Albion and Hibernia masters of the Resist.



KX I knew he was talking about the SM...but TRANSFERING hp's is a hell of a lot diff than HEALING dmg.. no healing is done with that spell .. non at all..the sm loos the hp's so the numbers of hp is the same..



with 3 healing classes in a middiegroupcore I ofc mean that the aug/mend healer AND the pacspecced AND the shammy are capable of healing. I know the pacspecced arent able to heal too well because of the specc, but nevertheless, baselines are ok for emergencysituations.

If you twist it around a little and say, no the pachealer cant be considered a healing class , well, friars arent either then and thus it leaves albs with one healing class in a groupcore of the configuration I mentioned earlier and still lands of a disadvantage in total when it comes to healing.


would be nearly balanced without group-RAs imo (bof, grouppurge, sos, baod, soldiers barricade, faith healing - worst of these bof baod sb sos, in times of det/resibuffs grouppurge isnt that bad anymore), or at least same group-RAs for every realm

and with midgard no resist ... thats the problems of mids not building good groups, imo you need a pac/mend and an aug/mend, then you will have 16% resistbuffs to everything
and btw, NO druid on my homeserver (when i was hib) who was actively played in rvr had more than 16% resists... some clerics did have 24, but those were 2nd cleric in group, like an aug healer would be (friar ofcourse 24, as warden.. that leaves mid only a slight disadvantage in heat/cold/matter vs alb and spirit/energy/body vs hib .. not too bad imo)

and shike: drood bard warden isnt enough healing for a hibgroup unless the warden is a 33+ regrowth one which arent found too often (atleast on lyonesse), the bard cant heal shit because after fight starts hes got 3 berserkers whacking him down and/or a skald interrupting his endusong (which he doesnt start to play after instamez, because good bards use castmez cos insta is much too short), and cc sucks with just 1 drood too, aoerootfortehwin


3 bers hitting, in that case i understand pain.
luckily we in midgard dont have so evul opponents they slaughter our healers ;)

but yes, whitout those nice group ra:s, game is quite nice balanced

notice Shike say friar if not specced healing, what friar is specced?
yep, friar is quite nice machine when start whip out staff.
if healer spec any these own 3 lines, he still is only support class, there isnt any other option.
healer way is group after group, doing job what he is specced for.
no solo running any place where is change meet hib/alb.


tuppe, i'm sorry but I have to admit I had a very hard time to understand your post to be honest :/

But if you mean what I think you mean, you should not compare a friar and a healer first of all. What I meant was, if a pachealer dont count as a class capable of healing then friar should be taken out of the comparison aswell since friars healingcapabilities arent the best, neither is a pachealers, thats all. However, they are imho capable of healing as I see it, any heals is better than no heals in my book.

Some person said instastun only lasted 4 seconds, yep that is kinda true when you take determination and resists into it. BUT what that person left out is, when you are out and running in mach5 or 6 and have a group stuck on you and when it comes to pure reactions any instant >>>> castable since even though admittedly it only lasts 4s or similar, the battle have taken a huge turn over to your side already since you won the initiative. 4s or 9s or 20s dont really matter, in 4seconds a savage is at casters and have already started to whack away for instance, in those 4 seconds the pachealer have time to cast a castable mez, in 4s 2 SMs have had time to run in among the enemies and is just about to start casting PBAoE and so on.

4 seconds in the hands of a good group is a lot of time to be honest, but I guess it aint if you are semiafk or watching footie on the telly eh?

Try and see beyond the RAs a bit, sure BoF is nice, but a cleric cant cast it when he is stunned or mezzed right? Minstrels cant pop SoS when mezzed or stunned right? When mids/hibs win the initiative, they are damned hard to beat I guess, when its more open and the sorc is allowed to play out a bit albs have an advantage with the boltrange on the mezz I guess.

There are no I-win-buttons in daoc imho, there are always ways to counter whatever the enemies can come up with, if Hibs BAoD or albs BoF or something similar, what says you cant run around with endregen and sprint for a bit and let the RAs wear off? If you expect a battle to be won in 30s and you loose just because you arent patient enough, well, tough luck, maybe next time you will be more patient and do the right thing instead?

Basically, it isnt so simple that just enthusiasm and effort pays off, you need to do the right thing at the right time and to the right enemy aswell, this require knowledge of the games classes and abilities and knowledge about your own character of course, it aint something that is learnt over a night or a certain RR, some people care to research and listen to others advices, some dont, those that do, tend to become great players over time nomatter whether they are hibs, mids or albs.
All realms have their strenghts and weaknesses, we all know this, I can agree to a certain point that mid is a very hard realm to play in, you have to play smarter than in hib for instanse, but when mids play smart... they can be just as good as any other realm I think.

just my 3 cents....


Resist do need to be toned down.. Theres the one hib group which runs around in the grey cloaks, and I've hit against 61% resists vs one of the elf chanters when BaoD is DOWN. When it up, I've hit in the low teens damage wise!. Theres no racial resist for elves vs spirit afaik, but if a celt had that amount of resists, and a chanter popped BAoD, he would be invulnerable to every spell I had... and I'd just have to send my pet in to drain the pbt'ers mana supply. It's bad enough having the second weakest nukes of any proper caster (not counting thanes or ns here :p) behind the cabby taps (We have lower dps but have pet buffs to help casting speed I guess). Vs any hib group I expect to hit for 19X(-19X) with spec powertap, maybe 22X(-22X) with my non spec lifetap maximum, if I'm lucky. Nowadays, most casters seem to have about 1300 hp or something, I'm looking at 5-7 nukes to kill the weakest class they have, depending on out right resists and maybe as many as 10 nukes minimum to kill any kind of tank at range. They barely even notice me nuking them anymore.. Outside crauch a few day back, I must have nuked latino four or 5 times before he even bothered to come over. Tried a few times to hit my pet but had no luck due to 6 second pbt and it's parry, he gave up and just left me as I wasn't causing him a problem. I don't think I took half of his hp off from a full bar of castable and isnta lifetaps, and a full regen of power from powertap.. Theres no way you can justify that :>

The thing I hate about it most is the winner usually comes down to which group has the best specs, rather than which group has the ebst players. It takes no skill at all to cast a few resist buffs or hit BAoD as you run into battle, yet they can fully negate all magic damage/debuffs/CC under the right situation. I'd much prefer something along the lines of only being able to activate one set of resist buffs at a time, and having to make a choice considering what you suspect the enemy might be packing, rather than just hitting 3 buttons blindly every 10 minutes :)


Also, I've long thought healers whould get an extra spec line and 1.5 spec points to balance out the realms resist a bit. Mayeb 1.5 would be a touch high if the new line would be completely worthless and ignored, but it's stupid that they get both primary mezz and primary heal, plus one set of resists, all on a class with 1.0 spec points, and in 3 separate lines.


Originally posted by Goryk
Also, I've long thought healers whould get an extra spec line and 1.5 spec points to balance out the realms resist a bit. Mayeb 1.5 would be a touch high if the new line would be completely worthless and ignored, but it's stupid that they get both primary mezz and primary heal, plus one set of resists, all on a class with 1.0 spec points, and in 3 separate lines.
All classes with 1.0x spec can only choose 2 lines to go in, they could do 3 but then they'd never be good at anything.

Clerics have 3 spec lines just like a healer, we have heal, enhancements and smite and 1 insta-mezz.

Healer has heal, enhancements and some very capable CC

Druid has heal, enhancements and CC + pet

It's upto them how they want to play, if they gave all heal classes 1.5x spec points i wouldn't like it at all, all the clerics would have heal/smite/enhance there would be no challenge they'd be ready for any situation.


Originally posted by Goryk
Also, I've long thought healers whould get an extra spec line and 1.5 spec points to balance out the realms resist a bit. Mayeb 1.5 would be a touch high if the new line would be completely worthless and ignored, but it's stupid that they get both primary mezz and primary heal, plus one set of resists, all on a class with 1.0 spec points, and in 3 separate lines.

you know what, its kinda silly to look at what a class CAN specc in and say, hey I want more points because I wanna specc in all lines I have available dont you think? Hey I want my sorc to be able to specc 49mind and a bit more than 22 in body since my nukes will be crap, "sadly" I cant do that... Hmm and that makes me my realms mainCC, hmm but I wanna nuke aswell as hard as a bodyspecced sorc... i really wanna, oh well, I think I am gonna be stuck with the 49mind for mezzes it seems, and guess what, I am happy with that since I intend to do CC and leave the nuking to those that choose to specc so they can do that. Got my point?

Have you ever tried to play a healer that is mainCC and mainhealer of a group with a splitspecc of mend/pac? It aint easy at all tbh, hmm maybe mythic had a plan with it? Can it actually *gasps* be so that the plan was that healers could specc in different ways and act as either mainCC of the realm, OR mainhealer/resistprovider, notice the keyword either, not as in I-must-specc-so-I-have-to-do-everything-myself. Aug/mendhealer and a pachealer is still imo what midgrps need, not 1.5x speccpoints for healers.



Originally posted by mid_Efour
or a healing class that hits for 500 every 2 seconds yeah ok

and pac healers are just sorcs in chain when specced pac the sooner u idiots learn this, pac healers cant heal for shit they have no QC and once their instas are used great !! la la la run around crying ........ dead

You can't really call a friar a healing class,not with the low rejuv spec most got.
500 damage every 2 seconds? Are you sure it's not 800?or 900?and every 1.5 seconds?

"Just" sorc in chain..yup..sounds does..


sorry Shike, my english is crap, even i know that :)

simply i made comparison healer whitout high mend, and same whit Friar.
Friar´s role after this is sharing dmg, he can solo easily and play totally different role in rvr what "healer" friar, still having smae ammount healingpower what pachealer.

instead healer in midgard is doomed to be support class, pachealer is main cc, having same healing power what friar.

so if we make 2 players group whit 2 healers, other pac other mend, and same type whit friars.
other friar can share dmg, other friar heals.

this cannot do whit healers, healer is doomed be only supportclass, whit allmost 0dmg against other realm.
more we need healers group -> less frontload dmg.


Originally posted by old.tuppe
sorry Shike, my english is crap, even i know that :)

simply i made comparison healer whitout high mend, and same whit Friar.
Friar´s role after this is sharing dmg, he can solo easily and play totally different role in rvr what "healer" friar, still having smae ammount healingpower what pachealer.

instead healer in midgard is doomed to be support class, pachealer is main cc, having same healing power what friar.

so if we make 2 players group whit 2 healers, other pac other mend, and same type whit friars.
other friar can share dmg, other friar heals.

this cannot do whit healers, healer is doomed be only supportclass, whit allmost 0dmg against other realm.
more we need healers group -> less frontload dmg.


Same goes for a sorc that specc full mind :)

same goes for a cleric

thats the primary healer and the primary CC of a typical albgrp right?

now tell me, what exactly is the difference between a healer that do CC and a healer that do healing and a cleric+sorc with high mind? Oh i know there are hundreds of different things that separate them, but I mean in general:

Healer with high pac can do CC; and can do a little healing if needed, Sorc if specced as a direct counterpart would be good at CC and can nuke a little and can have a pet. Both fall under the category supportclass imo.

Healer with aug/mend can deal out resists and heal good and CC a little with the baselines, so can a cleric.

I dont say friars is a bad class, on the contrary its one of the best balanced classes in daoc, but they often fail to be the backuphealers they imo should be. And having a group with 2 friars.. well, not a good group imho, I would rather have one with 25 rej or so for proper backuphealing and let the cleric do mainhealing but thats another discussion concerning how to balance out an albgroup. :)

the coreclasses with the correct speccs is something that is different from all realms, but I dont think any realm have some special advantage in any way regarding this. Sure hibs have it easier to scrape up the baseclasses, but then again, when albs manage to scrape together all they need they are hard to stop since they have no real weak link.


Originally posted by acei
Give us a starting class with 100STR and over-powered (soon to be nerfed) LA or a class that has 4 pets and a insta-lifetap on a 4 second timer.... or a healing class that has power-regen, AoE stun and AoE mezz and insta stun and AoE mezz.....

Nerf the BD's!
Nerf the healers Pacification line!

Ok, only when we can have a chain wearing stealther with the abilty to climb walls, mez, ab chant, mach 5, etc etc, or a healing class that can tank most other players solo, etc etc, or anti-CC reduction tools and an 1850 range AE 400 long timer mez. The coin flips two ways moron.


well, why does every one keep arguing about this,

1) hib isnt quite over powered, a couple of classes are GOOD, but not over powered

2) mid LA is only getting nerfed because of buffbots, think about it b4 u flame me on this.

3) mid cc, along with every other cc, is nerfed because of SC

4) alb mincers r fairly balanced now, but i dont see why they should get climb wall

5) i know im gonna get flamed about some of this, so go ahead, i dont really give a fuck.:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Derric
You can't really call a friar a healing class,not with the low rejuv spec most got.
500 damage every 2 seconds? Are you sure it's not 800?or 900?and every 1.5 seconds?

"Just" sorc in chain..yup..sounds does..

Im sure zerkers do 1900 dmg every second!

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