@Aldorans / Hansi grp

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
unless its a really intense and close fight, adds aren't a problem, IF you have a chance to kill them :p

if adds come and you know already you're going to die, its no fun, otherwise it isn't so bad


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
I love lurikeens. Especially Kippie. Make love, not war. <3


Loyal Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
Straef said:
Well, that's mighty sad, but we didn't add on you at all before that. We didn't add on any fights with albs involved tonight (and generally don't, if it can be helped), and only added on a few hib/mid fights, if it felt like the right thing to do, yet we got added on by you, and most the other groups that got the chance to. Where do I enroll for that 'don't add on' list? I'd love to be on it, as I'm fairly sure that my group doesn't belong with that 90%.
Anyway, both Aldoran and Blejs are notorious for adding (to me, anyway), and this wasn't the first time, and most likely not the last :/

It's not all that busy, actually, and most of the adds could be avoided, if certain players cared to do so, which they don't.

well sorry for that, was me who got angry and said add on every alb group.
We got added on the first 2 hours by alb groups and the only alb group i recognize is PE. so sorry for it :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
I got really annoyed with aldorans grp 2ice in a row last night, started yelling at blejs on irc etc, thank god he doesnt take my insults seriously cos we known each other for years :p

but ffs aldorans just cos you zerg 2k6 doesnt mean that you are doing a good thing for the realm and all, do you wonder why all these people whine ?

i slapped peoples wrists for adding once last night on vf and co, was rather weird situation , saw some brehons there didnt figure it was you until we saw the mids too and dreamin, then we pulled out

much respect to the countless other grps that respect fg vs fg fights and not add.
People outside grp that add will always get my whine pms and emote spam no matter what, esp when they end up dead and we win ;d

we are trying to have fun, zerging-adding isnt fun except in zergy situations etc
reason we trying to avoid adding so that we dont have misunderstandings and 'ADD ON SIGHT!!!!111111' silly comments we had a few weeks before :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
toxii said:
People outside grp that add will always get my whine pms and emote spam no matter what, esp when they end up dead and we win ;d

/meh loads up ranger
/meh roams with stealthing buddies
/meh ASSIST ON t0xxi
/meh pwn?!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
whine whine whine

when i ad dont you think it maybe has somthing to do with you always adding i, havent tryed one time yet running into a fg hibs/albs with my bd/sm without getthing zerged and you want me to show you the respect in not adding, i just think thats stupid thinking. but hey gl with that.:puke:
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