Alchemy/Spellcrafting - Overpowered?



Hib should be the fastest realm to level in given the large number of PBAE mages kicking about. But it very much depends on grouping - I didn't solo more than about half a bubble of xp post 30.


Originally posted by Dannyn
I hear tell of someone on the US servers getting 50 and all epics done in 6 days played... Now that is powergaming.
*Gasp*...*cough* *arrghh* /emote falls over.
That is NUTS, geez, 24/7 for 6 days and nutin else, wooh...


Kagato.: They are changing the treadmil from 40-45 in the following patches, as well as introducing high level tasks... it might be very slow still, but what would the game be if everyone got to lvl50 in a week?

Actually im quite in favour in the slower levelling approach, theres way to many power levelled newbies about who have no real experiance but lots of attitude and do more harm then good in the game. I've been playing for quite a long time now yet only 45 still, I could of quite easily of gotten to 50 if I had really gone for it, many of my friends who started playing at my reccomendation months after me have overtaken and gotten to 50 already. But I prefer to take the scenic route as Brannor said and enjoy the game, learn the mechanics and enjoy the comradship the grouping creates.

What I meant by what I said in my former post was that they shouldn't just pump more content in for the power-levelled level 50ies in the game at the expense of the lower levels, specially if it does more harm then good for the world. I didn't mean for it to be interpretted as it should be faster to get from 25-50, not at all, in fact I think its fairly close to the right amount of time as it is already.

But as Brannor (I think) said there should be more atmosphere and intrigueing world mysteries and a more lively realm interaction to side track people from power levelling and let them enjoy the journy more.
Theres enough for me already, I love the game as it is, even if more for the community then the game mechanics, but maybe if the world was more interesting and interactive people wouldn't be so tempted to power level right the way through it, missing it all.


People have been crying for crafting skills that are usefull (ie. the stuff you make is actually worth using). Now that they finally make it so that having something else than weapon crafting is worth it, we get the whining about how it ruins the drops and stuff...

Never can make everyone happy I guess... Plus it's in the nature of a MMOG player to whine.

Btw 13d or so @ L46, no power levelling or anything, mostly soloing. On the other hand a guild mate took 50d to get to L50 ;)


Originally posted by case-rigantis
i don`t see what all this new stuff is going to add to the average player..

ok great the uber guilds will be able make their level 50`s more uber

what about the smaller guilds say 50 members and below? we can`t afford 10`s of P getting people to high enough skill to make these items and even if we could we`d never afford the ingredients

getting the items and actual crafting should be skill rather than money

all these new things in the game are aimed at the uber guilds and TBH it`s starting to piss me off

erm? so crafters are only allowed to make stuff for their guild now?
there's a handy 'what crafters are there' thing on the herald - we're getting our top tens soon enough in europe...

save up some cash - buy from someone :)

The highest weaponcrafter on Albion/Excalibur was _unguilded_ until very recently, and the guild is herself and her alts... only created so she'd appear on the webpage :)

So it's most certainly not restricted to just the uber guilds...


Originally posted by Whandall
<thinks about starting a petition for a bg lvl 36-45 max rr4>

a fair few of those out thre.. :)

next patch removes the 'to-hit' penalties against other players so your level 40 will be able to hit that level 50 fellow...

might have half a chance if theres enough of you :)


I see your point Kagato - the gap is ever widening between the long-played characters and the newbies ... realm abilities for one...

but without RAs what point is there to staying in RvR? this game is all about advancement - when you hit level 50 you're suposed to go to RvR far more, but what advancement was there before? sure you could improve your score on the high-score table... but why should a RPG (in the hack n slash monsters vein) turn into space invaders?

That aside I think the RAs as they are just now (even in 1.53) are shoddily balanced at best, totally out of whack at worst...
(compare ignore pain to rain of XXX?)

spellcrafted gear might help the existing level 50s... but then again they're all broke ;) so not gonna be any easier for them to get it...


What worries me with SC/A is that it really does turn the tides against classes that do damage very fast and have little capacity to take it, combined also with the tank RA changes in 1.53.
It's terrifyingly easy to max ALL important stats, ALL of your resists, and still get huge +skill bonuses from spellcrafted armor, or at least what i've seen on pendragon.
Really suggests potentially that it'll turn the tables on the archers, assassins and DD casters.


I am a crafter so I will benefit from this and I intend to start a spellcrafter on one of my alts but even so I get a little worried about long term game balance issues in DAOC.

It seems that every time Mythic do something new they raise the bar to a higher notch.

Lets take Item Quality - in the original it went from common drops, crafted, rare drops, quest items.

This was ok for a while then they started making 100 percent quality drops and then came Darkness Falls - Ye Olde 100 percent quality shoppe :)

There was an uproar on the US servers by crafters who rightly said that there markets had been destroyed.

So to redress this balance they are now giving us Spellcrafting/Alchemy so that we can craft items equal (and in many ways far better) than anything that drops.

When this has destroyed quests how will they raise the bar again?


well 5spec SB + spellcrafting = nice :)

im gonna hit 50 in CS, axe, leftaxe, and envenom :) (with RR5 ofcourse) (and get some nice resists.. which will be badly needed for 1.52 new armor tables)


I think you are worrying over very little tbh.

The cost of a full set of Spellcraft/Alchemy/Jewelcraft will be so extreme as to be damn near impossible to achieve.

I've been interested for some time so I decided to 'build' myself a dream set of gear. I come very close to maxing all stats, skills and resists but the approximate cost is astronomical.


Helm - +3 CD,9% Slash, 7% Crush, 7% Thrust
Vest - +22 Str, +22 Con, +19 Dex, +19 Qui
Legs - +22 Str, +22 Con, +19 Dex, +19 Qui
Arms - +22 Str, +22 Con, +19 Dex, +19 Qui
Hands - +5 CD, +10 Dex, +10 Qui, +68 HP
Feet - +7 Slash/Crush/Thrust, +60 HP

Left - +4 Blades/Parry, +36 HP, 3% Crush
Right - +4 Blades/Parry, +36 HP, 3% Thrust

Ring - +1 Blades, 9% Energy, 9% Spirit, 7% Matter
Ring - +1 Blades, 9% Energy, 9% Matter, 7% Spirit
Bracer - +1 CD, 9% Body, 9% Heat, 7% Cold
Bracer - +1 CD, 9% Body, 9% Cold, 7% Spirit
Necklace - +1 Blades, 9% Heat, 9% Cold, 7% Body
Jewel - +1 Parry, 9% Matter, 9% Spirit, 7% Energy
Belt - +1 Parry, 9% Crush, 9% Thrust, 7% Slash

Deletrious Pall - +10 Str/Con/Dex/Qui - drops from Blight

Totals from above are

76 Strength
76 Constitution
77 Dexterity
77 Quickness
25% Body
25% Cold
25% Heat
25% Energy
25% Matter
25% Spirit
26% Crush
23% Slash
26% Thrust
200 HP
+11 Blades
+10 Parry
+10 Celtic Dual

Every piece is a masterpiece, top level piece so that they can be 'safely' overcharged.

Full set of reinf af102 costs 727g - assume you get lucky and make it within 10 to 15 attempts per component - gotta figure 5 plat minimum, more likely 7.5 plat.

Two weapons at 1 plat each.

7 miscellaneous items at 300g each (being conservative) - 2.1 plat

In total I would have 15 items with 4 slots per item, all needing 100% masterpiece imbue gems so as to get the best bang for my buck - lets be conservative again and say average 500g per masterpiece gem - 500g * (15*4) = 30 plat

Already we are over 40 plat and haven't added Alchemy components, and from what I have read I am being uber conservative.


Cjkace thats exactly my point. I dunno how much ps you level 50s have but i dont think you can spent a total of 40-60p so easily just for your own "perfect" equipment.

Till lvl 42 i got an amount of 1p200g (gathering for alchemy)
I think i could make it up to 3p till 50 but thats still far from the amount needed for a whole set of crafted "masterpiece" equipment - not mentioning the costs for spellcrafting/alchemy yet


Originally posted by rynnor

This was ok for a while then they started making 100 percent quality drops and then came Darkness Falls - Ye Olde 100 percent quality shoppe :)

I'm pretty sure DF shop-bought stuff is not 100%
(might be around 85%-91% or something in this patch ... I remember something about it being reduced later too)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
What worries me with SC/A is that it really does turn the tides against classes that do damage very fast and have little capacity to take it, combined also with the tank RA changes in 1.53.
It's terrifyingly easy to max ALL important stats, ALL of your resists, and still get huge +skill bonuses from spellcrafted armor, or at least what i've seen on pendragon.
Really suggests potentially that it'll turn the tables on the archers, assassins and DD casters.

Potentially... :) or it might do very little..

Bearing in mind the max resist you can get is 26%, that turns 600 damage into 450ish.

still gonna kill you quick enough.


CJ - not to forget that at full overcharge it's still quite a reasonable chance of it going boom ;)

10%? or 50%? can't remember exactly... it'll show you on the spellcraftomatic on the camelot herald...

factor in that amount of cash you're going to replace
(if it's a 10% chance then on average you'll need 1.1 times the cost of the materials, so 44plat... at 50% it's 60 plat)
and did we include enchanting them all too? :)


Originally posted by cjkaceBM
Totals from above are

76 Strength
76 Constitution
77 Dexterity
77 Quickness

Hmm I didnt really want to get into a discussion of the specifics since the formulae are pretty complex and will probably metamorphose a lot before we ever see em.

What you actually built was 99 Str/Con and 100 dex/quick since you missed the note about all attribute bonuses being multiplied by 1.5.

Looking at the rules for creation a lot of it depends on the specific combinations as to how expensive an item will be in terms of spellcrafting points - plus I'm not sure where you got costs since these arent in the guide and beware the calculator is bugged :)


They changed that rynnor.
It displays the 1.5x value now.

Even if it didn't, yer maths is shite :p
76x 1.5=114 not 99
77x 1.5=115(mythic round down) not 100


Hehe ok but 10 points of those are from dropped items so dont multiply by 1.5 :)

Actually I found a calculator that shows costs for the various gems -

+10 stealth for 95 silver sounds cheap to me :)


If you blow (due to overcharging) up when making a powerful item, do you lose all the components then? That would seem logical :)


Doh like I said I've been looking at this for ages :)

The stats on the items are those that I receive, not those I imbue :)

Safely overcharging to me means a 85% or better chance.

The vest is actually

af102, 100% Quality giving a total of 32 imbue points.

overcharging to 35 imbue points is around 90% possible.

so the actual imbue on the vest is

+15 Str
+15 Con
+13 Dex
+13 Qui

which results in an actual vest of

+22 Str
+22 Con
+19 Dex
+19 Qui

as listed :)

BTW I'm a Blademaster not a Trollzerker. Please give me a little more credit for intelligence :) :)


Originally posted by cjkaceBM

Already we are over 40 plat and haven't added Alchemy components, and from what I have read I am being uber conservative.

And you're not taking the greediness of some crafters into the calculation. if demand for crafted items rise, the chances are that prices will rise alongside the demand. I mean, why charge 300g for a level 51 weapon, when you can easily ask 500g?



Crafters will sell for whatever people are willing to pay. I've read that in the US masterpieces go for 20 times cost.

When you factor in that it will cost 750g per suit, with half that per retry, at 15 to 20 minutes per try, then Masterpiece armour is worth the excess.

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