Alliance Speak = Realm-Wide Chit-Chat?



What are the rules for using /as? AFAIK it was originally supposed to be used only for Realm-Concerning Important Things (like relic raids, call-to-arms, etc).

Since DF came out and the 24/7 keep hunt/RvR ganking has exploded, /as has (in my opinion) become a huge chatgroup flooding with info about what's going on in emain, door quality at crim, etc.

I have seen ppl use it to ask for groups for doing their epics, talk about gfx card trouble, you name it...

I thought the deal was for RvR hunting parties to make cgs, not use /as for that.

Before the flames start flying... YES I know that I can just disable /as if it bothers me, but I don't want to do that. Why should I? That way the whole idea of an alliance is void. IMO it would be better if ppl stuck to the original rules and used /as for what it was intended for in the first place.

Another thing... I know that there's an alliance forum on Illuminati's webbie, but as I don't have that (only the GMs have), I chose to take up the subject in here.

Fangrim Fleetyfeet, Theurgist 50 <Equilibrium>
Unseen Death, 2x Infiltrator <Equilibrium>
Soothing Touch, 3x Cleric <Equilibrium>

"Flame me - you know you want to!"


For my part although /as was originally for relic attacks/reports I think with darkness falls opening and the large amout of keep takes/retakes that the roll of alliance chat has changed and in the large for the better.

I dont think alliance chat should be confined to just relic attempts or defence,I believe that anything prudent to the realms defence is ok to be said.

ok so you can say well a rez at amg is prudent but i hope you have more sense...what i am saying is prudent is 100 hibs running through darkness falls heading to merchants,or a keep taking exercise in emain or the defence of any such keep. I even believe that info of 50 mids charging through mmg towards amg is prudent.

Ok yes chat groups were agreed and where at all possible it has been so, But these are not available to every person in emain every night this week I havnt been in a chat group or invited and when your in a group and also in chat its hard to tell everyone in your group whats going on as its being said in the cg.

Yes its annoying to have /as scrolling up through your lovely talk in group about how you like 3 lumps of sugar in tea and not coffee but tbh its a minor thing to swallow.

And what really grates me the worst are the idiots who are so quick to flame on alliance chat shouting at people or moaning and then the next day when it suits them make some comment about something rvr related be it emain odins or darkness falls.

So to sum up /as for my point of view anything for the good of the realm is ok by me.


Yes its annoying to have /as scrolling up through your lovely talk in group about how you like 3 lumps of sugar in tea and not coffee but tbh its a minor thing to swallow.

Umm... Some ppl actually talk about other things, and it's fecking irritating to lose track of a convo, because someone's spamming /as because he sees 2 mids on the road to Excal (or need a rez at amg). OK - fine - the roles of the Alliance has changed, but for crying out loud - keep the spamming off of /as.

And yes, you're right about the double standards of ppl one minute yelling "STOP THE SPAM!" and the other yelling "woot! one-shotted for 877 dmg lol!"

Oh - btw - it was you who was asking for help for epics - why use /as for that? Don't you have a guild?


Well, I always had the impression that the Alliance Chat was used (and should be used for) information about upcomming RvR events as well as current status of RvR that could be of intrest to more then a small group of people...

So I'd say that upcomming relic raids/keep raids, use AS to setup a CG...

There's a group of 50+ mids running from MMG to AMG (or camping AMG), use AS to give information about this...

There's one FG of mids running in Emain, common, 8 mids? Scary shit... I'd suggest this stays out of AS... (setup a CG or something for that)

There's one FG of mids running in Sauvage, this is a bit different, since this is our backyard, and I'd say, use AS...

A keep that Albion has is under attack, give notice about this in AS... Do not keep spamming about the doors, may be 1 message when the first door is down...

The only PvE messages I'd like to see in AS are the ones that concern Legion, the Dragon, or any really hard mob, but only 1 message that you need to contact someone for a CG... (I know some level 50 epics are almost impossible for some guilds to do on their own, so I can tolerate 1 message that someone asks for help and setup a CG)

What I definitly do not want to see is it be used as a 'chat' channel... E.g.: Is AMG safe? or Are we taking any keeps? or even Shutup, your spamming (<- that one is funny, cause your making it worse)

So my idea would be, the channel should be used to give important information about either large troop movements in emain(odin/where ever), any enemy activity in our fronteir (this can even be 1 mid), keep defense/offense (but only 1 or 2 messages), relic raid planning (but only a few messages to setup a CG) and defense of our relic keeps (you can spam all you want about these, since thats pretty important)...

But never use it to chat/ask/etc, because if everybody starts doing this, you get the 'spam' feeling again... (but you've just come online, and want to know the status in emain, ask one of your guild members who has AS)

But this is my personal idea about AS, and before I get into that shit again, NOT the Brethren's idea ;)


I have to agree with Fangrim's original post.

Regardless of what any individual "thinks" the alliance channel should be used for, the rules were quite clearly laid down, anyone not conforming to these rules should have their alliance priviledges removed. There are a number of individuals who need removing from the channel for the constant spam they produce, earlier this week I scrolled back through my window and found one individual had spammed the last 20 lines on alliance with complete garbage, one line saying "<------ is drunk".
I understand that the introduction of Darkness Falls has increased the activity in Emain and other frontiers which has caused a surge in spam on the alliance channel, but it must now stop, I'm sure we've already lost most of the alliance audience who've just switched the channel off. So all those people who constantly winge that noone is helping take this keep or that keep, or noone is bothered about defending Excalibur, the fact is noone can hear your calls anymore, noone is listening.



Wedge: we have something similar in the Fellowship :) occasionally you get the incredibly ironic people: /as don't spam

Although we tell them to /send to the spammers ;)

/as omw

seems to be a pretty common one too...

Not too many problems lately.. was a bit spammy when the alliance was first set up ...


Personally I'd be happy if we can just cut the 30 second or less repetition.

The names have been changed to protect the guilty....

00:01:10 [Alliance]Assmuncher: All meet at Excal to retake keeps
00:01:35 [Alliance]Assmuncher: Plz come to exacl
00:01:57 [Alliance]Assmuncher: ALL MEET AT EXCAL
00:02:24 [Alliance]Assmuncher: we need mor ppl at excal
00:02:46 [Alliance]Assmuncher: come to excal, plz show you care

I vote for 1 minute flood control on /as :D

Oh, and btw - please remember not everyone is in AU. If any of us start a thread here about /as, or anything else alliance related - IMHO it would be a little more respectful of the other alliances if we started refering to the alliance by it's name, AU. Rather than as 'The Alliance'.


Arindra <Shadowlord's Soc>


The person who made the AU must have some rules about common chat.


There was, sometime ago, a meeting of GM's in AU and rules for use for as were set down.

For some reason the introduction of DF meant alot of people started ignoring those rules. It began with DF chat on location of Mids/Hibs, quickly spreading to emain chat and finally to all sorts of inappropriate use. I will try and search back through the posts and see if I can find Zags summary of the rules might be time for a repost.


Here's the summary posted by Zag after the discussion about use of /as


We had (most) all GM's of our allied guilds in a chatgroup and did discuss the use of /as.

The general opinion was, that hardly anyone is annoyed by /as - with the exception, when big discussions are held on it.

So this is what we agreed upon:

- The alliance channel shall never be used to talk, discuss, comment (or anything like that) - not even dragon drops

- It is only meant to relay information that is linked to RvR

- be as brief and exact as possible, and don't end your sentence with a question mark.

- If any enemy action needs a reaction from our side - the goal is to establish a chatgroup as fast as possible. So if you can, please include chatgroupleader right away. E.g.
/as need help defending <keep>, cg leader is <name>

- No Emain battle talk - only with the goal to establish chat groups. Please keep that as low as possible. Don't constantly ask on the channel, who is running the Emain chat group. There is other ways to find out.

- If you are planning an aggressive RvR move, you are also free to use the channel to announce it - again, please include chatgroupleader right away.

- Exception of the channel restrictions are alliance events - like dragon raids, relic raids and in case of a major defence situations (our relics being threatened). The channel can then be used for battle talk - the goal however should be, to address one leader as fast as possible, so we don't end up in endless discussions about what to do.



Well, Talifer, the problem was, when the Brethren joined, there where a few rules laid down on who was allowed AS, who wasnt... And only a small part on what AS was for...

Which was, RvR information... Which is pretty broad... We then had a discussion later (in CG with Officers/GM's from the guilds), which I think was more or less discussed what I mentioned in my post... (at least that was my interpetation)

But dont know if this belongs here anyhow...
(I do not have access to the AU forum yet, tend to forget to ask the person who can arrange access :rolleyes: )


I saw frostors lost his banana and damn mids stole it so we like omg where banana and then frostor ask /as banana omg mids ffs and they were like ffs stfu and we just want banana back but people no respect for ancient frostor banana so I ask where middie with banana? and then harpy go stfu n00b and me giggle coz harpy no know of banana power!
Other day damn mids took outpost by excalibur and were like woot we gonna farm rp and everyone run around yelling mad in as say omg omg omg and ok throw yourself at keep and die so mids have fun and im like omg no they have banana dont let them leave but mids just eat zerg and then leave with banana but I couldnt tell as to get banana because khalen and harpy ffs stfu and im scared.
Now banana gone and frostor no know where banana and sad and we omg ffs soz frostor and hes all sob sob so we gonna go look for banana but cant say as plz help ffs banana gone!
So now we just exp instead but always think of poor banana and frostor like gang and gil say omg plz banana comz back plzplzthxbye but no banana and mids laugh and pilia say she eat banana but not right banana I know mids have right banana and hide it in Finsters vault so we cant get it so we should invade and search for Finster and make him givz banana itam plzok or me pkpk but we cant say on as or herbal buttream us all because we spam but banana vital. damnit.


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Oh, and btw - please remember not everyone is in AU. If any of us start a thread here about /as, or anything else alliance related - IMHO it would be a little more respectful of the other alliances if we started refering to the alliance by it's name, AU. Rather than as 'The Alliance'.

Good point :) we don't hear your chat-line ;) we have our own :p


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
I saw frostors lost his banana and damn mids stole it so we like omg where banana and then frostor ask /as banana omg mids ffs and they were like ffs stfu and we just want banana back but people no respect for ancient frostor banana so I ask where middie with banana? and then harpy go stfu n00b and me giggle coz harpy no know of banana power!
Other day damn mids took outpost by excalibur and were like woot we gonna farm rp and everyone run around yelling mad in as say omg omg omg and ok throw yourself at keep and die so mids have fun and im like omg no they have banana dont let them leave but mids just eat zerg and then leave with banana but I couldnt tell as to get banana because khalen and harpy ffs stfu and im scared.
Now banana gone and frostor no know where banana and sad and we omg ffs soz frostor and hes all sob sob so we gonna go look for banana but cant say as plz help ffs banana gone!
So now we just exp instead but always think of poor banana and frostor like gang and gil say omg plz banana comz back plzplzthxbye but no banana and mids laugh and pilia say she eat banana but not right banana I know mids have right banana and hide it in Finsters vault so we cant get it so we should invade and search for Finster and make him givz banana itam plzok or me pkpk but we cant say on as or herbal buttream us all because we spam but banana vital. damnit.

Can someone who actually managed to read that tell me what it's about? I really can't be bothered to translate it in my head... reading it hurts too much.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Well, Talifer, the problem was, when the Brethren joined, there where a few rules laid down on who was allowed AS, who wasnt... And only a small part on what AS was for...

It's OK Wedge, the main culprits that I'm thinking of aren't even in The Brethren :)

I don't think the problem is confined to any particular guild, but the same individuals come up time and time again.

The AU alliance channel has rules, so far sticking to these rules has meant the AU alliance channel has been a great success. Excalibur is safe while AU alliance (And relays to the other alliances) continues to work as intended. Once people start turning off the alliance channel, because you can't even keep track of what your group is saying, your calls of "Excal under attack, defend!!!" will go unheeded and our relics will be lost.



Using babelfish in "Sepiritz to English" mode I get...

"Twas a spring morn in some days ago Emain, when my party and I learned of the grave truth that the brave knight Sir Frostor had lost a banana. We had also heard grave rumours that the dark forces of Midgard had purloined Sir Frostors soft fruit.

Frostor then did request of his alliance...

"Whereforart my banana, oh woe is me, those midgard forces, oh damn and blast"

The Midgard armies present did enjoy much mirth.

"Oh, please be quiet you silly billy" they said.

Our group at once took up the quest for Sir Frostors fruit of yellowness. And requested aid from all true defenders of albion in the realm "Who can tell me where the evil agents of Midgard have removed Sir Frostors high calcium product to?"

Harpy at once replied "turn from your quest and keep the noise down please, good sir". My fellowship, however, were not turned by this counsel, as we knew Sir Harpy was unaware of the true nature of Sir Frostor's Banana of Power.

Two days prior to this fine morn, the dark horde of Midgard had cast it's shadow in Forest Sauvage, and had gained a hold in the fine halls of Caer Renaris. Though saddened by this grave blow, the fellowship of the banana rose bravely to the challenge, nay, the opportunity, to grow the power of Camelot by crushing this battlion of infildels who even now were probably peeing in the shower at Caer Renaris.

Not surprisingly many of the dark ones were confident that in their fortress of Albion they would rule over Forest Suavage, for years to come, or at least untilk they all got bores and went home for tea. Indeed many good knights of Albion feared greatly in this turn of events, Sir Khalen and Sir Harpy were heard to proclaim...

"Oh golly gosh, please do not speak, for I am in fear of the dark army of Midgard"

Now the banana was lost, and Sir Frostor did not know where to turn. This grieved him deeply.

The fellowship attempted to console Frostor, but nonetheless he cried out...

"My eternal search will now be for my banana of justice, but I cannot speak; please help me good sirs, golly gosh, my banana is lost!"

The fellowship of the banana was formed at once, but lacking the strength necessary to overcome the evil of midgard and the strength of those who had carried away the banana, we retired to Albion to seek further strength in training ourselves for the quest that had become the destiny of the fellowship.

While we grew stronger the dark horde of midgard continued to taunt good Sir Frostor....

"I'll will eat your banana you nimcompoop!" said Pilia

"I will hide the banana in my vault and I fart in your general direction!" said Finster.

Therefore the fellowship requests, nay, demands, that all true knights of albion, unite to aid the fellowship in the quest to regain the banana"


K. First of all, my bad for starting with the use of "The Alliance". It's proper name is "Albion United", or "AU".

I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one thinking that AU /as has degenerated :) Anyways - where's this leading? Apparantly we have a set of rules (the ones laid down by Zagg). Are these the official rules? And how do we deal with ppl who repeatedly breaks them?

Furthermore I don't give a damn about Frostor's Banana, cute and funny as it may be. I got enough crap flooding thru my chat window as it is, don't need AU /as to be one of them. I totally agree with the Wedge post about AU /as use, except for the Epics. People have guilds for that, or a friends tab.

And for the record: I don't mind someone spamming once in a while, but lately, it seems to me like it's the same persons over and over who spams. I made a couple comments about it, and myself was accused of spamming :) Which I was - so that won't happen again :)


:eek: how long did that take you to write ramas ?


Too damn long, got half way through, and thought to myself, "hmm, this really isn't worth the effort is it".

But it gives you a clue how bored I am today that I finished it anyway despite the time and the dubious level of humour it involved.

ho Hum.


Information is power. If it isnt information thats: related to RvR, likely to save lives or allow us to take lives, then it doesn't belong on /as. Keep it short, pack as much info into one short line as poss. If its enemy locations give numbers. If theyre moving say where from and to. Chat groups dont work.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Too damn long, got half way through, and thought to myself, "hmm, this really isn't worth the effort is it".

But it gives you a clue how bored I am today that I finished it anyway despite the time and the dubious level of humour it involved.

ho Hum.

:clap: :clap:

was worth it anyway :)

yay spacing, sentences and paragraph breaks!


There's too many ppl with AS speak rights.
Only a couple(the ones most active and with a bit self restraint considering messages.) in each guild should get that, the rest can talk to them to have them post whatever info might be important.


Problem - Solution ?

We have discovered a problem then but whats the sulotion. I too feel that bananas and rezz requests have no business on as. I like to laugh as well but a joke repeated is as useless as yesterdays newspaper. By now I think everyone got confronted with the banana so lets cut it there.

As everyone knows, AU is not a leadership guild and as such I don't feel like kicking any guild off it, nor suggest steps to be taken by the guild leaders of the spammers (although I keep hoping for them). Everyone slips sometimes and discussions do break out sometimes, a joke is pulled or a immensely important question (that isn't so important to some is asked) - no big deal, it happens, even to me and Fangrim I am sure :). A solution has to be found however to the late chit chat box that has become of it. Some guilds are thinking about leaving the alliance because of just the same issues but I personally think its wrong to do so. Only when ALL Albion can listen to IMPORTANT matters the goal is achieved that AU was aiming to be. (Ok that might be a bit over the top :) ) All of you must see the goal though. Information carrier is the key.

So here is my appeal to all guild leaders in AU: Restrict /as access to the CORE (those that are on most of the time) - relay information from /as to /gu (or /y /t /whatever) that you think is important to YOU and to the ones u address it to.

Allthough everyone wants /as access in guilds I still don't see the point in everyone actually getting it if they A. don't like what they hear, or B. use it for irrelevant things frequently.

i.e. GoL. High stealther chars, gremium (heads or whatever you want to call it) have /as talk/read. Senior officers have /as read. Out of the 137 ppl that the chronicals insist we are, maybe 10-12 ppl have /as talk. Thats it.

The only other solution is to repeat the rules, stated further up that were agreed to in the GL meeting to all those that have /as talk in your guilds and hope annoyance will subside and efficiency returns.

Thanks for your attention, was longer then I hoped it would be.

Bleri McThrust

Wasnt going to reply to this, but decided to support both Wedge and Fangrim as they have both, in my opinion hit the nail on the head and really made the points needed.

For CoA there are only 8 people with as speak rights, many more that would like it, but we feel that the 8 pretty much can cover everything. If someone wants to relay something to as they have to ask one of those people. keeps spam down, hopefully.


lol, love the translation, cheers on a good read. :)


The problem lies in the fact that there are 50% more people with /as speak rights than there should be. All that s need is for 1 (yes 1) sigle person online per guild is in need of /as speak. Now, 1 person can't be online all the time, we all know this. GMs and officers should have /as, no one else. I know that some guilds have to many that case the GM and 3 officers should get speak rights. Nothing should be said in /as that isn't discussed in your guild chat in the first place, there fore all the active RvR people don't need it. They simply say in guild 50 mids inc to excal plz relay to /as. One post from the guild is made...50 mids inc to excal from blah blah blah. End of story, no extra *get to excal* *don't you care about your realm* *we need more people (said 50 times in a row)* posts needed.

basically each guild should have a spokesperson (or 3) who relays info for thier guild...this cuts down on spam by eliminating needless posts, such as 1 fg in emain at amg...just not needed and when it's talked about in guild chat it can be avoided in /as. It cuts down on the *banana* spam as well, I mean really, is your GM gonna say, "Oh you lost your banana? Well, by all means, let me spam /as with it" no, I think not.

if max 4 or 5 people per guild have /as speak rights then the spam will be cut in half over night!

I BEG YOU GMs...revise your ranks to illiminate excess /as speaking rights ;)

old.Im pac man!!

aye maybe we should drop the number of ppl with privileges.

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