Suedish said:Family is always more important than some computer game.
Coolan said:it was very true neon. durgi has had to quit daoc due to rl.
Deadman:Reloaded said:well to be honest ok i havent been in mid a week n a bit now but really from what I've heard/seen going on I have a feeling that we done sommit bad...Ok durgi made a debateable action - can be seen as good and can be seen as bad...but...has anyone got the skill, determination, organisation, and will power to actually go get those relics back? As far as i know durgi has been the only person I've been on a relic raid with as leader of the raid and each one has been highly sucessful - with the only failures been to lame zergs which in all honesty we did amazingly well against despite loosing. So really all I'm saying is rip the piss out of our durgi and put him down all u want - go get us some relics and I'm sure ppl will give the "oh ur so amazing way better than durgi ever was" etc etc speech. Still - some1 has to go get them first...and I'm sure his record was 2full primetime weeks holding all relics with him and his merry men..anyone volunteers to organise beating that????
Svendoc said:Well Daggers if there are 4 or 5 organising Relic raids I guess they have some planing to do now, personally think it was a good call, stir things up a bit so what if we havn't got themnow we will get them back and then hibs will get them back and hand them to the zergers, so on and so forth. more interesting than all realms not bothering with them.
Svendoc said:Well Daggers if there are 4 or 5 organising Relic raids I guess they have some planing to do now, personally think it was a good call, stir things up a bit so what if we havn't got themnow we will get them back and then hibs will get them back and hand them to the zergers, so on and so forth. more interesting than all realms not bothering with them.
Kedoz said:Why is it that every time Durgi posts anything on the forums ppl tend to turn it into a "please flame me some" thread? I have been on several of Durgis raids and they have all been very nicely executed. And eventhough he might have done mistakes in RL, thats realy non of your consern.... Im sure alot of the flamers here have done some stupid things in RL as well. As for ingame mistakes, tbh I'll take his word over alot of others word anyday, and for thous who know me, I'm not the biggest Durgi fan around, but the flameing in this thread is just evul.
I have had my dissagreements with Durgi in my time, spesialy when we were in malmo, but that doesnt mean I dont respect him for what he has done, and is capeble of doing for Midgard.
I know that, just pointed out to the other guy and the rest that posted in this thread after Durgi's "exit" of the game that "old" Durgi is nomore, and that he won't be able to:Coolan said:kraka you wont see durgi out his account has been closed indefinetly, and cant be reopened without my help.
Kedoz said:and is capeble of doing for Midgard
kain said:Yeah this is a shock to me too, I have know D since EoO days... Well guess whos just lost he's whole SC fund, yup poor idiot me (not even safe to trust your GM now a days).
So thats pretty much it from me, can't face the damn game being a gimped thane and now a bankrupt one (thats just a double bitch slapping).
good luck ladies and gents
And sinkNate said::worthy:That's right...I'm back! You thought you were spared from the Supaness of SupaTroll but no! None of you are as uber as me! now i can dive!:worthy: