will build McDonalds and Burger King fast food joints where a Big Mac combo meal will cost half a weeks pay. We will open malls and tourist attractions and none of you will be allowed to visit or buy anything from there because you'll still be too poor to afford it.

We wish to get rich on the backs of your people because ours won't go for it.


Look at the Tiger economies though. They started off by paying a pittance to workers and undercutting bloated Western producers. As the country gets richer that way the workers demand more pay. It's simple economic growth. Every country has to start somewhere. It would be nice if everyone could start off with a top paid job but that never happens, never will. It would require a super-mind to specify exactly the details needed to create a top econmy from scratch. Only Marxists are that arrogant about their planning abilities :)

If a Maccy Ds would be too expensive for anyone to buy one why would they open one ?


McD's does it all of the time, all over the world. Whether you can afford it or not, it's there. People will actually save up to buy a f_ckin' big mac or to treat their families to dinner there. Might sound pathetic to you or me, but that's the reality of many people in third world countries. What we take for granted is a luxury there. I plan on buying a BMW 3 series soon (after my baby is born), I take it for granted that I can actually afford one. To many, that's something you dream about, but never achieve.

Face it, the US is the worlds richest nation and it didn't get that way by being fair. It got that way on the backs of the poor and will continue to get richer that way.

I say this as one of the few Americans that has his eyes open to what happens in the rest of the world.


I think you'll find they only do that in tourist spots. They wouldn't make money in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn't open one.


Originally posted by logic7
We wish to get rich on the backs of your people because ours won't go for it.

I think a vast majority of the world would prefer to be bum-raped by the Americans and get paid for it, rather than be bum-raped by their own rulers and get nothing.

I read "No Logo", a shocking expose of far eastern exploitation engineered by western companies, but the underlying message it ignores was that these countries and their people are getting much needed investment and one day will be able to capitalize on their position as a major world manufacturer, then they'll start getting a decent wage.

One day China will threaten legislation for compulsory unions in the western "sweat-shops", and American business will have a heart attack when they see their wage costs rise by thousands of a percent, as far as I'm concerned American big business is digging it's own grave and I'm quite happy to actually watch it all happen.

It happened in Europe over the last 100 years, my grandfather worked long hours for a pittance, but today the humble worker is a lot better off. So what if the western companies go through a few generations of ripping off the natives, at the end of their time it'll project them into a far better worldwide position and they can negotiate on their own terms.

The "tiger" economies lack basic education for their people, their governments now realise that a well-educated workforce can bring in investment (and line their own pockets too), as the country gets better educated it will demand more rights and eventually a "fairer" system of government, we'll hopefully see and end to the despots.

Isn't that all a good thing ?


Logic7 you might wanna look at the US balance sheet. The US is getting poorer. Also you should look at the investments of other countries in the US. Then ask yourself who owns who now. ;)


I 0wn j00.

I know you made the point first, Wij but I could never vote for a northerner.

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