Am I wrong or…


Madonion Slicer

Is Thrueg using there pets a really silly thing to do in the heat of a battle, last night in the BG there was a pretty good to and fro battle between Albs and Mids, everyone was playing well, but I was constantly getting pissed at the pets breaking perfectly good mezzed and stunned Middies.

Now I am sure the pets are a good defence when alone, but when a middie is mezzed or stunned sending a blue con pet on him that will hit for a tiny amount of damage and then allow the middie to run again is stupid, as a thrueg you have many other skills which are of great value to a group even use your DD and DD with Snare, but please think before releasing a single pet on to a rooted enemy.

I don’t mean to moan but you would get pissed two if every time you see a rooted or mezzed enemy and you set up your Crit Shot, a blue pet hits him and he runs with out taking any damage where an Infi or Scout or Tank would of dropped him in seconds.

What I am trying to say is a little mixed up but I am sure you get what I am trying to say.

But if you have a argument of why pets are good then please tell me, as for killing a rooted or mezzed enemy I cant see one.


Send MANY MANY pets :) then they do big dmg :)
Besides Air pets have stun so its hard to run away from them...

Anyways if u send like 5 pets on someone it will be very hard for him to escape with his life unless he is close to some kind of guards.

Alexe the infil

Madonion Slicer

Ah i would not moan if some how the enemy was trapped and the caster took the time to cast 5+ then maybe reroot but it never seems to be the case, i always see the minstrel or the Sorc or whatever make the mez/root, then a single earth or ice pet breaking it and the guy getting away back to his group where the single pet is abliterated by his 10 mates. now if the root/mez was left then an infi or scout or wiz would of finished him before he know what was going on.

I know from experiance there is hardly a class out there that can take 2 Bolts and 2 DD from a Fire Wiz, and the same a Scout never seen some take more that 4 arrows to drop in most cases 2 or 3. But have i ever seen anyone be killed with a pet?? the answer is no i have never seen this, even with my main in emain have i rarley seen a pet kill someone.

I would say pets are more of a distraction while you plan you next move, personally if someone casts pets near me i use them as a sheild and run up behind them till i am in range of the enemy and shoot trough the pet where i know it will be hard for another player to target me.


Totally agree, I never send my pet at mezzed enemy, only happens when I make a mistake.
Pets are great for interupting casters and any annoying spell/magic makers, also if the pet is tough enough tanks will have to run back to to get it off them, which gets them off your tanks etc.. you get the picture.

I think a lot might have to do with the fact that they are still bugged and it can be difficult to finely control them at times.

They're also great for keep defense..make 1, then stand by door and take hit off caster.. your little mate will run straight through the door and attack that caster :) every pet you make after that while your health is still down will run at him straight away ..soooo cool.

Madonion Slicer

Job tottally agree for interupting a casters and keep attacks and defences pets are of good use, but i dont want you to think i am having a go at all pets, i mean Cabbie Pet make excellent gaurds and Sorc can get some pretty mean looking nasties. When i talk about pets i really am talking about Threugist Pets, very good for PVE but in RVR i dont see there use mid battle. They have very low HP and There life span is too short, how many hits do they get in before they expire 4 maybe 5 if they not killed by then, and they are low con.

I understand when faced with an enemy you got to do what you can when faced with a caster a quick ice pet will dd him and stop him from casting hence giving you time to come up with a battle plan. But as i said before when an enemy is rooted or mez there are alot better ways to deal with him, you have time and the advantage at your hands dont blow it with a low con low life pet.

I have not done much in emain i mean my main is only 37 but i so i dont how much of a roll they play in battles there.

Please bare in mind i am talking about battles not Keep Raids or Defences there is a huge difference in everyones role.



that sounds like bad play, breaking mezz with 1 pet.

ill tell you when pets are useful, and its a fekking choker, its when a make a kill amongst or very close to a group of enemies, as a shadow zerker i often have to dwell for that second or third swing of the weapons, then leap from the bridge, or run back to my lines. nothing is more annoying and sickening to think you are safe and well having scored a great kill, when low and behold, the pet, who ignores all rules of collision and can see thru your stealth, whacks off the last 30% of your health.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :mad:


but still, i do so love slaying albion casters, they fall so quick :D
so i guess its even

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Madonion Slicer

make 1, then stand by door and take hit off caster.. your little mate will run straight through the door and attack that caster every pet you make after that while your health is still down will run at him straight away ..soooo cool

Now that i did not know, that is a pretty sneaky trick, bug or not still sneaky but hey it is an advantage over an enemy which is always a good thing.


Pets can be set to if someone attacks you, yer pet seeks you out...I often sit my pet on the middie bridge, and wait to be shot at ;0)

wolvon fury

You Hate Theurgist breaking mez with a pet,

Try getting your mez broke by a THANE
With there surpream damage of The Hammers :rolleyes:


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