Albion Relic Raid 2th Jan. 06.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Maximuze said:
lol its 2v1 u want ehh ?

Actually thats what we did all morning :)
Thnx to the hunter refused and the skald norpan we put alot of presure on ur alb whining arses and literally farmed the albsies :)

and Trollis :s u know as well as i that the only time you lots do RR and win em is 5am if its working day for hibs/mids.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Herjulf said:
wont even bother gratsing ya on this one.
your not worth it.
erm, im confused, alb's did a rr, failed and ur talking about gratzing, read the thread before u post :m00:


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Zahr said:
He he its not just a game 4 the Albions :) they take their "game" serious, and as allways their only way to win is x-treme zerging. 10alb vs 1 hib or mid.

Its mostly like this:

Hib=casual adult players (age 15-35)
mid=casual players (age 20-40)
Alb=24/7+ players++ (age 9-20) with nothing better to do :)

Ah yes and somehow you know the average ages of the people playing in the 3 realms :rolleyes:
We're you even on last night, I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't even involved in this RR.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
charmangle said:
Well one explenation where the albs went around 24.00 hours was...mid!:) We were thinking of either going to hit albs in the back while they were attacking you in your forrest realm...or going alb to hit some relic keep...or just get mid cleaned...

Since we thought the fastest would be to clean mid map we headed to blend and started trebbing it badly...little did we expect an alb force of 30+ albs to come to defend it while hitting your relics...but they did...and at 24.00 + they had grown to be about 40+ atleast...

With only randoms no groups set up and only a quick setup bg we got farmed badly by the wizzard/scout serg that camped blend. But we finally got them now mid is free and in the end we apparently eased off the preassure they where putting you under!) (which was what atleast our group were going for all along...:) (Seeing albs with all 6 relics isnt on my wish hibgard alliance as you so nicely put it, is something atleast I will work for until mids have their relics back...). When albs hit you we hit their towers/keeps either in hib or in alb...evetually, hopefully we will wear the nighttime playing albs out so they do their raids in the evening instead of late night!:)


See I dont really have a problem with that.. I told my group, when the RR started.. Either mids will take their keep, and go for relics, or they willl come in hadrians, to have a go for the relic themselves.. :m00: the thing that bothers me, is that your saying you will help the hibs.. seems a little zzz to me, apperently you cant anything on your own? +1 tbh

but going for blend keep while albs are occupied.. well that was expected.. shame we didnt get the hibs relic tho..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thornea said:
Dont take my word for it, just bear the following in mind..
Albs will do the same every night, night after night with the hours getting later and later till they eventually gain the relics from you at stupid-o-clock and about 4 nights time hehe

ill have your ass next time you aren't grouped in a keep! :D you just wait! - and to that rr9 hunter that killed me, fking hell :p hurts :(

i think the relicraid was nice. don't really feel like reading the whole thread because im sure theres a lot of whine in it, I can just say that when albs started their siege on crim and bolg simultaniously you were totally owning us.

your mistake was that you took the wrong keep. taking crim and bolg doesn't help you when taking a relic. you need to either go for strength or power, not both. you gave hibs a lot of time to cuddle up inside crau. how you managed to capture that i have no fucking idea, but still, hibs had plenty of time to get to nged after crau.

and saying mids and hibs worked together is the worst biased bullshit ever, mids were taking opportunity to take back blendrake and some groups farmed loads and loads of hibs. im sure there were some xrealm incidents like always, but in general, mids were just farming rps rather then anything else - off both hibs and albs.

so, well done, if you don't make the same mistake next time you most likely will get a relic.

and btw, i thought cluster was dead, but 150+ albs in emain? wtf! :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
really thought we where lost at 0:00 CET then we did quite well inside Lordroom DC, but when we went back to Nged you made the mistake to split up the force there,and suddenly we saw that we can hold you back with a low people force.Time wasnt on your side this time and a 2 flank war (in mid and hib) wasnt also a good idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
you gave hibs a lot of time to cuddle up inside crau. how you managed to capture that i have no fucking idea, but still, hibs had plenty of time to get to nged after crau.

5+ zombies can cripple almost any number of defenders in the confined space at the lord room... they were sending them 1 by 1 for a while and was ok to deal with, but not 5 at once :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Ironfalcon said:
the thing that bothers me, is that your saying you will help the hibs.. seems a little zzz to me,

Well, ofc I will try to help the hibs when you have the upper hand on them mate, as long as you have more relics than any other realm. (and even more so when the 2 extra relics are ours:)

When you are out numbered and outpowered you still need to find some way to even the playing field out so that we are fighting on the same terms. In this case the only way to do that is to foil your attemts of getting even more powers. And that means helping hibs if they need it a deal with the devil or what ever you like...

Ironfalcon said:
apperently you cant anything on your own? +1 tbh

Isnt that a stupid remark or what ?

Let me ask you something.
Why didnt you go solo and take mid relics ? Or hib relics ? Why did you have to bring 100+ albs ? Cant you do anything on your own ?

In Daoc its about numbers...Albs outnumber mids 2-3 to 1 atm. Same with Hibs I guess (a hib will have to verify that:). And since you if you havent noticed it have extra bonus to your powers atm...the question you think that is fair ? Do you only want to play the game if you outnumber your enemies 2-3 to one and are more powerful than them ?

Atleast when hibs and mids are working aginst Albs we are about the same amounts on both side atm. Even though you still have the advantage of the extra relic power you dont think you have enough off an edge ?


ps. And I promise you as soon as the playing field evens out again im sure mids will be trying to hit hibs and albs equally!:) ds.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
charmangle said:
Well, ofc I will try to help the hibs when you have the upper hand on them mate, as long as you have more relics than any other realm. (and even more so when the 2 extra relics are ours:)

When you are out numbered and outpowered you still need to find some way to even the playing field out so that we are fighting on the same terms. In this case the only way to do that is to foil your attemts of getting even more powers. And that means helping hibs if they need it a deal with the devil or what ever you like...
Isnt that a stupid remark or what ?
Let me ask you something.
Why didnt you go solo and take mid relics ? Or hib relics ? Why did you have to bring 100+ albs ? Cant you do anything on your own ?
In Daoc its about numbers...Albs outnumber mids 2-3 to 1 atm. Same with Hibs I guess (a hib will have to verify that:). And since you if you havent noticed it have extra bonus to your powers atm...the question you think that is fair ? Do you only want to play the game if you outnumber your enemies 2-3 to one and are more powerful than them ?
Atleast when hibs and mids are working aginst Albs we are about the same amounts on both side atm. Even though you still have the advantage of the extra relic power you dont think you have enough off an edge ?


ps. And I promise you as soon as the playing field evens out again im sure mids will be trying to hit hibs and albs equally! ds.

well tbh.. we're at war, its everyone against everyone no? and what i ment by anything on your own.. was as a realm.. :m00: but I prolly could have soloed the mid relics.. there where no defense what so ever.. working with other realms is just imo zzzz.. trying to interfere a RR for your own realms benefit is on the other hand smart, and fucking annoying btw.. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Arethir said:
Great! :D Very well defended hibs! Keep on it ;)

Must say i was worried when i logged of and there was 150 albs in emain.

Never had that number in our frontier, infact i remember doing a /who just as we got a spam of 120sh albs in emain, and we had a total of 226 players online. And there we gotta remove non 50sh and BBs to get our active number of players :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
well tbh.. we're at war, its everyone against everyone no? and what i ment by anything on your own.. was as a realm.. :m00: but I prolly could have soloed the mid relics.. there where no defense what so ever.. working with other realms is just imo zzzz.. trying to interfere a RR for your own realms benefit is on the other hand smart, and fucking annoying btw.. :m00:
the enemy of my enemy is my friend


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Hrymf said:
Never had that number in our frontier, infact i remember doing a /who just as we got a spam of 120sh albs in emain, and we had a total of 226 players online. And there we gotta remove non 50sh and BBs to get our active number of players :)

At the start there was only about 90-100 albs attacking in emain, and not a single one in brefine. But around the time when Crauchon fell, there was 152 albs in /who emain.

Alot of them weren't 50 though, and most people port their bots with them to the keeps (we had 2 keeps we could port to by that time) :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
By the time crau fell hib had a total of 126 + anon players in nf. Including afk's, non 50's and bb's.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004

Stop this about timing ... you say only albs attacking djsgfs hours .... and mids today morning and yestrday night at about 3:30am GMT try for hurb but wiped ... so qq with this and play ... u speak about mroe albs and you don't see your OP warlocks , who can kill everything !!!

About hib relics : !! Don't try take em with Banshees is too hard ... they bugged nuking aoe to all directions !!! Out from walls et.c

FIX THIS !!! :D !!

Game better for all to everyone has it's own relics ... but can't that be ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
AtilasPally said:
Stop this about timing ... you say only albs attacking djsgfs hours .... and mids today morning and yestrday night at about 3:30am GMT try for hurb but wiped ... so qq with this and play ... u speak about mroe albs and you don't see your OP warlocks , who can kill everything !!!

About hib relics : !! Don't try take em with Banshees is too hard ... they bugged nuking aoe to all directions !!! Out from walls et.c

FIX THIS !!! :D !!

Game better for all to everyone has it's own relics ... but can't that be ...

Fix the Sorc class first imo, silly OPed class tbh!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i thought caba pets turned you on :(

Sure :D

I can see that the albs are teaching the pets their customs and traditions of zerging


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
If I had top RR or so, knowing how long I had played to gain it, I would probably stop playing if a change like this would come, those who have high/highest RR have spent lots of time getting it, and deserves to have the upper hand imo.

Could somehow be compaired to crafting, even though it's much harder geting top RR, but Crafting is much more booring imo.

Lets say they make changes making anyone to get Top crafter in no time, then the time the crafters who have spent ages to get Top lvl would be pointless.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Ironfalcon said:
well tbh.. we're at war, its everyone against everyone no? and what i ment by anything on your own.. was as a realm..but I prolly could have soloed the mid relics.. there where no defense what so ever.. working with other realms is just imo zzzz.. trying to interfere a RR for your own realms benefit is on the other hand smart, and fucking annoying btw..

Hehe...of course you could mate!:)

Anyway...yea ofc it can be annoying from the view of the realm getting doubled. But then again you have the numbers to handle us both...and anyway mids and hibs will start fighting again after the relics are evened out again!

Well when beeing an underdog in numbers and relic power we use what we have to work with to even the odds and atm the only thing there is trying to make life as hard as possible for Albs!:) But then again you will earn horrible amounts of rps the upcomming weeks from just farming mids and hibs that dont have any other choise but to keep comming! That should always be a nice comfort!:) (Never gotten so much rps as when Albs and Hibs were serging mid frontier at the beginning of NF.:)



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Elrandhir said:
If I had top RR or so, knowing how long I had played to gain it, I would probably stop playing if a change like this would come, those who have high/highest RR have spent lots of time getting it, and deserves to have the upper hand imo.

Could somehow be compaired to crafting, even though it's much harder geting top RR, but Crafting is much more booring imo.

Lets say they make changes making anyone to get Top crafter in no time, then the time the crafters who have spent ages to get Top lvl would be pointless.

Errr.... wrong thread maybe? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Ironfalcon said:
well tbh.. we're at war, its everyone against everyone no? and what i ment by anything on your own.. was as a realm.. :m00: but I prolly could have soloed the mid relics.. there where no defense what so ever.. working with other realms is just imo zzzz.. trying to interfere a RR for your own realms benefit is on the other hand smart, and fucking annoying btw.. :m00:


read the CoC it evens says from time to time two realms might wish to work together to even the odds. Even at that today we have had Mids eating our assess on several occassions so it is not as cosy as you guys like to try and make out. Is the heat too hard when the odds are evened out?

It is logical when you guys have such a huge Zerg that peeps are going to try and pen you back - you have the status of evul over lords. Lets face it it isn't a popularity contest is it? I have spent hours out there today just trying to claw back what you topok and you have the numbers 24/7 its why you as a group prefer a 24/7 game.

credit for the RR it was well carried out and you obviously had good leadership.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
alb had a motivated BG leader for once

just bad choice of keeps to take. Weekdays people will log at midnight - the alb bg went from 100+ to 50 in less than 20 mins after 12:00 gmt


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Zede said:
alb had a motivated BG leader for once

just bad choice of keeps to take. Weekdays people will log at midnight - the alb bg went from 100+ to 50 in less than 20 mins after 12:00 gmt

yes it felt like that. Still it was a tough one for us and I had a great time even though we were getting ganked from all sides at the start :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
Well this is the alb story of it. Started around mid day or whenever, rvring in a fg was decent. Got bored so had the bright idea /who 50 = 300 or so albs. Since rvr was getting a tad zerged why not start a prime time rr. Gathered forces and started pming all of alb and their cousins and brothers. After about 70 or so albs were collected, and jimmythepost's treb army <which could be seen at crauchan with like 15 trebs> started out by hitting bolg and crim at the same time. We both were inside main keep before main hib defence could get inside and defend so it was an easy take. Next target was crauchan, after sieging it for a while with jtp's treb army we put a hole in the wall and charged in. HIbs had a nice defence built up inside took quite a while for the innner door < due to the 100 hibs at windows by ram and shrooms> after the door was down we charged in the bottom. We rebuilt forces inside and worked way up top wher a very nice hib zerg awaited us with 1000s of shrooms, 30 chanters elds and every other class there. Charged a little at first and insta died. So me and other bg leaders <napshat,infernalchaos> held back alb zerg monster rezzed 3 or 4 peeps, they charged in and couple reavers bombed. AND BAM had the last keep. From here our well run RR started to fail due to the logging of some of the albs. We ran zerg to Nged t1 and took it, couldnt do anything with the hibs defence there. We left zerg at Nged to distract while about 12-15 of us took rams and planned to take behn while hibs were distracted. Some hibs were already defending and made it impossible, alb zerg whiped at Nged and end of story. Was a nice attempt, nice alb effort, but in the end to many defenders and not enough of us. Well played


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
Zede said:
alb had a motivated BG leader for once

just bad choice of keeps to take. Weekdays people will log at midnight - the alb bg went from 100+ to 50 in less than 20 mins after 12:00 gmt

aye, but was more than one leader, we discussed and carried out actions together. And yes the Bg died:(

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