Albion hand rpg handbook new edition(some txt)



Greetings Fellow albion's...

Today we going to talk about how albions uber rvr is expanding

Example 1..

8ppl run on the all well known "stick" in north direction the driver move some to right left to scout the rest dont see jack shit beside the royal ass of the guy infront,Anyways now from "West" another group is incomming"Hibs" Ops we all got AE mezzed.

Now a few of the uber ones dies but hey! a sorc actually got of a Ae mezz now,but awww a pally rushes a spearhero and "slam"him and hit him for lethal 50damage the spearhero just ran of and killed the sorcerer and the pbaoe caster just ran up to us and killed us...Now the as always crying starts"Damn hibs overpowerd fuck goa i hate daoc i quit!!!"

This is perhaps as close to how 90% of albs plays today.

Example 2..

8ppl run after eachother "no stick here" everyone scouts some aww middle guy spots hibs from "West" he tells the grp the 2 casters in grp spam's bolt on the bard,sorc loads up mezz tanks instant rush the "CASTERS" the wizz helps nuking there target's ahh caster died next up bard open with slam arms use styles pallys normal hits wizz,thurg helps nuking as up hib tanks Pally opens with "slam" as always wizz,thurg nukes some tank dead. next target same shit. meanwhile wizz cast single root on the remaining tanks just in case..
"Now oh we kick some ass=)) all happy damn think i will make a thurg or armsman"

I know it has been said before ill spit it out again start using ya heads when rvr its a games yes never said it was anything else,But who the fuck want to be a looser in a game personally i REALLY HATE to loose and if i fucking die i will come back again and again and again until i have pissed on the shithead killing me.

But hey maybe that just me,Anyways start to choose ya freaking style soon either play as "Example1" or start to change to something like "Example2"

Its so annoying to read the "Im so nerfed" post everyday you claim ur nerfed cause you die simple but lemmi tell you it fooking straight out YOU DIE CAUSE YOU PLAY LIKE A N00B<---Have any of you considerd that yet?

If you get zerged ya np 99.9% die from a zerg thats cool sence its a Realm VS Realm game meaning alot of times we might meet more than 1grp VS 1grp.

Some days back i was grped with some guys we encounter enemies and we were awake so got the CC in a tank picks hes own target a spearhero who instant rushed and with hes IP,FA he killed all 4 casters in grp,So now i ask him why did you do that? and he reply Have you ever heard of "slam"? and i go like huh? yes intelligent move i think,STUPID me why have a 1.18min root up when a tank can slam him so he last for 9sec's.

Now i know this happends tons and tons of times so did we die from overpwerd hibs or cause the actual gameplay from the grp sucked more than a hairy baboon ass?

Anyways Consider it..

/Real sad Alb whore out


rofl n00b pls stfu instead prove me im wrong

Cuz you cant*Yawns*

And whine? i ever complained anywhere about hibs etc? nop but i DAILY hear the albs whine about it what i posted up UNLESS ur a little kid you should be damn aware of wtf im talking about is called a HINT.

I played about all most mmorpgs out and played mmorpgs sence about darksun online and i NEVER EVER heard a grp of ppl whine so damn mutch and i play both mid and hib aswell but they dont whine half as mutch...

Same when you camp mmg with 100 albs and kills 20 poor mids that shows up once and a while then you dont whine but when hibs camped amg yesterday "THE bitching started this suxx i log now etc etc etc etc"

Just sounds like a bounch of N00B's no wonder Alpha etc solo i understand why.


Erm when did albs start roaming in single groups?



"btw" learn "how to use" "quotes" k"..."


"Anyways Consider it.."

The words seem to make sense on their own, but strung together as they are I find it hard to see why you dropped out of school so early.

Let's play a game. Get a dictionary, go on. Now, flick through it and stop at a random page - k? Now, close your eyes and point to somewhere on the page. Now, write the word you pointed to down. Done? Repeat until bored. Oh, you've played this game before.



haha ya ya ya

Gramma REALLY has anything to do with it...

Sad is its all so true /stick and die

Cool tho that you couldent comment the post more than with my spelling,And seriously i dont give a shit how i spell english is not my native language so why would i even care.

Anyways keep moaning how nerfed you are sence you dont have anything better to do.


Was only joking, didn't mean to offend. Seriously though, if you have a point to make fair enough, I just don't understand what it is.

What's this about nerf? I haven't been nerfed. My rejuv range has increased, my 16% grp resists have been implemented and I'm much happier playing my class than I ever have before. And before I respecced from smite, my damage output had increased over what it was on the previous patch, as I had overspecced smite, so when they decreased the level of the final spell I was doing 8% damage on advisors.

I read something in your post that I think meant you don't reckon people should /stick to a driver because they can't see anything in front? You see that button to the left of your "1" button? hold that down and move the cursor keys. Try organising a decent grp without anyone sticking to each other, runnin all over the place. Never had a problem with /stick myself, as long as everyone does it.


Basically your sayin tanks going for tanks again...yer?
Jeez i wouldnt be surprised if you asked the average alb in emain what class was stood in front of him, he wouldnt have a clue:)
<not saying im above average, im a n00b>

My advice to you is, dont except invites from strangers and dont invite random people in your group, a bit of quality control is perhaps needed:) Remember the APK is a convayer belt of albs.

Sighfi -AoD-

p.s I think thats how you spell "convayer":S Eggy teach me more of you wonderful dictonary games :)


Basically your sayin tanks going for tanks again...yer?
Jeez i wouldnt be surprised if you asked the average alb in Emain, which particular class was stood in front of him, he wouldnt have a clue:)
<I hope this is not the case, and im not saying im above average either, im a n00b>

My advice to you is, dont except invites from strangers<if you need any advice about this ask Keda, he'll fill you in> and dont invite random people in your group, a bit of quality control is perhaps needed:) Remember the APK is a convayer belt of albs.

Sighfi -AoD-

p.s I think thats how you spell "convayer":S teach me Eggy, teach me more of your wonderful dictonary games :)


gah ffs

second one is the edited version

Sighfi - owner of the belt of fook ups +10


Erm when did albs start roaming in single groups?

u can normally find us arround breifine / gorge or in yggdra/collory between the hours of 9pm-1am on weekdays wearing poo coloured cloaks




And normally you'll find Treniel adhering to the no-stick rules. It's like he's coated in Teflon or something :D :D



Couple of points
First to me /stick is one of the all time great commands in daoc , I mean its up their with /ignore as a contender for first place :)
Used Correctly it is 99% of the time the only way to move a grp over any distance in RvR , without having constant " lost yee " , "where are you guys " , "How come my speed is gone ? " ," Is someone dying ??, Im not in range " Etc and so on and os forth.
Of course I understand your point about hit form the side , that happens too , but that has more got to do with luck and general alertness than anything else imo.

As for the Tank , well explain to him what you think he is doing wrong and try and show him a better way. tell him to hit casters first when mezzed etc. Dont sit back and call the guy a Newb or anything else . If people took more time to explain stuff in RvR everyone would benefit and maybe that tank who im sure was told sometime so slam any tank inc before it reaches a caster , would then know only slam AFTER a mezz is broke or been purge etc.

And this shit
YOU DIE CAUSE YOU PLAY LIKE A N00B<---Have any of you considerd that yet?

Did you ever consider that YOU die because you grp with NOOBs ?

Who is more of an Idiot ? A wiseman who grps with a fool or a fool who grps with a wiseman.

And Btw you do also realise that not all of ALbion read this forum , so they cant see what you have written, its mostly just peeps at work bored .


Originally posted by starsnuffer
Some days back i was grped with some guys we encounter enemies and we were awake so got the CC in a tank picks hes own target a spearhero who instant rushed and with hes IP,FA he killed all 4 casters in grp,So now i ask him why did you do that? and he reply Have you ever heard of "slam"? and i go like huh? yes intelligent move i think,STUPID me why have a 1.18min root up when a tank can slam him so he last for 9sec's.

Now you have to ask yourself a questions here, I'm assuming this Hero moosed and IPed, if this was the other way around and it had been an armsman hitting 4 hib casters do you think the armsman would have succeeded? My guess would be no, because the Hero with moose and IP is more powerful than an Armsman and the hib casters have better defense than the alb casters (all having stun).

So yes it may have been a mistake by the alb tank but it's the fact that hib classes are better than alb classes that caused the following annihilation of your group, if it had been the other way around the armsman would have been stunned and downed by the casters in under 4 seconds.

Yes albs make mistakes, but so do the other realms, the difference is alb mistakes cost us everything, hib/mid mistakes are easier to recover.



dissolve opossum Ajanta Runnymede granary radiation club-haul monkey cynic NERF orange cain martini hobby........sorry was playing eggy's game :uhoh:

Anyhoo more to the point, i'm guessing your main point is that Albion winges? Well if you think this is so i think it's more of a personal fear/view than actual truth, alot of people think Albion winges alot but i think it's like a media hype on a story - it's never as bad as anyone actually makes it out to be.

In fact if anything makes the people winge and ill tempered it's people like you in the groups telling them they're "noobs" and that they should have done this and should have done that


All this n00b stuff is just bs, unless of course

[group] fellow: why'dya do that stormm u fukin n00b!
[group] Stormm: um seemed like good idea
[group] Stormm: well anyway you
[group] Stormm: i mean i
[group] Stormm: but, oh...
[group] Stormm: sod off

... but seriously, when grp'ing with unknown ppl,perhaps they really are n00bs, i.e. have not a lot of rvr experience etc, don't know who to attack first en all that. Now just by shouting at them calling them n00b aint gonna help the situation or help to improve albion's rvr position.

what needs to be done is to help so called n00bs from being non n00bs - by explaining to them tactics/stratagies or whatever learnt from ur experience so they actually do 'know' what to do the next time a situation arises.

..erm probably...i think, gah work sux!:eek6:


Originally posted by Stormm
what needs to be done is to help so called n00bs from being non n00bs - by explaining to them tactics/stratagies or whatever learnt from ur experience so they actually do 'know' what to do the next time a situation arises.

they've tried that on these forums - problem is people don't try it in-game...

and not that many people read these forums.

How did you learn to deal with CC in PvE? you died a few times and then got it into your skull that you didn't break it.

How did you learn how to use pbaoe? (if you did that is... a lot of albs didn't :)) you tried it a few times, got killed and learned.

Same thing needs to happen with RvR... if you have a tank that breaks mezz - screaming "ffs you n00b" ain't gonna help.

"don't hit that one it's mezzed.. go for the one that fred is hitting"

"make sure you get one each - only one person on each monster, go for the third one Joe" in the case of PBAoE :)

can't expect people to be psychic and know not to hit the tanks....


Originally posted by Stormm
All this n00b stuff is just bs, unless of course

[group] fellow: why'dya do that stormm u fukin n00b!
[group] Stormm: um seemed like good idea
[group] Stormm: well anyway you
[group] Stormm: i mean i
[group] Stormm: but, oh...
[group] Stormm: sod off

... but seriously, when grp'ing with unknown ppl,perhaps they really are n00bs, i.e. have not a lot of rvr experience etc, don't know who to attack first en all that. Now just by shouting at them calling them n00b aint gonna help the situation or help to improve albion's rvr position.

what needs to be done is to help so called n00bs from being non n00bs - by explaining to them tactics/stratagies or whatever learnt from ur experience so they actually do 'know' what to do the next time a situation arises.

..erm probably...i think, gah work sux!:eek6:


If some of the experianced players would maybe take a "noob" in their group for a couple of hours, there would be a lot less "noobs"


should have specified, my post meant explain to them 'in game' - i.e not here...

Originally posted by Fingoniel

Same thing needs to happen with RvR... if you have a tank that breaks mezz - screaming "ffs you n00b" ain't gonna help.

"don't hit that one it's mezzed.. go for the one that fred is hitting"

... or perhaps combine the 2:

"ffs you n00b, don't hit that one it's mezzed.. go for the one that fred is hitting" :D


pff dont see the whole picture here

I never offend someone "I think they n00bs"

Not sure if that was to me,But i dont or never will call someone in grp "feking noob or whatever sence the mood in grp will just be bitchy etc"

And about explaning tactics for alb hehe funny is actually i saw a Hib posted 1 here a while ago and i think that coverd about all issues.

Like WHY is it so hard for tanks to get of the mezzed ones for 1 thing,This issue has been here 10000 times but they still do i dont understand my self how it can be so hard..

Line above just refers to one thing of the 10 issues.

Also if i would have to call ppl n00bs everytime something goes wrong it would even more boring.

And yes i know APK is "Pally lfg" but still there is no skills in this game like UO pvp or AC pvp just klick and follow and use ya brain a little cant be that hard.

But the story always go to hell, The few times its zerg VS zerg we loose alot cause of the dumb one's if we manage to mezz alot up someone throw a AE dot or spell this has also happen alot of times.

Or these ppl are the ones who ran screaming pls dont kill me pls pls back in early UO days who know's....

2nd: I know these ppl cant be changed even if i or 1000 others tells them to,but hey xmas is around the corner can make a wish and hope it comes true...


Re: pff dont see the whole picture here

Originally posted by starsnuffer

Like WHY is it so hard for tanks to get of the mezzed ones for 1 thing,This issue has been here 10000 times but they still do i dont understand my self how it can be so hard..

Has been HERE. refer tp people at work bored and not all albions reading this forum.

Originally posted by starsnuffer

And yes i know APK is "Pally lfg" but still there is no skills in this game like UO pvp or AC pvp just klick and follow and use ya brain a little cant be that hard.

Sorry im lost on this one... I though APK was albion Portal keep....

Originally posted by starsnuffer

2nd: I know these ppl cant be changed even if i or 1000 others tells them to,but hey xmas is around the corner can make a wish and hope it comes true...

Were you always L33t , you learned why cant they . RvR is just the same as XPing you have to learn it. Names \ Classes \ Tactics.
People always change and this isnt UO or AC ,Its daoc so dont be comparing it to them , its different.


Btw, have u ever wondered how come while an alb fg is running with ss5 it becomes mezzed, so darn easy that becomes a habbit?:eek: Hey! it might be because we are the only realm that doesn't have an instant mezz!:eek:

Anyway you can't move with speed in a grp without /stick. It just cannot be done. Next time communicate with ur grp have them to spin camera while moving, stay alert to split if needed and if u got the chance before a fucken bard push a button and instant mezz the whole fricken grp.

P.S. I m whining around! :p



its not the noobs thats the problem , its the elitist lvl 50 fuks that think they own RVR and noone else is worthy of their knowledge.

Not all high lvl's are like that, just a damn lot of high lvl albs have their heads so far up their ass's and dont help low lvl's learn.


Guild groups are the best...but only a few alb guilds about at the moment that can put a rvr team body gets pissed off, its just FUN.

Sighfi -AoD-


1 cleric. 1 mincer. 2 scouts (both hunting bow). 1 sorc. 2 wizards. 1 paladin (slam and casterprotector).

Now there u have a group :).

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