Albion today , where tommorow?



But it seems a bit sad that you have to max out your character's level to play RvR

becuase if you dont bezerkers only have to hit you 2 times and then you are dead...


I actually had to check the date on the original post - because I'm damn sure I've read this whine before.

Only annoying thing about excal/alb is everyone running about saying how crap alb players are.

Fact is that I have never had any problem with other albs in game being unhelpful, and it's ceratainly no different to the other realms. Unfortunately what the perception of unhelpfulness does generate is an excuse for people who believe that the realm revolves around them to moan when not everyone immeaditely drops whatever they are doing to come do whatever our hero of hour thinks they should be doing.

CLUE: Players join alb because plate armour looks cool and they like the colour red. There was no personality test to select realms, and the same sorts of people join all 3 realms.

Except hibs. Anyone playing hib is probably a freak.


zergs generate noobs, nuff said.

this goes for all realms.


if a group hasnt got cleric or speed its doomed anyway. so in them situations id rather run solo.


U beat me to it Warhawk ;)

Git (starts a new alb fight)


Chenuba is right, and its gotten worse in the last 6 months.
RP whores usually split up a keep take army by chasing 2 mids. the good old days where the spams of DONT CHASE MIDS, and people actually listened, think it was finster,zoyster and co who lead decent alb keep and relic armys, but everyone over rr5 now has an ego the size of the sun and of course knows best.

DeaD GuRu


yeah, i remember when i was levelling ironheart, been a long time, wiseguy, mordekai, cplcarrot and loads of other ppl, spending hours and hours grouping together. That really rocked.

But i have to be honest.... Nowadays i don't feel like grouping from lvl 1-40 because nothing ever changes. The character development is ALWAYS in one straight line, always the same spots, always the same fuss in getting there. ALLWAYS the same boring epic quests , never one little alteration or little twerk that could make the thing you do unique..
I have to be honest , PL'ing is partly the reason why ppl won't help each other anymore...; i do pl characters myselfe and getting to lvl 40 only takes me around 4 days of /play to get there... my alts hardly ever die... i do a why would i waiste time in grouping?? fun?? 10 minutes of grouping : "i have to log ppl", back to entarnce of AC to get someone... 10 mintues later... afk... need to eat... well, that is normal... but if you do things alone the only problem you can have is with yourselfe, and with a little imagination and MPS you can talk to your alts and answer yourselfe :)).
I don't think that PPL don't want to help each other. I think that the alternative option are a lot more appealing..and faster if you do your thing your way and your style....
Then you can ask... why nt PL a friend, well first of all: "a friend" tssss, if i do pl someone else one rule : QUID PRO QUO...

i'm willing to help ppl... but i wont help leeches.....


all I could have wished for.

I am no "hero of the hour" and did u even read the post? Im damn sure ive read this whine before.

its not a whine its an attempt to get some of the players in alb, with likeminded thoughts to get together and try change things.

but, having posted here, a positive response was too much to hope for.

Originally posted by old.Ramas
I actually had to check the date on the original post - because I'm damn sure I've read this whine before.

Only annoying thing about excal/alb is everyone running about saying how crap alb players are.

Fact is that I have never had any problem with other albs in game being unhelpful, and it's ceratainly no different to the other realms. Unfortunately what the perception of unhelpfulness does generate is an excuse for people who believe that the realm revolves around them to moan when not everyone immeaditely drops whatever they are doing to come do whatever our hero of hour thinks they should be doing.

CLUE: Players join alb because plate armour looks cool and they like the colour red. There was no personality test to select realms, and the same sorts of people join all 3 realms.

Except hibs. Anyone playing hib is probably a freak.



random albs= suck hard core

albs with brains ( rare ) = can play


random albs= suck hard core

albs with brains ( rare ) = can play

Somewhat exaggerated, but I guess not entirely wrong - but also true of all realms, games, communities, populations, and probably species.

Complaining about a population, is, at the end of the day, largely pointless. Because...

1) Their behaviour is outside of your sphere of influence.

2) It's the same everywhere else.

3) They probably aren't all that bad really.


its because anybody who does try and stand up and bring realm together just gets slagged of big time


Originally posted by old.LandShark
In other words, half of alb are noobs and the non-noobs ignore the noobs?
That gets a huge *shrug* from me right here :p

I agree with laand here.

The problem is that those of us that are long time players need to get the newer guys up and running in RvR. The more you group together, the better they get etc.

Zerge teaches nothing.


Albs are the most stupid people in the game! I mean really! Stoo-pid! Thick as two short planks.

I should say a hib or mid caster roots me at least once every three days when I start shooting at them. Hello? Bow here! I don't need to stand next to you to use it!

Fact is every realm has its biggots, idiots, inepts and of course, legends. And there is no difference between us all.

Zag Barr

As it was said before: There is no use in complaining about THE ALBS. There is no such thing as THE ALBS. We are a whole lot of people, who play for their fun. Each of us thinks differently about what fun is - and each one will change his mind frequently throughout the day.

There is jerks, idiots and selfish players in Alb? Yes! But there is also nice people and good players.

People weren't better in the good old days when Finster, myself and others were leading. We weren't uber in any way. All we did: We took the time and the effort to organize things. One person can only do that for a limited period of time.

It is a lot of work. You will need up to 4 days with lots of typing to organize a relic raid. You need 2 days to organize a hunt. All leaders do, is typing all day. It really is no fun and gets tiresome quickly.

So IMO the only thing wrong with ALB: We don't have enuff capeable people willing to lead events.

If you want things to happen, then don't complain about it not happening. Do a little more then spaming you alliance chat and whining on BW. Go organize a raid/hunt. PM all the oter alliances, guilds and GM's. Tell them when you want what to happen and explain your plan. You'd be surprised what a polite person with a good plan can move (no matter what RR, level or guild he is).


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Odd comment, when did someone last try to lead a raid but get told to shove it due to being low-RR or not in a known RvR guild?
Fgs, last time I heard about a relic raid not planned by someone with experience, the entire majestic brilliance of the plan was, and I quote, "turn up, go to relic keep, 1 grp carrying the rams"


I've seen it plenty of times.

It's mainly from RR5+ pricks (not all of you are pricks, but some are).

They find themselves to be superior to everyone who's lower RR than them, and most of the time refuse to follow instruction from someone other than in their guild and/or equal to their RR.


Originally posted by Trinilim
I've seen it plenty of times.

It's mainly from RR5+ pricks (not all of you are pricks, but some are).

They find themselves to be superior to everyone who's lower RR than them, and most of the time refuse to follow instruction from someone other than in their guild and/or equal to their RR.

Thus making them less effective than the RR3s which they despise so much.


Originally posted by Treniel-
its because anybody who does try and stand up and bring realm together just gets slagged of big time

Lost the log, but here's a real scenario in a chatgroup I was in onetime in emain at around 3 AM GMT:

[chat] Trinilim: Hey, we have enough people, why don't we take a keep?
[chat] xxx: Yeah right, we're only 2fg
[chat] Trinilim: 2fg is enough, can take DC or something
[chat] xxx: It'd be a waste of time anyway, there's no rps there
[chat] Trinilim: There's no rps here either
[chat] xxx: They'll come
[chat] Trinilim: It's been more than half an hour allready with no one showing up
[chat] Trinilim: We might as well do SOMETHING rather than sit here camping amg
[chat] xxx: nah
[chat] Trinilim: Why the hell not? We can, we should, we would... we won't?
[chat] xxx: ya, it's boring taking keeps
[chat] Trinilim: It's boring sitting here at amg for half an hour staring at your monitor doing absolutely nothing, it's like being in a coma :\
[chat] xxx: whateva
[chat] xxx: go ahead, you go to the keep, if theres peeps there then we'll come
[chat] Trinilim: I hate rp whores :\
[chat] xxx: I aint taken any keep if theres no defenders

Zag Barr

Originally posted by Trinilim
I've seen it plenty of times.

It's mainly from RR5+ pricks (not all of you are pricks, but some are).

They find themselves to be superior to everyone who's lower RR than them, and most of the time refuse to follow instruction from someone other than in their guild and/or equal to their RR.

Do you really think there was one leader, that didn't get that kind of bullshit. Some of you remember very well that half of Albion refused to follow Finster on his raids, just because they didn't like him. He still organized giant raids and organized hundrets of people.

Of course you will suffer more abuse if you are not "well known".
Of course not all people will follow you. Of course you will be told off by some.

Of course it is up to you to do the convincing. But if you are disencouraged easily, you don't have it in you to be a leader ...


Originally posted by Zag Barr
Do you really think there was one leader, that didn't get that kind of bullshit. Some of you remember very well that half of Albion refused to follow Finster on his raids, just because they didn't like him. He still organized giant raids and organized hundrets of people.

Of course you will suffer more abuse if you are not "well known".
Of course not all people will follow you. Of course you will be told off by some.

Of course it is up to you to do the convincing. But if you are disencouraged easily, you don't have it in you to be a leader ...

What's the point in leading a raid if the lot doesn't listen to you?

[chat] xxx: Ok, everyone assemble at the base of the relic keep
<5 minutes pass by>
[chat] xxx: guys?
[chat] xxx: where are you?
[chat] xxx2: MIDS MMG!
[chat] xxx: what are you doing at mmg??
[chat] xxx3: Couple hibs running around GG!
[chat] xxx: Guys, get to the relic keep
[chat] xxx2: 3 stealthers at AMG!
[chat] xxx: <sigh>


DAoC is no different than things in real life, as in anything you do will be attacked by the ineptitude and stupidity of other people. Problem is, you can't punish someone in DAoC as you would irl.

Zag Barr

Originally posted by Trinilim
What's the point in leading a raid if the lot doesn't listen to you?

[chat] xxx: Ok, everyone assemble at the base of the relic keep

That was the part of the plan, that made the RR fail allready ...

Leading doesn't happen in a spur of a moment. You won't convince anyone, if you want to start a relic raid in an emain chat group. YOu will not lead anything if you just decide you feel like it right now.

If you want to lead you need to think of things anbd organize things - rams, ramcarriers, stealthergroups to observe borders hours before the raid, small groups that clear the way of the army.

The other players, that follow you are not soldiers, who have to listen. They are players like you, they dont play the game to be ordered arround and might not even have heared your commands. You have to treat them accordingly and explain every little step more then once and before you move.

And even if you did all of that, some will get lost on the way, do stupid things. For that you need a backup plan and the backup plan for the backup plan - and still, you might fail in the end.

Rinse and repeat ...


Originally posted by Zag Barr
That was the part of the plan, that made the RR fail allready ...

Leading doesn't happen in a spur of a moment. You won't convince anyone, if you want to start a relic raid in an emain chat group. YOu will not lead anything if you just decide you feel like it right now.

If you want to lead you need to think of things anbd organize things - rams, ramcarriers, stealthergroups to observe borders hours before the raid, small groups that clear the way of the army.

The other players, that follow you are not soldiers, who have to listen. They are players like you, they dont play the game to be ordered arround and might not even have heared your commands. You have to treat them accordingly and explain every little step more then once and before you move.

And even if you did all of that, some will get lost on the way, do stupid things. For that you need a backup plan and the backup plan for the backup plan - and still, you might fail in the end.

Rinse and repeat ...

1: I was attempting to make a snippit about the relic raid. I did not mean it happened at an instant. I just shortened the length of the beginning quite a bit to that point just to save myself from typing the whole mess.

2: I'm fully aware that people aren't soldiers, they're just players. BUT, in order to do anything with a remote chance of success there HAS to be leaders. People have to follow somebody and take direction from them. Not trying to defend drill-sergeant leaders, but if everyone does there own thing, why bother being a leader? All you get is whines moans complains and attitude. I can just come here to get that, why get it in game?

Zag Barr

Originally posted by Trinilim
BUT, in order to do anything with a remote chance of success there HAS to be leaders. People have to follow somebody and take direction from them. Not trying to defend drill-sergeant leaders, but if everyone does there own thing, why bother being a leader? All you get is whines moans complains and attitude. I can just come here to get that, why get it in game?

In DAoC the leading has to happen before the raid goes down. You have to make sure that people fully understand the plan and are convinced it will work. Only then they will follow you and don't need much leading on the way. Since the allready know what is happening and what to expect.

You have to have co-leaders and be in close contact with them, because it is impossible to talk to 300+ people and have them listen in DAoC.

When you plan to lead you will stick your head up. Others will try to punch it back down and you WILL get moans, complaints, attitude and more. Stand above it, or don't lead.

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