Alien vs Predator


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Demo out tomorrow on all 3 platforms i think this game is going to be vey good considering the amount of money Sega are spending on promoting the game ive seen a few adverts on various channels plus a trailer in the cinema.

I guess time will tell tomorrow i've got my fingers crossed as i played AvP1/2 multiplayer for around 3 years it's about time it got the next gen make over.

The demo is multiplayer btw which i'm so glad for :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Demo on PC too? Well I never - that's grand because I can pre-order it for about £16 but was holding off on the grounds that it'll probably be a giant pile of dog shit.

We shall see :D.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sweet, I don't have anything to do tomorrow so shall give it a bash.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Demo's on steam now, I linked it in the thread in general.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Mentioned in general, really loving it on the PC - simple, mindless, FPS fun. Not too complex, reasonably balanced gameplay, amusing deaths.

It's absolutely merde on the PS3, or should that be console in general.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Mentioned in general, really loving it on the PC - simple, mindless, FPS fun. Not too complex, reasonably balanced gameplay, amusing deaths.

It's absolutely merde on the PS3, or should that be console in general.

I downloaded both versions enjoyed the console version more but only because I was playing with 7 other friends which was really fun other than that apart from DX11 they are the same. Keeping my preorder :) played on 360 btw so not sure what you meant about the PS3 version.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
playing the demo now, like it but I can't help feel that the marine is at a major disadvantage on the console version. I don't care what anyone says control pad will never match mouse and keyboard, and considering you're shooting at something that can be on the wall, floor or ceiling, moving very fast and will instantly kill you when it reaches you makes it a tad frustrating.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
playing the demo now, like it but I can't help feel that the marine is at a major disadvantage on the console version. I don't care what anyone says control pad will never match mouse and keyboard, and considering you're shooting at something that can be on the wall, floor or ceiling, moving very fast and will instantly kill you when it reaches you makes it a tad frustrating.

I'm doing great with the Marine personally maybe I am just better with the pad then you.

The best tip I can give you is be ready for the light attack because Alien players will ALWAYS run at you and start their attack with that just block watch him recoil and kill him with ease.

Nothing more funny then watching that dumb Alien run straight for you try to do a light attack only for you to counter him and blow the mother fucker away.

I find the Predator my fav so far thou it feels very tactical with him as you have to watch your energy and know when to recharge or your stuffed. I regular go on 20+ kill streaks with him so far and I am really looking forward to playing Predator hunt.

Awesome game I really like it and I feel the main reason is it feels balanced unlike the Pc games where the ridiculous Predalien/super pounce insta killed anything including heavy Preds.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I'm doing great with the Marine personally maybe I am just better with the pad then you.

Well its not hard, I'm still very much a mouse keyboard convert. And no matter what you say the truth shall always remain that the mouse and keyboard will alway piss onto the control pad on fps games. Its just a shame the mouse and keyboard are attached to a dying format IMHO.

I haven't got into tactics yet, just been gunning and running. Enjoyed the alien, havent got round to the predator yet. joining times are quite bad tonight :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well its not hard, I'm still very much a mouse keyboard convert. And no matter what you say the truth shall always remain that the mouse and keyboard will alway piss onto the control pad on fps games. Its just a shame the mouse and keyboard are attached to a dying format IMHO.

I haven't got into tactics yet, just been gunning and running. Enjoyed the alien, havent got round to the predator yet. joining times are quite bad tonight :(

I think the mouse would be good for this game not sure about keyboard thou as it's more of an up close and personal game.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm with dave that keyboard and mouse is superior, particularly if you're the Alien and need to 360 quickly - you just can't do it on the console. However, I disagree that the marine is at a disadvantage; effective use of the motion tracker and the abilitiy to take down enemies from afar stack up against the Predator's need to sneak up quietly (unless you have the boomerang thingy / laser).


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I meant the marine is at a disadvantage with the control pad, although to be fair it does apply to all three I suppose. You just can't track with a control pad like you can with a mouse.

Is there no different view for the alien like there was in the last two, having trouble running around on darken ceiling because I can't see where I'm going, not something I think the alien would suffer from.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i had no problems with pad killing aliens, i guess i can aim quick enough not to be disadvantaged with them jumping ceiling to floor. Oh and yes its all about meleeing the alien, it stuns them. then kill them. I killed aliens easier than anything else


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i love this whole debate all the time about pad vs mouse and keyboard. Its almost as yawn tastic as 360 vs PS3

Just settle for the fact people prefer to play on what they play on, and stop going on about it please


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I love the whole "well I don't have any problems with the control pad, I must just be really good at it" you can imagine the thought process to be something like "Well I'm not having any problems with the control pad, wait a minute, maybe that makes me some sort of computer game playing god, the universe is mine to command, hahahaha bow before me mouse and keyboard lepers!!! I have achieved a level you will never understand hahahaa!!!!"

If the idea is that the marine can defeat an alien in hand to hand then it seems the developers haven't been watching the movies. That would put the alien at a great disadvantage.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I'm with dave that keyboard and mouse is superior, particularly if you're the Alien and need to 360 quickly - you just can't do it on the console. However, I disagree that the marine is at a disadvantage; effective use of the motion tracker and the abilitiy to take down enemies from afar stack up against the Predator's need to sneak up quietly (unless you have the boomerang thingy / laser).

Why would you need to 360 quickly? You'd be facing exactly the same direction :D

Downloaded the demo for PC anyway, and god damn I'm shit at FPS on PC's these days.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I love the whole "well I don't have any problems with the control pad, I must just be really good at it" you can imagine the thought process to be something like "Well I'm not having any problems with the control pad, wait a minute, maybe that makes me some sort of computer game playing god, the universe is mine to command, hahahaha bow before me mouse and keyboard lepers!!! I have achieved a level you will never understand hahahaa!!!!"

If the idea is that the marine can defeat an alien in hand to hand then it seems the developers haven't been watching the movies. That would put the alien at a great disadvantage.

Your not killing them in hand to hand combat your simply shoving them off giving you that 2 seconds to light them up with the pulse rifle.

I don't have problems with the pad either but that's because the pad is second nature for me these days I would probably suck arse with a mouse/kb simply because I don't bother with pc gaming anymore.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Well if you thought modern warfare single player was bad, wait until you get a load of this shoddy excuse. Not tried mulitplayer yet but I get the feeling that this is a multiplayer game with a few single player levels glued on at the last minute.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
it got poor marks on review sites so not bothering with it


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Yup finished the alien missions today and now played a bit of multiplayer. Hugely disappointed with this game, it's certainly the worst of the 3 games so far without a doubt. Controls are clunky, graphics are hardly xbox 360 worthy, level design is basic and the multiplayer menu is just stupid. Hopefully colonial marines will get released soon and show sega why they make games made of wank.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
The publishing company are often responsible for rushing the designers, this game feels very rushed too me ie lots of work done on cinematics but halfarsed gameplay. So I still blame sega for this disappointment.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You're blaming a company for something you feel is their fault when you have no idea how they or the industry works? Well played.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yet again wazz has a point, you can't blame sega without any proof. Massive assumption is making an ass out of you.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Sega ruined their own console line IMO, funded medieval total war and ruined it IMO, and now have funded avp and that appears to be ruined too IMO. IMHO (<---- make note of that) sega can't seem to grasp what their consumer wants and that effects the outcome. If you've played the game then you will notice how rushed and clunky it feels, developers don't rush games publishers rush them. If you haven't played the game then why are you here commenting?

If you want evidence that the funding company have an direct effect on the outcome of a product ask yourself this, who is responsible for the shitefest that is alien 3 David Fincher or 20th century Fox? (I don't care if you though alien 3 was good, you're clearly wrong and your opinion is null and void ;))


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Alien 3 director cut is fantastic, back to the roots of what made Alien good. None of this all out action popcorn bollocks of Aliens.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
David Fincher has gone on record as saying that for there to be a directors cut of alien 3 he would have to make a new film. The alternative cut is slightly better than the original but still shite :)

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