Albion Relic Raid 2th Jan. 06.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Well... 5 hours after it began I logged out to call it a night.

It all began around 9pm gmt with the usual RvR when I noticed 2 small alb cups in hib. 1 headed for the crau spire, another headed towards nged t3.
The crau tower fell before it really started, when I noticed the siege on nged t3 and the growing cup I got suspicious and quickly set up a minor BG. When nged t3 fell and the larger cups began to appear, followed by guardspams that indicated over 100 albs attacking bolg and crim.
My group got wiped and we released to dl, rapidly spamming dl/dc and /As about the RR and my BG.
We grouped at ail, and by the time we moved crim was doomed, and bolg was about to fall. We could muster no more than 3fg + a few randoms for our main zerg.
We were under heavy time preasure since we had no time to prepare or organise when this massive assault hit us. And our first strike was an attempt on nged t3 to recapture it and reopen port. This attempt was switly prevented by a number of high rr albs left to defend. Who did a quite good job during the evening to prevent us from retaking nged t3.
By the time we had managed to regroup we had again the 3fg + randoms with 15-20 additional people stacked in crau to defend. Before our zerg again moved on nged t3 bolg had gone and the albs were clearing up towers to secure port. This time we succeded in taking the tower, however poor communication combined with the appearance of another alb force dispatched to deal with us - we got wiped and the tower was lost once more.
Our next move was to move what we had left to defend crau, we sailed there but there was some confusion durign the dropoff, where people disembarked into either albs or mids who had appeared, however not to honour the hibgard alliance but to farm rps. ;) Before the entire hib force had arrived the outer walls were breached and we were forced to retreat to the inner keep. No reinforcements were from this point able to aid the defenders trapped inside.
The keep held for a good while, it took some time before the inner gate fell, however there was nothing we could do to stop it. We survived good 10-15 mins in the lordroom thanks to a large numbers of pb's, bains and ani's. In the end the keep fell, the albs just kept comming.
At this point guardspams had indicated over 100+ albs (Could have been duplicate guardspams since they weren't from exactly the same time, I guess some alb would know.) The entire numbers of hibs in nf was 126 at that time, excluding anons. So it was a fight uphill. Our defence BG counted 5fg's + random. 2 of the fg's were not with the zerg but roaming around doing diffrent tasks individually though.
Nged or behn had to be the next targets to open relic gates. It began with nged but I reckon the albies no longer possed an advantage in numbers that could outweight the advantage of being a keep defender. Combined with the fact that the albs had chosen to put all their trebs in a bunch so they all went down from our palitone fire was another mistake. Albs took nged t1, and camped that, while another force moved on behn. They were unable to capture any towers since we were now prepared to organise a defence.
When nged t1 was razed and the albs defending it overrun, and the albs on behn was wiped by a hib force of similar size with the advantage of being the defender the raid was no longer a serious threath.
From that point we had to work hard on reopening Nged port and repairing behn. But that is now done, here around 2am gmt.
Bolg, Crim, Crau is still under alb control but for now the RR is off I think.

Well played albs, good initiative on a well performed RR during primetime. (Maybe a few hours late since it seemed like a bulk of your force logged around midnight.) But in the end it was good fun, questionable rps - but you sure made me have a nice evening, beliving that our relics would be lost by the end of the night.
Well played hibs for a quickly assembled defending force, with an impressive amount of defenders.
Well played mid I guess o_O I didn't experience any organised interference though, farming gankgroups was all I encountered, being a nuiseance to albs aswell as hibs.

More primetime raids in the near future please, hopefully it will be the albs defending next time.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
it was good fun imo, first day since xmas i have been active(nerf whiner's only haveing 1 comp @ his place :() so its nice to get a little RR even tho it failed xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well to explain where atleast quite alot of the albs went!:)

Solari said:
but for now the RR is off I think.
More primetime raids in the near future please, hopefully it will be the albs defending next time.

Well one explenation where the albs went around 24.00 hours was...mid!:) We were thinking of either going to hit albs in the back while they were attacking you in your forrest realm...or going alb to hit some relic keep...or just get mid cleaned...

Since we thought the fastest would be to clean mid map we headed to blend and started trebbing it badly...little did we expect an alb force of 30+ albs to come to defend it while hitting your relics...but they did...and at 24.00 + they had grown to be about 40+ atleast...

With only randoms no groups set up and only a quick setup bg we got farmed badly by the wizzard/scout serg that camped blend. But we finally got them now mid is free and in the end we apparently eased off the preassure they where putting you under!) (which was what atleast our group were going for all along...:) (Seeing albs with all 6 relics isnt on my wish hibgard alliance as you so nicely put it, is something atleast I will work for until mids have their relics back...). When albs hit you we hit their towers/keeps either in hib or in alb...evetually, hopefully we will wear the nighttime playing albs out so they do their raids in the evening instead of late night!:)



Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Dont take my word for it, just bear the following in mind..
Albs will do the same every night, night after night with the hours getting later and later till they eventually gain the relics from you at stupid-o-clock and about 4 nights time hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Thornea said:
Dont take my word for it, just bear the following in mind..
Albs will do the same every night, night after night with the hours getting later and later till they eventually gain the relics from you at stupid-o-clock and about 4 nights time hehe

I am actually counting on that we have lost our relics when i log on tommorow. Because some of us have to sleep :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
charmangle said:
Well one explenation where the albs went around 24.00 hours was...mid!:) We were thinking of either going to hit albs in the back while they were attacking you in your forrest realm...or going alb to hit some relic keep...or just get mid cleaned...

Since we thought the fastest would be to clean mid map we headed to blend and started trebbing it badly...little did we expect an alb force of 30+ albs to come to defend it while hitting your relics...but they did...and at 24.00 + they had grown to be about 40+ atleast...

With only randoms no groups set up and only a quick setup bg we got farmed badly by the wizzard/scout serg that camped blend. But we finally got them now mid is free and in the end we apparently eased off the preassure they where putting you under!) (which was what atleast our group were going for all along...:) (Seeing albs with all 6 relics isnt on my wish hibgard alliance as you so nicely put it, is something atleast I will work for until mids have their relics back...). When albs hit you we hit their towers/keeps either in hib or in alb...evetually, hopefully we will wear the nighttime playing albs out so they do their raids in the evening instead of late night!:)


lol its 2v1 u want ehh ?


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Wasn't a relic raid, we were just tower farming :rolleyes:
Yeah who said anything about a relic raid? Some of us still needed that Frontier Challenger title you know! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
i have info that said that this was RR ...

and i dont belive hes lying (was talking over MSN during that time)
ps. dont worry it wasnt xrealming with alb (the talk was: what keep u think we gonna do next/good fight there/ffs lded etc)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 24, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
i have info that said that this was RR ...

and i dont belive hes lying (was talking over MSN during that time)
ps. dont worry it wasnt xrealming with alb (the talk was: what keep u think we gonna do next/good fight there/ffs lded etc)

about xrealming..... me and a scout were defending crauchon 3 in the early hours like you do and guess what...... hibs and mids joined forces no surprise there then

one mid slammed a mid just to take the piss then both groups went to kill captain


Loyal Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
TheSearcher said:
about xrealming..... me and a scout were defending crauchon 3 in the early hours like you do and guess what...... hibs and mids joined forces no surprise there then

one mid slammed a mid just to take the piss then both groups went to kill captain
what do you expect mr. im-a-scout.with-a-DI-bot-and-i-can-not-move-away-from-the-tower-i-am-in?
albs have the largest numbers atm


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
well it was fun Albs was well planned and hibs was panicing which made it even more fun :D but maybe next time we will steal the mids relics of u guys ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 24, 2004
Megarevs said:
what do you expect mr. im-a-scout.with-a-DI-bot-and-i-can-not-move-away-from-the-tower-i-am-in?
albs have the largest numbers atm

was playing my sorc u gimp with no buff bot ...

takes 2fg's one from each realm to get us out of an unclaimed tower........... says it all tbh


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
TheSearcher said:
about xrealming..... me and a scout were defending crauchon 3 in the early hours like you do and guess what...... hibs and mids joined forces no surprise there then

one mid slammed a mid just to take the piss then both groups went to kill captain

Well the Mids and Hibs have no choice. The numbers Alb have are way over and above anything we had last night and it was all hands on deck for us.

Nice work Solari - you were a good BG leader and yes for an awful long time I also thought we were going to lose the relics. It was nice to come up trumps.

TY charmangle it looks like you guys did pull some away from Hibernia.

Well done to the high RR Albs you guys were impressive around nGed 3.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 24, 2004
Sharkith said:
Well the Mids and Hibs have no choice. The numbers Alb have are way over and above anything we had last night and it was all hands on deck for us.

Nice work Solari - you were a good BG leader and yes for an awful long time I also thought we were going to lose the relics. It was nice to come up trumps.

TY charmangle it looks like you guys did pull some away from Hibernia.

Well done to the high RR Albs you guys were impressive around nGed 3.

have to admit u guys played well to hold us off but i meant like 4 am when just me and a scout was in crauchon3 but hey nvm just a game


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
TheSearcher said:
have to admit u guys played well to hold us off but i meant like 4 am when just me and a scout was in crauchon3 but hey nvm just a game

He he its not just a game 4 the Albions :) they take their "game" serious, and as allways their only way to win is x-treme zerging. 10alb vs 1 hib or mid.

Its mostly like this:

Hib=casual adult players (age 15-35)
mid=casual players (age 20-40)
Alb=24/7+ players++ (age 9-20) with nothing better to do :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
it was a great night - me and 2 other scouts assisted by a lovely mincer were keeping the reinforcements from getting into crau - camping shoreline - waiting for people to drop off.

Hibs defended well, it was a good move on the hibs part to raze the tower, and demolish the trebs (poor old sube was kept busy making trebs / rams all night!)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
When moving on a rr it is quite normal for 5-7fg of any realm to move together so expect zergs during rr's.

I dont care waht age irl people are as long as they enjoy the game. Not to mention ive seen more childish behaviour from 30+ adults than your normal 15 year old, so age has absolutly no relavence here.

gratz on defence hibbers :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Ging said:
When moving on a rr it is quite normal for 5-7fg of any realm to move together so expect zergs during rr's.

I dont care waht age irl people are as long as they enjoy the game. Not to mention ive seen more childish behaviour from 30+ adults than your normal 15 year old, so age has absolutly no relavence here.

gratz on defence hibbers :)

and me glad some reasonable ppl still here :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
Didnt you like my rr? was quite fun i think failed or not ..
At least was prime time and Huge Defend Forces
Happy new year again :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
All hail towerhumping. Great place to farm /stats heal if you send Moro and Tze out to get ranger-assisted on!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Zahr said:
He he its not just a game 4 the Albions :) they take their "game" serious, and as allways their only way to win is x-treme zerging. 10alb vs 1 hib or mid.

Its mostly like this:

Hib=casual adult players (age 15-35)
mid=casual players (age 20-40)
Alb=24/7+ players++ (age 9-20) with nothing better to do :)

f*cking hate stereotypical ***** like you.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Good Luck hibbies, those relics will disappear before you know it :/

Just everyone start levelling up some Bainshee alts for the inevitable stand-off at the relics / keeps to give the albs some hell! :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
TheSearcher said:
was playing my sorc u gimp with no buff bot ...

takes 2fg's one from each realm to get us out of an unclaimed tower........... says it all tbh

you suck !11


Jan 22, 2005
Zahr said:
He he its not just a game 4 the Albions :) they take their "game" serious, and as allways their only way to win is x-treme zerging. 10alb vs 1 hib or mid.

Its mostly like this:

Hib=casual adult players (age 15-35)
mid=casual players (age 20-40)
Alb=24/7+ players++ (age 9-20) with nothing better to do :)

Despite your feeble attempt to steriotype every Alb out there, even if we were that age most of us are more mature than people like you.

It was a good raid, though it seems that everything we do gets criticised. Hibgard alliance strikes again though, nice teamwork I see.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Great! :D Very well defended hibs! Keep on it ;)

Must say i was worried when i logged of and there was 150 albs in emain.

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