Albion Plate armour



Yeah I know TS its a fantacy world,,, Just wish they gave chain too Alb instead of Plate.. Just for the Historical feeling,, thats all :)


Originally posted by SigvartH
Yeah I know TS its a fantacy world,,, Just wish they gave chain too Alb instead of Plate.. Just for the Historical feeling,, thats all :)

How about we keep the extra absorb but loose the graphic? Seems fair to me :)


baca, 50 healer on mid excal...skeletor on pryd pryd chars a lowbies though...



Highlanders are members of Albion because in Monmouth's arthurian legend Albion comprises modern day parts of England, Wales and Scotland. It was this account that the English Kings used to base their claims on the thrones of Wales and Scotland during the middle ages.

And SigvartH, what the hell is wrong with your comma button?


highlanders are scots, not albs=therefor not a part of is the same in middle east...israel not a part of palestine, but due to politics palestine is not a part of itself???huh??makes highlanders are scots..end of discussion b4 i confuse myself and rest of the world more



Ehyy u insulting my,,on.. I gonna kill u :) Scotland Forever. And dont say anything else or Sean Connery is gonna whoop ur pale brith arse :) "seen ur fair share of mens jokeys havent u tinkerbell" :) :)


Albion is a nation which exsists before the ideas of England and Scotland. Remember, at this time in history the angles still live in Denmark/Germany/Holland and the Scots still live in Ireland. What do you have living in the British Isles? Britons, Celts, Picts etc. etc. We're talking ancient tribes, not the modern nation of Scotland.


sean connery is coming to get ya, tinkerbell, and i talked to mel gibson and the fine "scotsman"he is,he will join sean

so, if i were u ,tinkerbell, i would watch my behind...



Yeah scotsmenn should fight for Hibernia. Not fight against its brothers in Hib .-) Since this setupp must be after the Saxons and Angles came too britain. Atleast when u see the Plate armour of 1300 AD ;-)


No its not some joke.. sean connery is gonna climb in ur windo and teach u abt scotland :) he he

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hibernia is based on Ireland. Why on EARTH would Highlanders be fighting for them?

Sheesh. This post is a little too similar to the posts you get on the Star Wars forums about the composition of lasers.

You can't complain about Albions having plate armour in a fantasy game when they would not have had it in real life at around the same time period because Ireland/Hibernia did not have Firbolgs or Elves in the 1100s and Norway/Midgard did not have Trolls or Kobolds.

Stop trying to draw parrallels between this game and historical fact because you can't. Most of DAoC is based loosley on the Arthurian legends and NOT on real life. One of the most attractive selling points of Albion is the ability to play 'the knight in shining armour' role and you have to admit, this would not be so appealing if it was the 'knight in dull chain armour'.


Originally posted by SigvartH
So that is the only answer u got,,, Then give me one good answer why Hib cant have Scale at 33% instead of 27% aswell,, after all it is just a fantasy game,, (though the good old reply of the nerfed albs,, and ooo we are soo underpowerd,, oo look at me I am a little bumbelbee is offcource the alb solution)

ill give the exact anwser why you muppet

1 midguard is the melee realm hit for more dam dont come back spouting shit either mids this is fact

2 hib is the magic realm better magical abolities same as above for hibs zip it

3 alb is erm well hmmm oh we get plate thats it so stfu and stop bitching

and why plate in the wrong time lets see how about artistic license as its there game they can drop in a fecking spaceship if they want and we would love the novelty

the roman plate was called scail mail and half plate

as for the scotland stuff lets see in fact mel gibson was hung drawn and quarted by lets see oh yes his own ppl who had a long history of stabbing each other in thab ack nice


Albion is a defencive realm, as most our classes have more defence than thier other realm counter parts.


Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and getting out of the way before it is understood. Shame you guys you didn't leave the thread quick enough.

Basing a whine on historical facts when this is obviously a fantasy game doesn't work if you don't take a big axe to the game and hack away all the other historical inaccuracies. So at the end of the day this was just yet another poor attempt at crying for a nerf.


So basicaly since midgaard is the mele realm,, there is no need too nerf LA then.. thx. (ohh,, I forgott,, who whined abt LA... hmm let me see,, ohh yeah,, it was the Albanians :)

It seems too me most pps joining alb is the same pps cheering at Man.Utd, pps who always holds with the strongest side. I joined Hib/prydw because they was outnumberd. There is no glory in joining the strongest side, but the again u think different dont you.


Originally posted by SigvartH
So basicaly since midgaard is the mele realm,, there is no need too nerf LA then.. thx. (ohh,, I forgott,, who whined abt LA... hmm let me see,, ohh yeah,, it was the Albanians :)

It seems too me most pps joining alb is the same pps cheering at Man.Utd, pps who always holds with the strongest side. I joined Hib/prydw because they was outnumberd. There is no glory in joining the strongest side, but the again u think different dont you.

Sig, you seem to have a chip on your shoulder the size of a Harry Ramsden's warehouse. If you are asking for a nerf, then please just ask for it don't try to dress it up.

If you wanna play the melee realm card over an LA nerf, then would you mind giving up your PBAoE for this?

There are quite a few middies who thought LA was overpowered

Majority of ppl join any realm/chose any class because they like the idea and fluff behind them both.

Guess you're just trying to wind ppl up.

Finally for no particular reason:
During the late 70's 80's Liverpool were the strongest side, which is when I started watching Man Utd.
A large percentage of Scottish ppl think Sean Connery is a numpty.


Originally posted by SigvartH
So basicaly since midgaard is the mele realm,, there is no need too nerf LA then.. thx. (ohh,, I forgott,, who whined abt LA... hmm let me see,, ohh yeah,, it was the Albanians :)

It seems too me most pps joining alb is the same pps cheering at Man.Utd, pps who always holds with the strongest side. I joined Hib/prydw because they was outnumberd. There is no glory in joining the strongest side, but the again u think different dont you.

are you totally thick hmmm LA IS NOT BEEN NERFED its a bug fix got that it was a bug abuse


Originally posted by flue
ill give the exact anwser why you muppet

2 hib is the magic realm better magical abolities same as above for hibs zip it

Ok so you read the manual, or the front bit at least. Now go check the herald before posting complete bollocks. Anyone wanna enlighten this muppet as to who has the strongest spec bolt? Alb, spec PB? Mid, spec dd? All same highest line in realm.

Which realm have a caster that can spam unmezzable, bolt range, chain stunning, bugged to shit, fire and forget pets? Alb

Fookin give plz......cause we the magical realm. Apparently :p



Originally posted by Begach
Ok so you read the manual, or the front bit at least. Now go check the herald before posting complete bollocks. Anyone wanna enlighten this muppet as to who has the strongest spec bolt? Alb, spec PB? Mid, spec dd? All same highest line in realm.

Which realm have a caster that can spam unmezzable, bolt range, chain stunning, bugged to shit, fire and forget pets? Alb

Fookin give plz......cause we the magical realm. Apparently :p


another dipshit read my post did i say who had the strongest spell hmm nope did i say who had the strongest bolt hmm nope i saidd the better magical abilites
and btw you muppet try reading things next time before spouting shit


Originally posted by flue
another dipshit read my post did i say who had the strongest spell hmm nope did i say who had the strongest bolt hmm nope i saidd the better magical abilites
and btw you muppet try reading things next time before spouting shit

OK wtf are you babbeling about? Is a bolt not a magical ability? what about PB? Or you find one thing in particular that gets your back up an so declare your entire realms magical ability not as good?

Common share mate. You got me interested now. Exactly what magical ability do hib have that alb do not?



Originally posted by Begach
OK wtf are you babbeling about? Is a bolt not a magical ability? what about PB? Or you find one thing in particular that gets your back up an so declare your entire realms magical ability not as good?

Common share mate. You got me interested now. Exactly what magical ability do hib have that alb do not?


sigh you have got to be shitin me think back pre patch before any of the new stuff was added your real is more magical orientated thats the whole point of hiberia so why the hell your gettin upety you stupid elf molesting gimp beats me

daddy beat you as kid hmm maybe he didnt beat you hard enough muppet


Originally posted by flue
sigh you have got to be shitin me think back pre patch before any of the new stuff was added your real is more magical orientated thats the whole point of hiberia so why the hell your gettin upety you stupid elf molesting gimp beats me

daddy beat you as kid hmm maybe he didnt beat you hard enough muppet


That my friend was the most text i ever saw from someone that said absolutly feckall. An if where goin pre-patch as it where can we go right back to the begining then i could say mid had the best magical abilities (only insta's in the game period where in mid) an yer still fookin wrong :p

Btw instead of being pissed at being wrong learn to be right. Saves you alot of anguish. lol



sorry im not wrong at all your just a muppet with a chip on yer cock get a life numbnuts its a game nothing more

you one of those sad twats that plays a game with his mates and sits at home for 3 weeks memorizing every word in the rule books ect so you win every time sad sad

as was said earier and feel free anyone to say this is totally inacurate
1 mid is the melee realm
2 hib is the magical realm
3 alb is the defensive realm

so just exactlly are you arguaing about feck all that is the spirit of the game man and dont start say <in baby voice> albs have the most powerfull bolt and mids this and albs that

grow up


Originally posted by flue
you one of those sad twats that plays a game with his mates and sits at home for 3 weeks memorizing every word in the rule books ect so you win every time sad sad

I apologise if my playing to win AND KNOWING HOW offends your sensibilities.

Originally posted by flue
as was said earier and feel free anyone to say this is totally inacurate
1 mid is the melee realm
2 hib is the magical realm
3 alb is the defensive realm

I say this is totaly inaccurate. ;)

Originally posted by flue
you stupid elf molesting gimp

Originally posted by flue
daddy beat you as kid hmm maybe he didnt beat you hard enough muppet

Originally posted by flue
grow up

OK i'll work on that one ;)



I refuse to swear on a public forum, so could someone please do me a favour and tell Baca, Sigvart and Flue to shut the fuck up

I wonder if some people realise they are posting on a public forum, with the potential for 4 billion people worldwide to think they are complete retards.


Originally posted by redknapp
I refuse to swear on a public forum, so could someone please do me a favour and tell Baca, Sigvart and Flue to shut the fuck up

Haha :D


Originally posted by SigvartH
So that is the only answer u got,,, Then give me one good answer why Hib cant have Scale at 33% instead of 27% aswell,, after all it is just a fantasy game,, (though the good old reply of the nerfed albs,, and ooo we are soo underpowerd,, oo look at me I am a little bumbelbee is offcource the alb solution)

Yes, yes it fucking IS the only answer. Fantasy game, zero realism, they thought they'd give armsmen plate armour.

Hib can have scale at 33%abs when armsmen get a 50%instaheal for free.

As for the last line or two - you're on crack.



Caps Lock is my friend, I apologize for that.

You know that the chronicles display keeps taken by what realm with different colours? I think we should use the same colour on all three realms.

That said, I think some people here should take this saying into thought:

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're dumb, than to open it and remove all doubt."

I'm sure it's not how it's originally written, but you get the idea.

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