Albion today , where tommorow?



Just an observational note.

Where have the times that albion helped each others chars gone?

All i see now are players competing against other chars in their same realm.

Its about time that albion players started considering playing REALM vs REALM play and not just player vs player.

Very negative feeling in albion about keep and relic raiding "its impossible, mids are overpowered, hibs are overpowered. etc etc"

I call for times that we become positive and start channelling all this effort we putting into competing amongst ourselves - into competing with Midguard and Hibernia.

Think of the fact that we have many level 50 chars with perfect templates (from the old trial and error "help each other" attitude)
that can surely do some real damage.

No doubt this thread will get flamed to hell, but hopefully we may finally get at least 10% of readers together, to organise ressurecting albions former glory.


My thoughts exactly, btw change your sig, you are in Dark Prophecy aren't you?


you just need someone who can be arsed to get up and do the work.


Got a very good beginning about the being positive !

3 albs owned 7 hibs without any alb getting under 60% health :p ( cleric , infil , pala ) hibbiez had 2 bards , a zerg of ns's ( 3 :p ) and some other gimps

is this positive enough? ( and yes it happend a half hour ago :p )


Which former glory of albion was this, then?
Don't harp on glory, we all know no relics are going to get retaken without resorting to 6am raids.
The days when albion helped each other?! When were those? I must've slept through them...


Well IMO it's like Albs don't bother to play by the concept of the game, form groups etc., but instead they declare "I pay so I decide how to play". You're right Cpl, to many albs don't wanna be on the winning team, they'll rather decline other a spot in their group if they can get 2 RPs more for the kill they hopefully make before they go down.

Albion is in a VERY sad state regarding cooporation.


Uh, I'm really not seeing that personally, apart from the occaisional dead guy not rezzed by a passing group or what have you...


Theres a hundred reasons why albs arent effective generally. This is just one of them. They have all been discussed to death on these boards before.

rvr problems? - try to get into a good rvr guild

pve problems? - try to get into a good pve guild

I think there are twice as many crappy guilds as we need.

Fewer, larger, specialist pve and rvr guilds would mean u dont have the commamnd and control problems we currently have. Ive been saying this for a while now but everyone wants their own little emblem.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Uh, I'm really not seeing that personally, apart from the occaisional dead guy not rezzed by a passing group or what have you...

I've often experienced people asking for group fx. outside ATK in Emain, just to see them left behind by a group of 4-5 people, aparently thinking they'll do better without being a full group.

There's also often I see groups asking for speed, healer, etc. but get none and then there's another group with 2 healers and maybe more than one class with speed. Albs prefer to move at tankspeed before they try to arrange everyone to go as fast as possible.

So my conclusion is, as long as so many give so little about the concept of the game, things won't change.


In other words, half of alb are noobs and the non-noobs ignore the noobs?
That gets a huge *shrug* from me right here :p


I miss the days when the albs in emain would decide not to camp and would take every keep from Crauchon to nGed, where did that spirit go? :(


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
you just need someone who can be arsed to get up and do the work.

And a dose of ego reduction so that people listen to players based on the quality of the idea, rather than what guild they are in or what rr they are.


Well, I said this yesterday to you too... I at least play this game to have fun... I have fun when I beat mids and hibs (in fg vs fg battles)... Sometimes I have fun when taking a keep, sometimes this is zerging, but most of the time its small fights (fg vs fg, or max, 2 fg vs 2 fg)...

Sorry to say though, I cant do this with 90% of the albion population and thus will never group with people I dont know unless I'm really really bored...

Yes, you will see me even leave ATK SOLO instead of with a group, because it doesnt change anything for me... Yes, if I have a small group, I'd rather leave with that small group then invite a bunch of random people...

Because in 90% of the random groups I die before they even make a kill... In 50% of the random groups, the whole group dies (always) before they even make a kill...

Call this 'my' flaw... But as said, fun is the most important thing in this game...


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
And a dose of ego reduction so that people listen to players based on the quality of the idea, rather than what guild they are in or what rr they are.

Odd comment, when did someone last try to lead a raid but get told to shove it due to being low-RR or not in a known RvR guild?
Fgs, last time I heard about a relic raid not planned by someone with experience, the entire majestic brilliance of the plan was, and I quote, "turn up, go to relic keep, 1 grp carrying the rams"



Originally posted by old.LandShark
Don't harp on glory, we all know no relics are going to get retaken without resorting to 6am raids.
Midgard has proven it can take relics from Hibernia at peak time (only reason they failed was because the organiser wasn't on and the zone crashed), all we need is a superb organiser to work out a plan and organise the major alliances to help one another get back the relics and to keep them.


Right, so barring the reasons that you failed, you would not have failed?
I don't really care why, it's just plain fact that at the moment you are incredibly unlikely to succeed in a primetime raid.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Odd comment, when did someone last try to lead a raid but get told to shove it due to being low-RR or not in a known RvR guild?
Fgs, last time I heard about a relic raid not planned by someone with experience, the entire majestic brilliance of the plan was, and I quote, "turn up, go to relic keep, 1 grp carrying the rams"

Not often, but I've seen not so long back someone from a small guild trying to organise a relic raid but having to cancel it because a few of the larger guilds weren't interested. Granted it's rare that smaller guilds try, but I wonder how much that is due to lack of encouragement. And I don't think anyone could deny that there are enough inflated egos in our realm that if they put their energy into getting a united Albion we'd be alot better off than we are at the moment.


For a start albions main problems is there alliances are all split up, ive played middy and albion alot on excal, the communication and team work through the large alliances FoM/AB is great and i was very very impressed while i played middy, something ive never seen personally in albion.

More smaller alliances should join together but then some of the wannabe "r33+" players and guilds might not like being told what to do in a relic raid thus there isnt much chance of this happening, considering albion has a large population adbantage its funny and also a shame to see no large alliances with the larger guilds, everyone seems to want to be in there own "small" alliance.

I suggest some of the larger albion alliances get together and talk about setting up one large alliance to take/defend relics cause at the moment there is littlefrontier defence.

The FoM alliance has a strict /as protocol which is one reason why albion united went to shit, cause of peopel spamming it with junk.


My Alliance is very strict, some may even argue to a degree too strict. Yes it's a large alliance. Yes it would be better to be even larger.
But there are 2 main problems I forsee staring into my crystal ball.

a) People will argue who will lead the Alliance.
b) The Alliances that merge will not be happy with the way their counter-parts would like to run the Alliance.

Then on a lesser degree:

c) The formed Alliance will not want to invite little or reasonably unheard of guilds to the Alliance as they are not a big enough asset.


Originally posted by Ekydus

a) People will argue who will lead the Alliance.
b) The Alliances that merge will not be happy with the way their counter-parts would like to run the Alliance.

a)Which is why the leaders of the alliance need to agree on one candidate

b)Thats why there should be one complete set of rules all abide or they dont join/get kicked etc etc


Originally posted by benedictines
Theres a hundred reasons why albs arent effective generally. This is just one of them. They have all been discussed to death on these boards before.

rvr problems? - try to get into a good rvr guild

pve problems? - try to get into a good pve guild

I think there are twice as many crappy guilds as we need.

Fewer, larger, specialist pve and rvr guilds would mean u dont have the commamnd and control problems we currently have. Ive been saying this for a while now but everyone wants their own little emblem.

Sorry but who are you, or anyone for that matter to tell people that they shouldn't create their own guild because 'there are too many crappy ones' ...unless you wanna pay their £8 a month too.

rvr problems? More like the so called 'RvR guilds' need to pull their heads out their own arses and actually involve other albion players.


hmmm i like it in alb atm ..

sometimes we kick ass sometimes we get kicked ...
about other realms beening overpowered i only think Zerkes and chanters are a problem.. (but thats for sure a problem)

yes sure they got some very very anyoing stuff like AE stun and Chanter RA...

but we got BOF...

in the /as im in we try to help out each other...

never forget the main problem about making groups in alb is the way to huge number of class's we got .. we will allways either lack a cleric/minser/theug/friar/pally

Minser of HB


not exactly

Originally posted by acei
Midgard has proven it can take relics from Hibernia at peak time (only reason they failed was because the organiser wasn't on and the zone crashed), all we need is a superb organiser to work out a plan and organise the major alliances to help one another get back the relics and to keep them.

well not exactly...we have leaders BUT we do not have pps that CAN hear......
how many times a RR leader say *DO NOT KILL THE FUCKING PATROLS* but random albs start hitting them and kill them..and a nice msg travels all around midgard
*A guard from your outpost killed with 300enemies around*

well it is not a *leadership* prob
it is a prob with players that can't and do not want to hear...

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Just an observational thought...

but how many of these posts have we had in the last few months and how much has actually been done about it? :p

Less talk, more action. ;)


Originally posted by -Warhawk-
Sorry but who are you, or anyone for that matter to tell people that they shouldn't create their own guild because 'there are too many crappy ones' ...unless you wanna pay their £8 a month too.

rvr problems? More like the so called 'RvR guilds' need to pull their heads out their own arses and actually involve other albion players.

Learn to read fuckspak.

You'll notice he said;

"I think there are twice as many crappy guilds as we need."

Oh, and who are you to tell other people who they arent so they cant tell people what they who where why, ok?


Albion is the best realm so stop saying we are not.

We have the best healing class/player, why?
1. Our clerics hardly die in rvr they are smart they always stay near emain teleport keep and defend the keep with dignity.
2. They never lose their focus, they never move and they never complain even if they had to stand for hours without moving.

See? our healing class/player is the best !

We have the best CC/player, why?
1. Our Sors almost always die in a matter of sec that sorts out the crowd control problem by dying and releasing and reducing the crowdy problem.
2. They never use instant stun, never use instant mez. They cast elegantly with spell effect around them unlike Midgard and Hibernia cast stun/mez in a matter of 0 sec, what is the fun?

See? our CC class/player is the best !

We have the best tank class, why?
1. Albion doesn't have end regen buff so they fight gracefully without noisy style sound effect.
2. They always hit the enemy tanks because they are the hardest ones to kill and therefore should be killed as soon as possible.
3. Albion tanks never turn into a Huge Rats or Stag, what more can you ask from mythic for not making Albion tank so pure and simple.

See? our tanks are more than uber

So stop saying Albion is not the best, we have all the uber classes.



nice1 :clap::clap:

well i can't wait until swg comes....this game has start to blow me mind to hell

thanks mythic for the balance on the gameplay
and also thank mythic for the customer support they provide on their customers :puke::puke:


I don't bring my Cleric (lvl 46 rejuv) unless I'm specifically invited beforehand, or I investigate on guild chat if a group is going.

Why? , well even though I'm a rejuv cleric, which are apparently in desperate need, I still find it hard to get a group in RvR.

I know it's because a lot of people expect you to be lvl 50 first.
But it seems a bit sad that you have to max out your character's level to play RvR.

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