Albion trading thread for selling/buying




Tilde: contact me about arms, have some u will like

I have LOADS to trade, one full page of af 98 plate, one full page of lvl 50 weapons and a few bits an pieces on my scout.

I am looking for:

Afanc scale cloak
Frenzied shield
Callidonar sword
Dark granite sword
(any other good one hand slash swords)
Malevonant gloves/legs/breastplate/boots
Celestial callidonar breastplate

contact Falcor or Dart in game any time, even if u dont have any of the above items for trade, contact me even so if u have soemthing cool to trade as i may still trade it for a friend etc =).


I am after any chain af 98......all I have is boots.
If anyone has any for sell please message me in game.
Thanks :)


PLEASE PLEASE anyone out there got any factor 98 chain gloves.....I am really in need of some now :( If anyone has some for sell PLEASE shout me in the game. I am on most evenings.
I know I sound desperate.....thats cos I am.


I m looking for a ravenclan battle sword + crush born sword for my alt and a facimili + diamond bastard sword and the epic ring from epic 43 of merc :p
post a reply or contact me in game if u have 1 of those for trade/sell :)

Echekiel Merc 50
<Dragon Knights>


Me too after a Facimil, Ring of Granite Enhancment, Lava Forged Sword & Doom Sword/s :m00:


Kings nailsx2 u all know by now pm me in game thanks alot all of u


Dartmoor Goods For Sale

Welcome to Shoppe 's goods for sale.
Open in the Vault of Camelot between 8pm-gmt to 10pm-gmt Most days (if not every day!) :)

Pm Shoppe in-game to place order.

=Cloth Armour=

(8 @ 150g) Stonepin Gloves [af44, qua89%, +6int, +10quick, 3% heat/energy]
(2 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Pants [af46, qua89%, +15 cons, +3dex, 2% energy/heat]
(9 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Sleeves [af44, qua89%, +10 str +6int 3% energy/heat]
(5 @ 200g) Stonepin Woven Vest [af43, qua89%, +18hits, +4 pow, 2% energy/heat]
(4 @ 150g) Stonepin Woven Cap [af41, qua89%, +12int, +4dex, 2% heat/energy]
(4 @ 150g) Stonepin Woven Boots [af48, qua89%, +19 dex, 2% heat/Energy]


(1 @ 300g) Magmas imbued Gloves Friar [af94, qual89%, +4str, +4con, +12quick, 2%cold]
(1 @ 350g) Magmas imbued Boots Friar [af98, qual90%, +7str, +7con, +15dex]
(1 @ 300g) Magmas imbued Helm Friar [af94, qual89%, +15pie, +6con, 2%cold]
(1 @ 350g) Magmas imbued Helm Leggings Friar [af98, qual89%, +15con, +12dex, 4%cold]
(1 @ 350g) Restless Robes Friar [af98, qual90%, +7str, +7piety, +30hits]
(1 @ 300g) Sleeves of Opposition Infil [af98, qual90%, +18str, +12quick, 2%heat]


(1 @ 250g) Adamant coral vembraces [af88, qua89%, +6 Str, +30hits]
(1 @ 275g) Crushed Helm [af98, qual90%, +9str, +7dex, +15quick, 2%crush]


(1 @ 250g) Hauberk of The Stoneharvest [af98, qual90%, +12Str, +33hp, 2%crush]
(1 @ 250g) Sleeves of The Stoneharvest [af98, qual89%, +15str, +15dex, 2%crush]


(1 @ 50g) Stonecrush Vest [af92, +7 dex, 27 hits, 2% thrust ]

=Rings Belts Necklaces and Jewelery=

(10@ 50g) Band of Elspar 'ring' [15 hits, +4 pow, +3 dex]
(7 @ 200g) Belt of Granite Enhancement [+12 str, 4% crush/slash/thrust]
(1 @ 250g) Bracelet of the Artic [+3Ice, 6 Int, 6%Cold]

=Shields (Small Medium & Large)=

(1 @ 400g) Protector of the Harvest [+4Shield, +4Dex, 4%Thrust, small shield]
(3 @ 550g) Protector of the Stone Elders [ +4 shield, +6str, 4%thrust, large shield]
(1 @ 600g) Protector of the Stone Lords [+6 shield, +10dex, 6% thrust, 97dd proc] *Medium Shield
(2 @ 200g (used) ) Jet Bone Sheild [+7 Str, +15hp, 4% Crush/Energy, small shield]



(4 @ 100g) Stone cutter [15.8 dps, 3.7spd, 89%qua, +2 thrust, +3 str, +2 parry]
(3 @ 100g) Brilliant Caller Shard [14.6dps, 3.5spd, +2 slash, +3 str, +2 parry]
(7 @ 100g) Shard of the Stonewatch [15.3dps, 3.5spd, 89%qua, +2 slash, +2 parry, +3 con]
(1 @ 400g) Sheer granite slicer [15.2dps, 3.2spd, +4thrust, +9dex, 88DD cold, (particle effect) ]
(1 @ 250g) Ancient Ebony Scimitar [15.3dps, 3.0spd, 89%, +5quick, +2slash (Black weapon) ]


(3 @ 600g) Feather Lite Granite Gauche [16.2dps, 2.3spd, 90%qua, +2 thrust, +5 dw, 4% body, 97 proc, left hand] * Blue Flame Effect
(1 @ 850g) Gorged Rapier Of Smiting [16.2dps, 3.2spd, 90%, +3thrust,+3 parry, 6%thrust, 4%cold, 97 dd charged item]


(1 @ 500g) Dark crystal Mattock Two Handed [DPS: 16.10, spd3.70, 2h+4 pts, Thrust+2, Parry+2, Qual90%, 97DD cold, Flaming]
(1 @ 350g) Brilliant soulstone staff [DPS: 16.2, spd4.40, +4staff, +3 piety, Qual89%]

(1 @ 500g) Hammer Of the Stonewatch [16.2dps, 5.6spd, 90%qua, +4 pole, +3 crush, +1 parry, 2% body, 97 proc] * Flaming


"NO TROLLS! - By order of the mgmt."


Items on my list!

Im after any high lvl scout items for lvl 40+ scout...mainly bracers and a jewel. also another nice bow and maybe a glowing sword {I've had many but sold them :( } Thrust allway's.

Looking for full set of magic items for a paladin at lvl 34+ also good set of armor no less than af72. more importently a nice paladin CLOAK.


What do u want for that proc gauch?

this post is directed to Shoppe ;)

if u still have that 16.2 dmg proc gauch...what do u want for it cos im intrested?

msg me on if u still got it

Hit ^_^

i have that gauch...
give me a mess in game of you havent got one yet.


WTB Regal Boots (Leather AF 98 Dex+13, Qui+13, Rejuv+3, Stealth+3)

/who gilann or Eruohíni (notice the ´ above the i)

(like there's anyone selling those:p)


Ok bigish list 1st of all what i want..

Frenzied Sheild / Protector of the Stonelords
Mavelont Gauntlets
Callieach/Dark Sword of Grannite
Ring of Grannite Enchancment
Cloak from Knights in Lyonesse (can't remember name)
Legions Soul Splitter (hah!)
Sapphire seals (40ish)

and what i have to be traded for above (or stuff guild m8s might want / gold)


- Plate
Stonewatch BP AF70
Stonewatch Helm AF70
Crushed Sleeves, Boots, Legs AF98
Kraggon BP AF98
Mavelont Boots AF98 93% Qua (LB drop)
Mavelont Breastplate AF98 93% Qua (LB drop) (Only for v good swap as i can use)

- Cloth
Brilliant Stonepin Woven Sleeves AF44

- Leather
Robes of Ghostly Light AF 92 (Friar)

- Chain
Scarlet Coif Of Convectos AF84


- 2H
Lost Sworf of Eternals 7.x DPS (for free) - Slash
Black Ash Soul Slayer 15.x DPS 100% Qua - Slash
Golden Tree Cleaver 15.x DPS 100% Qua - Slash
Firey Headmans Axe 15.x DPS - Slash
Acient Ebony Mattock 16.x DPS - Thrust
brilliant Smoldering Ember 16x Crush (Friar Staff)

- Polearm
Royal Scepter 16.x Crush
Hammer of Yeaning Soul 16.x/15.x (Can't Remember) Crush
Halberd of the Convectus 15.x Slash
Halberd of the Stonewatch 16.x Slash

- 1H
Hammer of Crushing Might 16.x 1H Crush
Brillaint Rift Finder 14.x Thrust
Malrochs Cleaver 15.x Slash
Lava Forged Sword 16.x Slash

- Sheild
Protector of the Harvest (small sheild)
Protector of the Stone Elders (large sheild)

Eldspar Crafted Crossbow

- Items
Symbol Of Loyalty
Pygmy Death Beads
Ellyll Flute
Bracer of Arms
Bracer of Shaved Bone
Jeweled Right Eye
Belt of Etheric Mist
Belt of Grannite Enhancement x2
Mantle of The Champion
Cloak of the Blackheart
Kraggon Cloak
Matjestic Mantle of the Eternal


Im looking for Cryptrobbers bracers.
If anyone got some over and want to sell / trade give me a msg ingame.

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