


So how about it? tell me if i waste my time, but last night a prime example along with many others, our /realm status, its not often we recover keeps as they fall, yes i know beno falls cos its local and gives DF but rare do other realm let other keeps fall for long, so can we try make a little effort to get em back? yes keep takes are boring but once we have our power relic back things need to change or we wont have it longer that 10 min's. I agree im not the first to drop things to dash for our keeps but never that last either. so how about it? im not just talking the active rvr'ers you cant expect them to go with out exp'ers going to. or people playing alts. to many times ive herad go take back our keep so i get DF, or co it looks bad yet they are sat crafting or what ever, basicly what im trying to say is we need to pull together and stop becoming a laughing stock.

Last night we kept our relics but still was laud=ghed at cos we fed em RP

Either way you get my idea, dont flame just tell me im wasting my time if you think i am!


I think you make an excellent and admirable point, Lac. I will certainly try to attend more frontier defence in the future (cant' speak for any1 else) and shift my arse from the pad more )


Lac, are you a Hib plant or something? Coming here and trying to persuade us all to take heavily defended (By which I mean two PBers.) keeps...pfft.

Last night was a blatant farming provocation by the Hibs.

In general, keeps come and go. So do relics. We get them back eventually. I don't see the point of this you REALLY want enough people to drop what they are doing every time a keep is taken so it can be taken back?

These well-meaning whinges are all very good but...pointless. If a realm will not go take back its keeps, then that is it. One person cannot rally everyone. There IS no single great leader. Just leave it to bored guilds to go retake them, as seems to be the current system.

So you think we lose face over it all...well, so what? People will laugh and snigger no matter what. Get over it.

Don't take it all so personally.



With the greratest amount of respect mate, a lot of people have those views, ie leave it to someone else (bored guilds) to take them back, ping pong etc etc, and this has resulted in the situation where most people are now indifferent to keep taking.

I don't think Lac was suggesting for a moment we should all drop what we are doing every time a keep is lost. Or that we should siege a heavily defended keep so our RP's can get milked. Just that if we spent even 10% less time in RvR and moved it to frontier defence, it might make a difference.

Only my humble opinion ;-)


well, I see allot of ppl going to get keeps just to get back DF......these ppl never went RvR let alone stand on a keep raid.....the hibs farm this ppl big time......but taking a defended keep is a bit VRY hard, let alone stand from hibs, they can defend keeps with 2-4 caster types :( its sad to admit but when a keep is taken just try to not let em take anny other keeps, its the only thing I could think off, if ya charge a defended keep its a insta ticket back to ya bind point


people went to renaris tonight when it was said to be empty but in fact 2fg hibs were just round the corner. When the hibs entered the albs didn't pull back and so along came the rp's for the hibs...bit silly really...

this happened twice even tho there were 6 otyher keeps to go to.


lets face it, hib defended keep equals endless pbaoe and death to all involved.

You say we get laughed out for not taking them back?

Ok well we gather enough people to take the keep inspite of the mass instants and pbaoe, we get laughed out for using zergs, we get laughed at for trying it in small numbers, no matter what we do we'll get laughed at.

At least this way we don't give them realm points as well as.

As I said in the rvr forum, i'll defend excalibur any time, but im not staying up till all hours and wasting my time on line bashing keep doors all night. One or two keeps maybe but I want to have some real fights to.

Don't take the game so seriously, its just a bunch of 1's and 0's in the end.


Completely agree, Kagato. Apart from that bullshit about it only being a game.



First thing never was this meant as a whine, nor as a reason to die at a defended keep, long time ago we was in the same place, and Finandpet showed up we took the undefended keeps back and left defended ones namely renris. then you decide take it and give RP or leave em to get bored, but is it not better to have 7 keeps down to just the 1, but then again you can just do what some think f00k the world im more important attitude and think only about your self, but then it is only a game and a team one at that... nasty word the TEAM, means you work together!

Clearly a waste off time this post i can see. but i tried cos its a game i want to do well in


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
heavily defended (By which I mean two PBers.) keeps

And therein lies the reason


Go taking a defended keep is sucide.

But I may have a strategi that will work, think about this:

Get 10 infiltraters 2 clericks a theurgist, buff the infiltrators, and send them in for keep take.

Now if hibs is out side, normaly some is out side, they will be traped, and we send in the main force to take them out, and the infils fall them in the back.

If they are inside they will have to deal with guards again, and it will help us, now the infiltrators may die... but for a good corce.

I dont know if it works to let the theurgist stand out side keep in the corner so the infils have blade turn, but then again he may be spottet and get killed.

This may be worth try.

Sorry my english but hope you can understand it.

Ewolyn 50 Infiltrator
Azzaro 47 cleric (not a buff bot, but wish it was) :)


fully buffed fg of infs has soloed keeps before
Might have been a few more than 1fg, actually, but nm =)


Can try charge into Lord Room with 2 FG both with Bunker of Faith and SoS activated, and stick to PBAoErs first and then mezzers.

Can try using 4-5 trebuchets to shoot Lord Room. Think it something that we must try (yes, trebuchets sucks, but if it works they will think twice before come to Albion to farm easy RPs with their "underpowered" PBAoE).

Can kill guards, break doors and wait them down. They wil get bored (we too, but at least we can kill guards when they respwan). At same time another groups goint to take another keep (if defended same, break door, kill guards and wait or going to other keep, but never charge into Lord Room)

Or if they are all in Albion we can stay with 5-6 FG in Excal and rest of realm going to dun dagda and take our relic. I'm sure they will leave Albion really fast if we start bashing relic keep doors.

Can pray to goa to balance realms. Hum, they are yankis, we can say that Osama Ben Laden is hibi, and midis are communists :))


taking them back is EXACTLY what they want u to do.

scout it with an infiltrator if there more than 1 crafter in there forget it. go retake a different keep that isnt defended and pray u dont fall asleep while ur bashing the doors.

retaking hib/mid defended keeps is suicide 9/10. fun perhaps, but i personally prefer not to hand Hibs and Mids easy rps on a silver platter while they laugh their heads of at us. whats worse it just encourages them to do it again cos the pay-off is so good. let em rot. watch excal like a hawk. retake the undefended ones.


You might just be looking at this from the wrong angle, stop focusing on the problem itself and start looking for the solution.

Hibs pbaoe'ing you off the doors? build rams, you can stand a mile back and still twat the doors, also gtaoe on the doors, dot the doors (Them nasty cabby dots kill luri's quick as hell) and if you somehow find an ice wizzy pbaoe the doors, youve got alot of infils so use them aswell.

So you have the doors down, now what?

Clear the archers out and try 2 keep the hibbys heads down as much as possible, once your ready form your tanks up just under the arch at the very bottom of the steps, get your gtaoe on target and they spam it like mad men while your tanks zerg in and kick some hib/mid ass, dont back off get in, if you back off youll leave alot of dead behind and this will make it harder for you next time, storm tactics unsettle people and sometimes a hasty and fearless charge can snatch you a win.

The hardest thing is keeping the casters heads down when your leading up the keep, once thats sorted and you have someone on hand that people will listen to its all smooth from there.

Main things to remember here

1) Get rams, get your guild m8s to stock a few just incase you need em sometime.

2) Get everyone into the cg, proper planning and preperation leads to a piss poor performace, people need to know what everyones doing and what the plan is.

3) Someone take charge, dont be afraid to give it some CAPSLOCK

Might seem strange a Mid coming on here and trying to help out with advice but you Alb's just need to get your finger out so to speak and kick it into high gear :)

Good luck :)


Poon, you forgot that Albion has GTAoE in gimped line. Earth wizz are only usefull in AoE situations, and only since last patch, so there are not earth wizz. Nobody lvl a char only to take keeps.


Poon's main point is that we DO need to step up a gear on our tactics and overall efficacy. The answer is effective communication and leadership. If after that we still do crap, well then perhaps we can then start to moan about imbalances between the realms.


What I found most annoying during the recent keep takes is the tanks that insist on hugging the damn door.

There is NO need for them to be right up to the door and even continueing to walk into it hitting, there just lagging themselves through to make a nice aoe target.

I did some testing on this, and found that I could still hit the inner door almost halfway back into the room between the doors. I admit this may be due to using a polearm and reach distance, but im pretty sure if I can hit it fine from that far back the rest of the tanks can still hit it from a reasonable distance away. Incidently, to the other polearmers, even if the other tanks are hugging the door and getting everyone aoe'd, still use max distance, I found that I could get away unscathed and keep on hitting even whilst the other one-handed door huggers were getting blasted apart from this distance.


Its possible to target door attackers without them lagging through, so may not always be their fault.
As for attacking a hibby defended keep, it's rarely worth the time or bother.


got to renaris last night and found the first door down and some hibs fighting albs who were retreating.

after making quick work of the hibs outside we got on the second door as started bashing.

now ofc the pbaoe and mentalist DoTs start, so we backed up and the 2 cabbies who were there: Isude and Asel i think spammed the doors, 5 seconds later back on the doors, ofc some void aoe is nuking us but thats like 30-90 damage so like pffff who cares :D

into the keep still about 1fg and a upgraded lord to deal with.

instead charge lord we cleared walls and ran PAST lords up to roof

a few go into lords and start the pbaoe off then we WAIT and WAIT and once he used Mastery of Concentrations CHARGE

result Alb keep :D and like 3-5 dead albs

now i dont know what happened before we got there perhaps there was a long fight with DVE i heard but all i know is we had no probs, maybe luck who knows :D

funniest bit was meemerf LD and recon to find a room full of albs :D

most essential bit was FC guarding hmg in hadrian's wall = NO BACKUP

you want alb keeps back you need some people on hmg asap


no no no this cant be right.
Albs cant farm hibs in HW no no no.
Remember the albion code
we must go to emain to farm, HW isnt ggod for farming.

oh... wait a sec...

did you say FC were farming HW.

good lord.



yes but did you spam tyka's corpse with /laugh?????



Which was a pretty good idea, really. Afterwards, I soloed some yellow bard and a blue chanter with my Templar pet (Haha...hardon for plate, baby!) and a nice up-the-ass surprise mezz bit but some random Albs came along at JUST the wrong time and stole my kills.

Cunts. That's always happening to me. Next time you see a random death message in RvR, think to yourself "Yes, but did Apathy do most of the work?". BECAUSE I PROBABLY DID.

Ahem. I was wondering...say one had a lvl 50 wizard who was specced 43 earth for top GTAoE and 32 ice for third best PBAoE...would this be any good for RvR?

Ice has some nice resist debuff/snares for heat and cold...or would it be best getting 34 earth for 2nd best GT and 39 ice for 2nd best PB?

Hmm...I only ask because I've got Wildfire's login details and I'm thinking of respeccing him so he can be more useful.



Third best PBAE would be less damage than the cold baseline nuke fgs and it'd cast slower :p


Well! 2nd best PB...bearing in mind that it will be hitting more than one person and looks REALLY COOL!

I've only ever seen PB and GT used in Thidranki FGS FFS OFC OMG.



Originally posted by Jiggs
got to renaris last night and found the first door down and some hibs fighting albs who were retreating.

after making quick work of the hibs outside we got on the second door as started bashing.

now ofc the pbaoe and mentalist DoTs start, so we backed up and the 2 cabbies who were there: Isude and Asel i think spammed the doors, 5 seconds later back on the doors, ofc some void aoe is nuking us but thats like 30-90 damage so like pffff who cares :D

into the keep still about 1fg and a upgraded lord to deal with.

instead charge lord we cleared walls and ran PAST lords up to roof

a few go into lords and start the pbaoe off then we WAIT and WAIT and once he used Mastery of Concentrations CHARGE

result Alb keep :D and like 3-5 dead albs

now i dont know what happened before we got there perhaps there was a long fight with DVE i heard but all i know is we had no probs, maybe luck who knows :D

funniest bit was meemerf LD and recon to find a room full of albs :D

most essential bit was FC guarding hmg in hadrian's wall = NO BACKUP

you want alb keeps back you need some people on hmg asap

Worked much better in my opinion, after killing the guards on the roof could see straight down into the lords room, out of pbaoe range and pick the targets already injured and finish them off, back out and in again till ready to charge.

lol and that was funny about meemerf, was quite happy to get the killing blow there, pity no rps for it though :D


to all fellow albs yes we suck compared to mids an hibs
yes we suck when it comes to taking back our keeps
BUT bear in mind when it comes to our frontier
1) it cost nothing to go there
2)you may get some rps
3)its for the good of everyone having those nice relics
4) u may think lac is off on one
5)yes it does take someone to plan it all (hibs and mids must have some one otherwise you would not see attempts)
6) we have been bloody lucky up till now with keeping the relics
7)all it takes is team work NOT blast the first person who comes up with something constructive
8)yes ive been on relic attempts both for and against
9)lets surprise everyone from the flamers to the ppl who have never been rvr AND WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF ALBION
10) happy new year to you all
11) i see so many flames on here i laugh at it all anybody who doesnt fit in is flamed so go ahead flame away but be sure of one thing can you (from the hills of camalot to the bowl of emain )
really stand and watch while one after another keep is taken from us and honestly say you dont care ??only when we lose which has been taken by some one who cared will YOU open your eyes and say DOH we have lLOST AGAIN


If you have no confidence in your own abilitys how ever modest then your doomed to failure.


Fool! If you already HAVE "modest abilities", you're doomed either way.

Confidence and skill will not negate the doom; it will simply lessen it by a percentage. A not always insignificant percentage, but still just a percentage.


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