Albion has an offical colour!



I dunno, you post a nice little story, inject a little humour into it, and what do you get...

1 line responces...

i dunno, can no-one think of anything a little more substancial??

Enjoy, and get those imaginations working!!


Sorry about that earlier reply but I am just tired of these Albion mocking threads. Occasionally I might agree but then again maybe it also holds just as well that if we had albion vs. midgard with both realm top 100 players against each other... well Midgard would win, reason being that the LEVEL of a character matters so enourmously.


i would have to say albs are starting to lv nearer the mids and rvr is becoming more fun and even now,ok sometimes albs have run but thats mainly low lv ones which u could understand heh i never run though i even melee them sometimes as a caster which i am hehe:) also pyro sotl are a great guild who do great things and make a big impact in albion but other guilds rvr well too u know mine has 12 lv40s now and we rvr a lot and put up dam good fights.Not disrespecting or having a go at u ok just saying that there is other guilds doing well in rvr too.


hey!!!! wats wrong with being yellow!!!!!!!!

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