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in the spirit of the above posts I made you this :D...



Re: Niljindil Duel whit me ?

Originally posted by Saxosergio
Hehe only need cast 3 pets to kill you m8 ! need you see it ?

I Stay in mill in front of Amg in the night of friday at time 2. AM time spaniard :p I wait you !
so long friend


Heh, even if Nilj isn't there I will be, I want to see a theurg try and take on a mentalist. Don't worry, I won't interfere (unless Nilj can't turn up, in which case I can take her place).

PS, please leave the guy's English alone, it isn't great, but it's better than most of our Spanish, and it shows a lot of determination to play a game like DAOC in a foreign language.

Whereas thinking he can take on a menty ... well thats plain dumb :p


I do say, lets just open one server and call it 'johnny foreigner'.

Put all these dashed foreign people in it and let them all speak foreign at one an other.

phwa phwa phwa

(please tell me you understood that's a joke...)


Just another post regarding the spanish population on the server.....

I realise that most spanish players can be a real pain in the a** flaming, shouting and even just talking in spanish in the main chat channels - ok this is understandable and I know that most people get annoyed..

I hate it when I see others ruining us and giving us a bad image on the server (I have twice been refused groups because I was spanish :( ) I have made it a point to the people in my guild that no spanish is to be spoken in areas where there are others who may feel offended. After all, this is an english server and the language must be respected.

As for saxo's post, come on at least he tried to put sentences together which can be understood (in a way).. or would you rather have seen a post written 100% in Spanish?

Enough of this crap back to lvling :clap: (and trying to fix our reputation cos atm we're heading towards becoming the 'scum' of Albion passing...)

See you all and to all the Hibs and Mids - Ill see you in emain :p


Re: Niljindil Duel whit me ?

Originally posted by Saxosergio
Hehe only need cast 3 pets to kill you m8 ! need you see it ?

I Stay in mill in front of Amg in the night of friday at time 2. AM time spaniard :p I wait you !
so long friend


Was there at 2.10 am, none there, had to attend to a relic raid before that so i was kinda busy :p

anyway, how about same time and same place tomorrow?

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