Amazing numbers on the EU servers


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2005
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
excal+prydwen cluster often reach up against 1500ish at primetime, tho about 90% are zerging some keep or pve'ing, like 3-4 groups TOPs from each realm out roaming :/ the end is near, d00000000000000m!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
MaditioN said:
excal+prydwen cluster often reach up against 1500ish at primetime, tho about 90% are zerging some keep or pve'ing, like 3-4 groups TOPs from each realm out roaming :/ the end is near, d00000000000000m!

oh sush you guys....only 62 peeps, THE REST OF US ARE A BLLODY SLEEP!!!! thats why......

Those 62 are from Oz, or US or some wayward country i cant pronounce.

We have enuff peeps, if you work it out on % of that countries population we have more than u :p



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tempra said:
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.

Will rather player with "low" numbers then all the radar abusing fuckers on us :m00:

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Tempra said:
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.

While you wrote that it was 9:30 am CET on a monday. How fucking many gamers do you expect online at that time....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Once again an american show us why its a good idea they have liberal gun laws in the US.

Stupidity should not be a crime. Just remove the warning labels on products and the problem solves itself.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
I see someone doesn't know the concept of timezones! :>


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Tempra said:
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.
Ahhhhhh now i know where Censi` zerg <retired> too:p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Now now guys. Don't be so hard on this poor man.

Tbh I'm amazed this guy even aknowledges the exsistance of Europe... the avarage American is convinced that the US is "the world" and everywhere else "there be dragons".


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
obviously it's not so great over there if he's having to come here to try and attract some friends to play with ;)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
1) Flim and Pirk repped for both comments.

2) Tempra, it's called a TIMEZONE... Remember, you have CT, we have GMT/CET... There's between 6-10 hours between us!

3) Get your head out of your ass, we've technically got more players than you who are actually better at playing.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Aw come on , lets be nice to the lil fella...

Yeah dude total agree with you and your 1 post on this forum will now make us all quit and come join you!! So glad you brought this to our attention !!


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Overdriven said:
Oh, so they didn't ban something like 600 people who used radar a few months ago?

and another 1000:ish from then to now or something...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Remove the bitterness and u actually have some facts in this thread...

Bossiney Cluster - true its alive and kicking , last weekend we had way over 3000 players on at prime, and never below 1000 no matter what time u log on. Some bots but not alot (a few have em in PvE for lvling or farming)

Excal cluster - 1500 at prime? divide that by 2 and u are closer to the truth? and 50% of em are bots. Only the ppl who are most dedicated to their character still plays (kudos to u), rest of us has moved on.

Radar abusers - Mythic can and will bust em and ban .. which is very good. GoA doesnt care (or are just clueless about it) Hence more bans on US.

Time zones - yes, if u wanna join the zerg u need to stay up late. But tbh zerging isnt all that fun. I have lots of fun playing "normal" hours. (altho on weekends it can get crazy sometimes hehe)

EU people plays better - YES! this is very true and also very amazing that so many US ppl dont know how to play/specc their toons and also go out in RvR in rogs. This is actually quite fun when being an old EU player that never would consider going to RvR unless fully templated and "potted" out.

Last but not least:

"eventually we all go there."

true if u still enjoy Daoc and wanna continiue playing ... its never too late to roll on Bossy

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
Dood said:
Remove the bitterness and u actually have some facts in this thread...

Bossiney Cluster - true its alive and kicking , last weekend we had way over 3000 players on at prime, and never below 1000 no matter what time u log on. Some bots but not alot (a few have em in PvE for lvling or farming)

Excal cluster - 1500 at prime? divide that by 2 and u are closer to the truth? and 50% of em are bots. Only the ppl who are most dedicated to their character still plays (kudos to u), rest of us has moved on.

Radar abusers - Mythic can and will bust em and ban .. which is very good. GoA doesnt care (or are just clueless about it) Hence more bans on US.

Time zones - yes, if u wanna join the zerg u need to stay up late. But tbh zerging isnt all that fun. I have lots of fun playing "normal" hours. (altho on weekends it can get crazy sometimes hehe)

EU people plays better - YES! this is very true and also very amazing that so many US ppl dont know how to play/specc their toons and also go out in RvR in rogs. This is actually quite fun when being an old EU player that never would consider going to RvR unless fully templated and "potted" out.

Last but not least:

"eventually we all go there."

true if u still enjoy Daoc and wanna continiue playing ... its never too late to roll on Bossy

I think im gonna go with a 'no' on that one ty :p

Excal/pry for the win. Stop trying to poach people over to a fotm us server from an already dwindling server!

I would never consider moving over to the US servers once the EU game dies tbh that is just sad. Move on when the game dies ffs!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Dood said:
Excal cluster - 1500 at prime? divide that by 2 and u are closer to the truth? and 50% of em are bots. Only the ppl who are most dedicated to their character still plays (kudos to u), rest of us has moved on.

Um, reality check ?

There are frequently more than 750 people on Excal alone, so to say that's what the cluster has as it's maximum is simply wrong.

50% bots would mean that everyone runs a bot all the time. In all the groups I've ever been in, I think the most I've seen is 3 bots between 8 active people, 0-2 is much more common. So 8 can't be right, surely, unless there are lots of people who never group with me who have more than 1 bot each.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Lets see if I got this right:

- Tempra is wondering how the hell there is so few DAoC players playing on EU-servers (especially in the UK one).
- Tempra feels sorry for players in Excal/Pryd because of the lack of players.
- Tempra says that in US there is ~1200 players on non-prime time and at the same time there is only 62 players on Excal.
- Tempra claims that at primetime there is ~2000 players in US
- Tempra recommends "Bossiney cluster" because there is always 1200+ players on.

Did I miss anything?

Now for all of you "olol m8, ever heard about timezone?!?"", well, ...
Tempra said:
Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol
... need a picture of words "always" and "now"? :rolleyes:
Tempra said:
Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k
Holy fuck! The guy is actually calculating the timezones but no, lets flame him anyway! Great :cool:

How this thread could have gone...
Tempra said:
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.
RandomFHposter said:
Dude, the last time I checked Bossiney cluster's player amount at 9am US-time there was below 100 players on.
Tempra said:
Oh, lol m8, didn't realize that
Anyone actually have the figures of Bossiney cluster? :p <900 at the moment.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Dood said:
Radar abusers - Mythic can and will bust em and ban .. which is very good. GoA doesnt care (or are just clueless about it) Hence more bans on US.
I don't how long you have played, but it has been quite the opposite.



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Saggy said:
Lets see if I got this right:

- Tempra is wondering how the hell there is so few DAoC players playing on EU-servers (especially in the UK one).
- Tempra feels sorry for players in Excal/Pryd because of the lack of players.
- Tempra says that in US there is ~1200 players on non-prime time and at the same time there is only 62 players on Excal.
- Tempra claims that at primetime there is ~2000 players in US
- Tempra recommends "Bossiney cluster" because there is always 1200+ players on.

Did I miss anything?

Now for all of you "olol m8, ever heard about timezone?!?"", well, ...

... need a picture of words "always" and "now"? :rolleyes:

Holy fuck! The guy is actually calculating the timezones but no, lets flame him anyway! Great :cool:

How this thread could have gone...

Anyone actually have the figures of Bossiney cluster? :p <900 at the moment.

If it's so rose tinted y the fuck coming here to whine cause of no ppl playing at 9 am on a week end day? Log your Us toons and play there imo -.-


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gahn said:
If it's so rose tinted y the fuck coming here to whine cause of no ppl playing at 9 am on a week end day? Log your Us toons and play there imo -.-
Ok, I missed this part:
Tempra said:
Not that US servers are like WOW!

I try hard but can't see any whining in Tempra's post and I'm sure he will log on his US toons and play there.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Saggy said:
Ok, I missed this part:


I try hard but can't see any whining in Tempra's post and I'm sure he will log on his US toons and play there.

Tbh, as i read it, seems a bait and like that it's been treated from Eu ppl.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
obviously it's not so great over there if he's having to come here to try and attract some friends to play with ;)

You took the words right out of my mouth, it must of been while you were kissing me.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Dood said:
Remove the bitterness and u actually have some facts in this thread...

Bossiney Cluster - true its alive and kicking , last weekend we had way over 3000 players on at prime, and never below 1000 no matter what time u log on. Some bots but not alot (a few have em in PvE for lvling or farming)

Excal cluster - 1500 at prime? divide that by 2 and u are closer to the truth? and 50% of em are bots. Only the ppl who are most dedicated to their character still plays (kudos to u), rest of us has moved on.

Radar abusers - Mythic can and will bust em and ban .. which is very good. GoA doesnt care (or are just clueless about it) Hence more bans on US.

Time zones - yes, if u wanna join the zerg u need to stay up late. But tbh zerging isnt all that fun. I have lots of fun playing "normal" hours. (altho on weekends it can get crazy sometimes hehe)

EU people plays better - YES! this is very true and also very amazing that so many US ppl dont know how to play/specc their toons and also go out in RvR in rogs. This is actually quite fun when being an old EU player that never would consider going to RvR unless fully templated and "potted" out.

Last but not least:

"eventually we all go there."

true if u still enjoy Daoc and wanna continiue playing ... its never too late to roll on Bossy

All this is totally irrelevant. Excal and Pryd is a community, thats why many are still here, enjoying and supporting that community. Quality not quantity my friend.

Actually, please tell all your mates to reroll here, you'll love it. Adding your cluster numbers to pryd/excal cluster would really boost it.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
it's the other hib players that keep me playing tbh..
the game is nice, but withouth this community, i'd been gone looonngg time ago


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Tempra said:
EU folks dont play daoc so mutch?

The amount of ppl is pathetic considering the size of the world and new frontiers. Almost feel sorry for you guys.

Not that US servers are like WOW! but we have 1200ppl on 09:27 so time is like 02:00 or 03:00 something at night so not even primetime is closer to 2k

Anyways you should consider the "Bossiney cluster" worth a shot sence must be hell alot more fun playing with 1200+ always than excal has now 62ppl lol

anyways keep the good spirit m8's.
great thanks for that gem of information.

I would still play EU servers if there was only 10 people left, why anyone would would want to play with yehaw radar using americans is beyond me.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
great thanks for that gem of information.

I would still play EU servers if there was only 10 people left, why anyone would would want to play with yehaw radar using americans is beyond me.

americans have a great excuse tho.. "everybody else does it so i must do it to compete"...... >.<

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