

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
At some point every alliance needs to consider 'Do we want to grow?' - New Era is currently full, as far as I know. Some of the guilds in the alliance are tiny, and a few are completely dead.

It has already been decided that if we get a request from a larger, active guild, the dead wood will be cut. At some point that will include the tiny guilds - though it would be preferably if people would just merge up the tiny ones into one larger one and free up the slots.

My suggestion would be to join the guild with the most realmpoints - and keep an alt in the old guild so you can still use the stored bounty points in it for tower claiming.

yep and a good suggestion it is, for example, im afraid Fedaikyn is kinda dieing, it has been for a year now, wouldnt it be better that those guild join a bigger alliance, merge guilds, for example venom is a pretty big guild...


Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
it was not planed to have a king/ president or what ever you wanto call it.. the idea was to get some one or a smaller grp of ppl to try to get things going like it was befor pre nf and well pre toa ... some ppl to get things going and plans rolling that was well pretty much it becors honestly how many do we have out there that trys to make any 200+ full scale bgs now days.? from what I count so far it is zero


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
According to duskwave, there are 2 big alliances on Excal - Fom (15) and RS (20) guilds. 3 of them are on Pryd - NE(17), Norrsk (13), TFA(16). This makes for a total of 81 guilds. Even if we assume that half of them are mostly dead, and their members would like to join bigger guilds, that still makes them 40 - which is twice the number of guilds allowed in alliance.

Besides, we need at least 35 guilds to claim Mid keeps and towers. get things started..a little note. My guild, Black Company, which i currently lead, or, a better word, keep, has a long story, serious achievements, and still almost 1M BPs in coffers. I would not disturb old memories, the days of great glory that are behind, i enjoy stillness and calm....but for a good of all united Midgard i would like to open guild doors for all people of our lands.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Framer said:
it was not planed to have a king/ president or what ever you wanto call it.. the idea was to get some one or a smaller grp of ppl to try to get things going like it was befor pre nf and well pre toa ... some ppl to get things going and plans rolling that was well pretty much it becors honestly how many do we have out there that trys to make any 200+ full scale bgs now days.? from what I count so far it is zero


I tried it, i got 45ppl. Thats what u get these days. I got something else in store soon. But ive only seen 200ppl in a bg once. And that was in my last ml rush.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
well if we have 5 allaince.. we can easy just make 2 active alliances.. thats what the realm need nowadays :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
If anyone is intrested in joining <Norrsken> alliance with guild or characters here is where you do it:

either that or contact any of us in game. our alliance still works well after many years, though we are a few less active members now after cluster. Our alliance chat has always been more of a friendly/guild chat where we write what we want all the time and most often in our swedish/scandinavian languages. we have a few non scandinavian members also now and that seem to work. basicly every active full member of the alliance has veto against new members so i cant just invite anyone. but we need a few more mids here so some new applications would be great. :)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
can't agree more to most

:worthy: I can't agree more to most of the people here who all have good intentions to get the Mid realm on track again.

It is a verry good idea to reform the alliances with the most active , and big guilds.

But 1)...tbh there are to many small guilds arround who don't seem to wurry about the fact that they are on low numbers at all.this makes it hard to form nice FG's in a BG over and over again!
A BG for some serious sieging in alb or hib mostly looks like 45 total members , 2 FG's a couple small groups with 4- 5 members in it and all others are solo.

This doesn't give u the support needed to face the alb's numbers even not if they are all solo aswell!

But 2)...If those aliances are formed with the Goal to support the realm in his regaining contol over the mids relics, or in defending the realm on a later status, then this should be verry clear to ALL members in it.


Well atm there are to manny guilds running arround who actualy don't give a Shit about the frontiers status, or keeps all they do is just farm RP and never or almost never support an AS in defence or attack.

What we do see or saw (when Berk was an atreides keep almost everyday of the week)is that there are often nice FG waiting for the right moment to port Irvr,... instead of defending mids achievements and moving by boat to it.(only 1 example)

Well as mentioned in some other post on FH i don't care about what u all wanne do, and respect the fact that u play the game the way u all want .

But there used to be a time that an AS was there to defend Midgard or to make it achive goals to more Honor and Glory, in these days a person played Midgard and he defended it as simple as that .
Atm we have to many "fake" mids in our ranks to have the same spirit i guess everyone plays an alb or hib on the other side of the cluster wich also is understandable if u want to explore the game more then only 1 realm.
But if u want a bit of a realistic balanced game all those people should learn to chose a side for the playtime they want to spend.

Anyway, what ever will happen with all the guilds who splitted up for all different reasons i also think it is time to regroup and re-unite our ranks in some nice guilds; alliances. But let me also ask : If u want to play Midgard , then play it all the way and keep in mind that xrealm :puke: actions only kill this game in the end.

Whitelights ML 10 RR 9L5 Healer

Rolf Erikson

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
whitelights said:
:worthy: I can't agree more to most of the people here who all have good intentions to get the Mid realm on track again.

It is a verry good idea to reform the alliances with the most active , and big guilds.

But 1)...tbh there are to many small guilds arround who don't seem to wurry about the fact that they are on low numbers at all.this makes it hard to form nice FG's in a BG over and over again!
A BG for some serious sieging in alb or hib mostly looks like 45 total members , 2 FG's a couple small groups with 4- 5 members in it and all others are solo.

This doesn't give u the support needed to face the alb's numbers even not if they are all solo aswell!

But 2)...If those aliances are formed with the Goal to support the realm in his regaining contol over the mids relics, or in defending the realm on a later status, then this should be verry clear to ALL members in it.


Well atm there are to manny guilds running arround who actualy don't give a Shit about the frontiers status, or keeps all they do is just farm RP and never or almost never support an AS in defence or attack.

What we do see or saw (when Berk was an atreides keep almost everyday of the week)is that there are often nice FG waiting for the right moment to port Irvr,... instead of defending mids achievements and moving by boat to it.(only 1 example)

Well as mentioned in some other post on FH i don't care about what u all wanne do, and respect the fact that u play the game the way u all want .

But there used to be a time that an AS was there to defend Midgard or to make it achive goals to more Honor and Glory, in these days a person played Midgard and he defended it as simple as that .
Atm we have to many "fake" mids in our ranks to have the same spirit i guess everyone plays an alb or hib on the other side of the cluster wich also is understandable if u want to explore the game more then only 1 realm.
But if u want a bit of a realistic balanced game all those people should learn to chose a side for the playtime they want to spend.

Anyway, what ever will happen with all the guilds who splitted up for all different reasons i also think it is time to regroup and re-unite our ranks in some nice guilds; alliances. But let me also ask : If u want to play Midgard , then play it all the way and keep in mind that xrealm :puke: actions only kill this game in the end.

Whitelights ML 10 RR 9L5 Healer

COULDEN`T AGREE MOORE. Especilly the last part. :worthy:



Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
I dont se what lol is all about vavires ... pre nf and during some parts of the toa time it was pretty common with that size of figthing forces from the realms... can still remeber when the albs managet to bring down the servers through having to many ppl in one and the same zone was pertty funny when you look back at it...

and I agree completly with whitelights post


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
vavires said:

I tried it, i got 45ppl. Thats what u get these days. I got something else in store soon. But ive only seen 200ppl in a bg once. And that was in my last ml rush.

it was good run, but for bigger rush, gona need preplanning.
talk few day earlier what is our goals, organise trebs/rams, opted groups to make random albs/hibs life miserable who think they can run around farming random mids and so on.

personally have been many many RR in OF time (not been so many NF time).
those days pryd mids, atleast my wiev, used very good tactic.
usually few GG patrol around realm gate + relickeep, we had scouts ( reporting inc numbers and direction.
this strat probably work nowdays allso but need cut porting 1st.

what have went wrong lately?
atm realm dont want to see healers in groups.
make groups whit 1-3 healers when head this kind raids, you cannot survive whit CL heals, believe or not.
when we have break 1st door and get inner yard, people somehow try hide self inside walltowers etc, when in reality this point you need make inc enemies life hard aka -> clean walls and put all casters/arcers there, tanks down, seers if not healing= work whit cc job.
nuke inc dead! interupt whit tanks in floor lvl, dont gather one small area where you are easy to interupt!

who remember when we last time taked relics back from albs?
we had casters on wall! nuking everyting what inc near.
atm this havent happend.

kalevala belong to New Era alliance.
inside alliance we need start work more, this means more alliance meetings and somekind heavy event type tower/keeptaking plans/taking.
+ what tesla write earlier, need slowly get rid of unactive guilds + invite new blood inside.

personally i am ready to help give some ideas/brainstorm ;), gather peeps up etc.

Kalevala is old guild, many old players have start here, moved/maked new guilds.
we have tight hardcore group who have been same most of time.
dont do fg rvr because we dont have capacity for it, aka lacking peeps, but we are so active we can in rvr, allways try have tower claimed to us, follow what happend in rvr and join raids.
if theres small guilds who want to merge or theres 1-3 players who looking new home? we can take you but we have strictly rules.
feel free to pm me ingame, most of time playing eystandr, louhi, Ibin etc, just send pm to some guildmembers and ask me (Ibin is usuall call name)

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