All together now...


Testin da Cable

you have to be glad these things get out in the open though. after a zillion years they may even do an 'improve customer services' project


Re: All together now...(PIRATE FREE ZONE)

Originally posted by [PS]Mung
And what can we possibly say about this....

Winge winge winge.

Possibly this... CRY MORE NOOB, and STFU!

Why? Why are you taking the mickey out of him? It's not his fault that the service was so poor, and frankly, hes pointed out a pretty bad experience that will dissuade readers from taking up BT's service. That, perhaps is the important issue, landlubber. BT will be keen to avoid bad press, and will issue a few major bollockings to their shipmates.


What I'd like to say is that many people experiences this kind of thing but their voices are little heard of.
This reporter obviously has a bee up his ass about it and decides to write an article detailing this trivial occurance.
The rest of us have to resort to posting on forums and fuming there.

I resent this kind of reporting, if I had had a problem and maybe sent the reporter a note detailing it, do you think he would have written the article? Not on your life. He's abusing his position and that's not on.

John Travolta

I used to do an internet radion station. Used to abuse my position like that all the time.


Originally posted by John Travolta
I used to do an internet radion station. Used to abuse my position like that all the time.
Ah well that's different.

Noone would've been listening anyway. ;)

John Travolta

Actually we had quite a few listeners. Mostly in States though.
Which didn't help as we were bidding for the local FM license.

The Kingpin

Gator is more of a plague than a company.


Originally posted by [PS]Mung
trivial occurance.

Having your ADSL cancelled twice because your name is remotely similar to someone elses is just a "trivial occurance"? Hah.


Originally posted by mank!
Having your ADSL cancelled twice because your name is remotely similar to someone elses is just a "trivial occurance"? Hah.
In the grand scheme of things, yes. Quite frankly he was unlucky, I mean just how many John Smiths are out there?
It was human error alright, but one dumb fuck of a human error.
The article was self motivated and served no purpose but to highlight his own plight.
I'm sure BT were grovelling around him after the article appeared and so it would seem to have achieved his aims.
How many others can claim a similar victory? None I'll wager since we are not able to publicise to such a broad and well read audience.
Look out next week for his exciting article entitled "My Pot Noodle Hell". It's all about how his Pot Noodle didn't have a sauce sachet in it.


Originally posted by mung
The article was self motivated and served no purpose but to highlight his own plight.
I'm sure BT were grovelling around him after the article appeared and so it would seem to have achieved his aims.
How many others can claim a similar victory? None I'll wager since we are not able to publicise to such a broad and well read audience.

I'd rather people with the power to reach a large audience like this highlighted problems, otherwise nobody will ever know about them and chances are, BT will do fuck all about it.


Originally posted by [PS]Mung
I resent this kind of reporting, if I had had a problem and maybe sent the reporter a note detailing it, do you think he would have written the article? Not on your life. He's abusing his position and that's not on.

May I point out one or two things to you Mung, that you might not have thought about? If I wrote to a reporter and told him I'd had that experience, he would need proof before taking action. That means he would have to investigate the claim. Now that guy is probably not a reporter, he is most likely a columnist, which is a person paid to write a certain number of words per column, every so often each week. Everything he writes is going to be based upon his own experiences of life (inspired by something happening in the world relevant to his own circumstances). Thats what columnists do, they talk about their opinions, relevant to the week's news.

Therefore, he was probably entirely within his rights to write that article.

If this story was on page 4 of the Daily Mail, and reported as news, you would have a point, but it isn't, and never will be, so don't worry about it.

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