Albion Leadership



Well I spose its about time i sat down and tried to explain a little to how sad I am with how albion now handles its self.

Im sure lots of people know me by now perhaps not to talk to but have atleast seen me around the place and I thought it only fair to share my concerns for albion.

Firstly my dissapointment with the lack of leadership and following being shown to those who try to run attacks(the dragon raid the attack on mid there after) now that finster has left albion for good and joined the mids.

Secondly the amount of foul language I have seen from all levels,I know its a fact of life that we all swear, god im a builder in real life so am well versed but I dont think thats not an excuse to use it in game played by all ages.Its meant to be fun thus why its called a game.

Thirdly the death of many of the larger guilds reasons known best to those who where in them ( I myself having been a fond member of preatorians)

This basically in short means we have no larger guilds left other than the newly formed ones who all seem intent on doing there own thing, no single person who seems to shine out from the crowd as a leader of people (or atleast a person anyone listens to)and the general abuse to each other in albion is making me realize quite why all the level 50 people seem to off disappeared.

I hope that the larger guilds or someone will come forward and help reunite the guilds of albion back into an alliance that actually coordinates keep attacks etc. Rather than a person shouting in emain lets take dun crim and basically pulling the guards onto everyone else who is just there for a few realm points.

Drclink Deadmanwalking
lvl 44 scout
(templar knights)


there is already another alliance comming up
ask kcinimodus or khalen for details :p


I just go 'thumbs up' for Drclink ..

and all or anyone ready to stand up to reunite Albion into the great nation it is.


just wanted to point out that GoL was the first guild formed in Albion (to my knowledge) also the first guild to get an emblem, and they are still around and as strong as ever.


I think things just have to calm abit atm.

alot of new guild have new rank order and they need time to find themselfes first..
Lets wait and see what the new guilds can do by their own..
And we will soon be united again.


Originally posted by Dalby
there is already another alliance comming up
ask kcinimodus or khalen for details :p

we joined this alliance a few days ago and are hopefully looking forward how this large arrangment of ppls will work.

im very bullish about it, although i didnt hear a single word in the /as chat so far
:sleeping: :p


Trouble with a "leader" is sooner or later ppl say "Who the f*ck IS this guy?" and "Why should we listen to him?"

There doesn't seem to be a way for a "natural" to emerge, no William Wallace factor if u like. Someone can step up and try sure, many do, but without EARNED respect their longevity is limited. Good luck to those who are willing to try. Maybe we will find someone with a big mouth AND a good tactical/organizational brain one day. The sooner the better.


Could always try selecting one, let him/her have the reins for a week or so and see what happens. I've seen one or 2 on the battlefield who've gained my respect and would be quite happy to give someone a chance to show what they can do. One who springs to mind is Arthwyr Pendragon - seems decent guy, treats people with respect and is always clear about what he's saying and doing... ( none of the yelling commands then heading off with a group on speed and leaving half the army behind that I've seen some so-called leaders do...). Just an idea anyways...


A commander is appointed, a leader revealed.

In a perfect world the leader would come first, but an appointmented commander usually does.

While trying to pick someone with connections, RvR experience, multitasking and tactical knowledge is ideal, do remember more than anything we make the commander. If we lay need for respect and large egos aside, stop questioning, just do and die, we make the commander great.


One of the major problem you are going to have is that us newbies haven't a clue who any of you are. I have only been playing about 5 weeks, dont know any of you, never seen you in game (or if I had dont remember you) never seen any of your guilds recruiting (impression of elitism) and wouldn't know one guild from another etc etc etc.

Leaders need an image and have to be well known and respected, if no one knows who you are who is going to care what you say?

Not much good chatting amongst yourselves on these forums, get out there in game and be noticed!! :)


We are aware of the fact that albion has no real leader atm ... but believe me it is under discussion and we are working on it. The problem is that as soon as someone does step up you get the "WTF is he to tell me what to do" reaction.
Planning a Rellic raid takes time and ALOT of communication back nad forth. If the person who put this time in sees the entire thing break down because there are some who want to do their own thing once things start then its only natural that he will think twice of stepping up again. Another problem is GM X, does not want to be in an alliace with GM Y, because both of them would like to call the shots. Simple rule can solve it I think. YOU Plan it ... YOU lead it.

GM <Exiled>


I didn't have much spare time this weekend, therefor I couldn't invite guilds to the alliance or contact some GM's. Remember, the alliance chat won't work till next server reboot, when we got all the guilds in I'll request one. I know I said my target was last saterday, but damn RL was bugging me, so I couldn't make that deadline :(.

Let's get the alliance running first, then we'll see who will be the new leader(s). Until then, we just have to improvise I'm afraid.


A few pointers from someone that has lead troops in RL:

a) Everyone must know who is leader
-Announce in alliancechat, relay to auxilary guilds chat and cg's.

b) There must be a NCO (second in command) to take over in case of crash, ld, boredom etc.
-Must also be announced

c) One person must be responsible for the siegeequipment, making sure other guilds bring the necessary stuff etc.
-Also announced, he controls communication by doing a cg with other siege ppl.

d) All army movement and plans for future actions must be announced.

e) All scouting info should be available to everyone.

f) The leader must make a plan and announce it in short, concrete wording. The leader must never ramble.

g) The leader cannot engage in combat himself as it causes him to lose the strategic overview.

h) The leader orders. He does not ask politely. There is no time for politeness in battle.

I know most of this is obvious, but what is abvious to one person is often obvious to another in a different way.

I would nominate Arthwyr or Kcinimodus.


Totally agree with that last statment (go for it arth :)).

I was on the Dragon hunt an think it went quiet well considering the ammount off ppl that turned up, Well oragnised, lots of bodys, Dragon would have died that night if it hadn't of decided to go the pub :D .

The relic raid after was a diferent story, The decided target was midguard (why not a hib relic :)). Right up till we got to the relic things were fine. But then then main force was split in 2 an we were /releaseing before you could boil a kettle. You gotta give clear orders an leave time for ppl to responed to that order, There might be 5 peeps at the back of the train getting attacked by a guard.

Well however the outcome it was all fun :)


Originally posted by Big E

im very bullish about it, although i didnt hear a single word in the /as chat so far
:sleeping: :p

/as is broken again :(

old.Dark Mind

So far i have seen 3 good leaders in albion, each of them with theyr good points and bad points as i'll explain below.

1) Arthwyr

- GM of a good guild
- Good tactics
- BAD map knolage
- Can't defenetly say he's an experience player cuz lvl doesn't say anything ;)

2) Herbal

- Knows what's shes doing therefor when she shouts it's a good shout
- Usualy crafter which may takes out the war overview
- Doesn't shout much and it seems to have some problems taking the leadership by not steping to the front of the battle to organize the army
- Can't comment map knolage because she never leaded in front of me

3) Killtoons (old Nobrains) most known in rvr by Incetes lately

- Member of a GOOD guild quite elitist maybe which may provide an elite force to albion
- Good tactics in emain charging when was needed to alb victory
- Good map knolage
- Indeed not much politics has to be done it is. dunno if this my be considered rudish by some ppl.
- Is known for almost everyone on realm starting from mid lvls to highlvls thanks to the amount of time spent in PvE with more than one char on Excaliber - Albion
- Proved to be able to lead an army when hibs last relic raided us and after that moving everyone to recapture our keeps.

I personaly have seen Filip in emain lattly too trying to do something. I must admit i first considered 4 leaders but his not well planed relic raid was the end of my credebility on him.

- Leading army to a relic every lvl 1 can do it with a good map knolage, leading an army when u are losing even if u are getting us all killed is indeed not for everyone on realm and finster made his job very well.
- Spliting the army to run away for mids it's the most stupid thing on earth in my personal opinion if u go there u stick together with your army at all costs u do not take couple of guys and simply run away like a chicken at least prove u're a man and fight till dead. If u plan an excaple don't leave deads behind and take everyone with u
- Just not to mention the amount of times u leaded ppl to death at Dun Crmthainn...

That's all
Hope more ppl understand my point of view about albion leaders ;)


I think this leader thing is getting out of hand!!

let ppl follow who they want to follow

i know what to do if somethings wrong here in alb. do you?

Imo we dont need to promote anyone.. lets just calm down and let the guilds try work together abit instead.. '¨

PS. Ill follow filip anytime..


And dark mind.. how come we lost bloody bledmeer. and notmoor,, some time ago??

Because mids stoppet our reinforcement. i really dont know what went wrong at our relic attempt ,but its a bloody good idea to stop any reinforcement!!

Imo i think next time nobody should /yell at DM that we was going after relic because suddanly we had many new ppl on who was soo fanatic about it, that they were shouting it all over alb.
and thats not how a relic attempt should start!!


Hi all

Well never tought someone liked me to lead and i apreciate that vote of confiance ;)

I share aikimore's opinion, no one should be "claimed" as leader. But eitherways the leader doesn't need to be in a big alliance because the alliance must work together for realm benefits

One thing is for sure i'll only follow the one that shows more capacity to work for the realm even if he's lvl 10 cuz i really don't care about lvls, even if he's outside realm bigest alliance.

If ppl think i'm the best guy to follow be my guests i'll do my best ;)


Aiki, can't really see the connection between the relic and Bledmeer and Nottmoor.
Last time this 2 keeps were captured mostly by Black Falcons army.

Bledmeer only bf's and Nottmoor bf's with DVE ppl i belive Shell etc.

Could u explain yourself better ;)


Just to repeat my post above:

Who the F are you people, never seen any of you anywhere accept on this board, certainly dont know any of you and your guilds in game, how the H do you expect the upcoming players to have any interest in your plans atall?

This is not a flame, I truely want to know, I will get high enough one day for RvR and when I do I will be playing with people who have levelled with me, not any of you 'leader' types because well, who are you?


Prolly the GM's over the biggest guilds will lead us hopefully into victory ;)


Eeek: Hopefuly when you get rvr lvl (40is) albion army will be coordinated well at least i hope it will ;)
Therefor by that time a good cordinator will stick the army together and the others will naturaly follow the siege and start knowing the older players naturaly too ;)

Tilde: Yes that's for sure a good guild will lead us to victure not quite that sure about if it's GM or not.


Ok... I really appreciate being named here as "LEADER OF ALBION" and I must admit that I have some Ideas that are Simple enough to execute and to be honest I am quite sure that alot of you will like them and possibly agree with them. HOWEVER, i am most certainly not gonna be looking to polish up my ego over this as one person simply can't do it alone.

Here is what i suggest (i like suggesting alot :p ) DVE has a closed forum where we can discuss things without midgard and hibernia peeking in. Why don't the leaders of the bigger, higher leveled guilds message kcinimodus ingame and ask him to email you a pasword and login so you can access the closed board. I will post a toppic in there with an IRC channelname and password so we can talk this over in IRC instead of messaging back and forth. To make it easier i will also post my basic idead regarding things we could do there so we all know what we will be talking about on IRC.

I would be happy to see the following guilds there:

Now before you start booing me about your guild not being in this initial meeting, this is only a start, some ideas will be talked about, if we come to an agreement the ideas will be communicated to all the other guilds who want to be part of it so this alliance can expand. Lets learn to walk, then we move on to running. I also hope GMs set aside differences so everybody works together instead offf eeeek i wont join that alliance cause guild X is in it.

Arthwyr pendragon
GM <Exiled>


Originally posted by Bedwin
just wanted to point out that GoL was the first guild formed in Albion

dont think so :p but is already dead anyway

and i think too that there shouldnt be a leader as 1 person
but rather a leader that organizes this or that like mallus organized that dragon event

we could make an irc like #daoc.exc on quakenet... #daoc.exc.alb or something? :p


I'll speak about this idea with Black Falcons once i must be the only that jerk the foruns ALOT.

Indeed a gr8 idea Arthwyr hope everyone can put apart they're egos to work on this alliance ;)


Like the old ppl say:

There is not a big man without a big woman behind i would like to say
There is not a good leader without a good guild behind

Leaders much have a guild support that's for sure ;)


On behalf of VV I accept this kind invitation.


It's good to see realm starting to work together on something.

LETS PUT THIS WORKING AND BASH THE DAMN CHEATERS (HIBS) and the guys that try to get our relic every sunday (MIDS)

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