Albion Siege of Hibernia


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Chronictank said:
how bout the 3 necros putting pets inside wall's near crauch :)

yea i saw the deathspam from those 3 necro's it was sick xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Soulja_IA_ said:
Think it spelt "Which" not the Flying Hag on Broomstick Witch. :m00:


Soulbow :)

have you just been reading the post over and over again?
or did u go over what he wrote and spell checked it?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kaun_IA said:
hahah the oint where albs tryd to out zerg us at alb gate and died in 30 sec... that was the best moment in rvr that i have had in months....

c0wned? :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Technodave said:
have you just been reading the post over and over again?
or did u go over what he wrote and spell checked it?

And ? Point of you Post is ..................... ??

Ah you just a flamebaiter Got it Thx



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Suppose only time was a matter before the 200 albs in our frontier daily would get our relics, at least we keept our power relic for now. I just hope that the relics which make it even more simple for those kids in albion, will give the kids the courage to go make real 8man groups instead of their "fgs" AoD'tm style.
And for those complaining about our shrooms and bainshees, its really not compareable to firewizzies assist bolting through walls, 5 fgs of lifetappers going moc on us, or even the stupid monster rezzes, its not like alb needed more CC or interuptage as it is, anyway, grats to the hibs who defended all day, and the last week or so, if not more, and i guess albs fast organisation deserve a grats, even though their whole tactic is based on outnumbering enemies by twice numbers or doing late night raids.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Hrymf said:
Suppose only time was a matter before the 200 albs in our frontier daily would get our relics, at least we keept our power relic for now. I just hope that the relics which make it even more simple for those kids in albion, will give the kids the courage to go make real 8man groups instead of their "fgs" AoD'tm style.
And for those complaining about our shrooms and bainshees, its really not compareable to firewizzies assist bolting through walls, 5 fgs of lifetappers going moc on us, or even the stupid monster rezzes, its not like alb needed more CC or interuptage as it is, anyway, grats to the hibs who defended all day, and the last week or so, if not more, and i guess albs fast organisation deserve a grats, even though their whole tactic is based on outnumbering enemies by twice numbers or doing late night raids.

Please explain how a Firewiz can bolt through a wall, have one myself and would love to know? If however, all you mean is that chars ran behind wall after the bolts were cast then tough, all casted bolts and arrow shots work the same way. LoS is calculated at the point of release and not impact. The rest is just time taken for bolt/arrow to reach you. This is not bug abuse of any kind. It's how the game has always worked.

Monster Rezz - try root/stun/mezz, the monster mode only lasts a very short period. Its also about the only thing we have to help negate the banshee wall abuse.

Albs CC/Interrupts - Albs have enough already?? Have seen it proven more than once in these forums that the standard group setups for albs lack utility when compared to Mid/Hib. Mainly due to reduced number of interrupts/CC's available. When you look at some of the chars like our primary damage dealer (laughs), the Wizard their utility is actually quite poor compared to other realms casters.

I do think its kinda funny that all hibs/mids can rant about is Alb Sorc's and monster rezz.

As for outnumbering - Don't know about the whole raid as I logged after Nged but when the raid started from Crim there were around 5-6 FG's. When we started on Nged hibs were hitting Crouch T4 with at least 4 FG's (giant shroom on map). Hibs also had plenty of notice as one unlucky FGH were hitting Nged tower as we passed. You could have quite easily broken off the Crouch tower take and headed South but chose not to. Which made Nged quite easy. No more than 1 fgh at any point there.

Just my two pence worth. Feel free to correct me.

P.S. Have to say from the Alb side the raid was well led and people mainly did as they were asked. Would seem that a lot of the whiners and spammers moved to Glast \o/.


Dec 23, 2003
wait until people realise classic is boreing compared to old servers and they dont like the french zerg get bored and come back and think, wtf has that noob realm got the relics for and pwn them! :twak:


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Brite said:
Think, wtf has that noob realm got the relics for and pwn them! :twak:

Only Albs have 'noobs' and your level of education/inteligence is based on the realm you choose?

Strange little world you inhabit, what's it like? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Brite said:
wait until people realise classic is boreing compared to old servers and they dont like the french zerg get bored and come back and think, wtf has that noob realm got the relics for and pwn them! :twak:

U have to cuddle me bigtime for me to cba to login to pryd and get relics back :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
thanks for the +20% damage to my bows :) (whoever the secret alb str relic getter was)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
censi said:
What can us Lurikeens do against such reckless hatred....

We are doomed!
You could grab a NS pet and go hardmode camping lowbies on abridge somewhere maybe?:p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Hawkwind said:
Only Albs have 'noobs' and your level of education/inteligence is based on the realm you choose?

It's true, by logic there are more "noobs" in Albion, by a large margin.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Chronictank said:
how bout the 3 necros putting pets inside wall's near crauch :)

For a Necro to cast we must have LoS to our pet, and LoS to our target, and (except for Lifetap) pet must have LoS to target.
This means if we put our pet inside a wall, we'd be able to cast nothing.
A lot of of patches ago (OF) it was possible to do this, but not anymore.
The only caster now able to cast thru a wall is Bainshee.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Azathrim said:
It's true, by logic there are more "noobs" in Albion, by a large margin.

I guess that logic dictates that could be true. But I'll go with Winston Churchill when it come to Statistics - 'There are lies, damn lies and statistics'. Or something along those lines. ;)

Out of interest does anyone have the latest server figures? From what I have seen the hib zerg was as big as the Alb one. Mids seem to have suffered worse from the Glast migration.



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
I just wish the gm´s wasnt so fking fed up in classic that they could actually be on excal/pryd just once in a while. Maybe they could have a little look in the overheated rvr places, and just maybe they could inform all the fking bainshees that they are NOT allowed to cone through keep walls. Only on brigdes.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Drusus said:
For a Necro to cast we must have LoS to our pet, and LoS to our target, and (except for Lifetap) pet must have LoS to target.
This means if we put our pet inside a wall, we'd be able to cast nothing.
A lot of of patches ago (OF) it was possible to do this, but not anymore.
The only caster now able to cast thru a wall is Bainshee.
They were doing it last night, we had to go up 1 floor to drag the pet out.
If you put a pet in a bridge you can still cast through the walls.
I should have really screenshotted it and sent it to goa but didnt occur to me at the time :p, ah well live n learn.

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Out of interest does anyone have the latest server figures? From what I have seen the hib zerg was as big as the Alb one. Mids seem to have suffered worse from the Glast migration.
we might have got a few in numbers at the end but it was all randoms, we had no balanced groups which made organising anything very very hard.
Given what we were facing i think we did well holding the albs off as long as we did, so well done to the hibs that defended.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Hawkwind said:
As for outnumbering - Don't know about the whole raid as I logged after Nged but when the raid started from Crim there were around 5-6 FG's. When we started on Nged hibs were hitting Crouch T4 with at least 4 FG's (giant shroom on map). Hibs also had plenty of notice as one unlucky FGH were hitting Nged tower as we passed. You could have quite easily broken off the Crouch tower take and headed South but chose not to. Which made Nged quite easy. No more than 1 fgh at any point there.


Haha your joking about the 5-6fg albs right lol?

What aload of crap tbh, when i saw albs there was about twice that many.
My life in testudo form lasted about 5 seconds.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Aran Thule said:
we might have got a few in numbers at the end but it was all randoms, we had no balanced groups which made organising anything very very hard.
Given what we were facing i think we did well holding the albs off as long as we did, so well done to the hibs that defended.

you only lost 1 relic - gratz!

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