alb warning to prydwen guild angels of darkness

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Kagato said:
If your going to insist on being such a asshole to your own realm then just don't bother claiming any keeps, let the guilds that actually want to use the keep claim it.

I don't know you well, and don't wanna insult you, but what is the fun for you in running 20m to the bridge and using crossbow to leech 20-30 rps from each hib you can shoot, then get rolled by hibs, release, port back /retry.

I can believe its fun and easy way for lowbie (in rr and in lvl too) chars to get some arpees to get a few cheap ra, but for you for example on rr9 it shouldn't really be the way to get rp, and to be honest I don't understan what's the fun in this for you :eek: Please, could you just enlighten me?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
rampant said:
guys - watch out for this guild- they reduced the keep they were in control of to blue to let the hibs retake it back.

AOD = hibfriend!!!!!

grow some balls u loosers

blah blah wanker :wanker:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I can believe its fun and easy way for lowbie (in rr and in lvl too) chars to get some arpees to get a few cheap ra, but for you for example on rr9 it shouldn't really be the way to get rp, and to be honest I don't understan what's the fun in this for you

So the basic idea behind all this is to spoil the fun for the low level/RR people and make it harder for them to get some "arpees", while at the same time making it easier for the high RR people to farm them?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gahn said:
He's only bitter cause his Minstrel couldn't zerg it to rr6 before it would stop ^^

lol, i've been in emain for like one hour max on minstrel, i mainly been leveling alts recently, and when i do go out on minstrel i don't join the zerg i'm either solo, duo or with a fg that stays fg. So try another line :)

Also to AoD, check this thread, notice it's the hibs and mids that are cheering you on ;)? The majority of albs are against you lowering the keeps level to 1. You are helping hibs and mids. Simple as that.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
heh it runined the fun.. wewt to getting zerged by relic babies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Uberlama said:
I don't know you well, and don't wanna insult you, but what is the fun for you in running 20m to the bridge and using crossbow to leech 20-30 rps from each hib you can shoot, then get rolled by hibs, release, port back /retry.

I can believe its fun and easy way for lowbie (in rr and in lvl too) chars to get some arpees to get a few cheap ra, but for you for example on rr9 it shouldn't really be the way to get rp, and to be honest I don't understan what's the fun in this for you :eek: Please, could you just enlighten me?

Whats fun for me is irrelivent, I hate instant RvR myself, but that is besides the point, the point here is the moment we lose the albion presence in hib frontier we will have BOTH hibernia and midgard attacking albions frontier, usually together in typical hibgard fashion. And thats when we will lose the relics, just like last time.

The only way we will be able to hang onto them is by keeping on the offensive, whilst we are holding enemy keeps its harder for them to launch an offensive and try to get instant rvr in albion, which you know full well they will try to do and no doubt succeed.

And your lot trying to dictate to us how we should rvr does nothing but make it easier for them to regain their footing. If you just want to release your keep, fair enough let someone else take over. But this is inexcusable, and it'll be your fault when we start losing albions keeps because you let them get the offensive.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
So the basic idea behind all this is to spoil the fun for the low level/RR people and make it harder for them to get some "arpees", while at the same time making it easier for the high RR people to farm them?

You are really this dumb? :) Twisting my words the only thing you can come up? Well i guess this is forum trolling if I'm right. Yeh and sorry but I really hate when someone trying to twist my words, since I'm not native english and learnt this language only for 2 years in school, I think it's so sad to try to argue with someone on this way. But hey, keep it going if you fell like.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Kagato said:
Whats fun for me is irrelivent, I hate instant RvR myself, but that is besides the point, the point here is the moment we lose the albion presence in hib frontier we will have BOTH hibernia and midgard attacking albions frontier, usually together in typical hibgard fashion. And thats when we will lose the relics, just like last time.

The only way we will be able to hang onto them is by keeping on the offensive, whilst we are holding enemy keeps its harder for them to launch an offensive and try to get instant rvr in albion, which you know full well they will try to do and no doubt succeed.

And your lot trying to dictate to us how we should rvr does nothing but make it easier for them to regain their footing. If you just want to release your keep, fair enough let someone else take over. But this is inexcusable, and it'll be your fault when we start losing albions keeps because you let them get the offensive.

Onto the hidgard stuff again?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Kagato said:
Whats fun for me is irrelivent, I hate instant RvR myself, but that is besides the point, the point here is the moment we lose the albion presence in hib frontier we will have BOTH hibernia and midgard attacking albions frontier, usually together in typical hibgard fashion. And thats when we will lose the relics, just like last time.

The only way we will be able to hang onto them is by keeping on the offensive, whilst we are holding enemy keeps its harder for them to launch an offensive and try to get instant rvr in albion, which you know full well they will try to do and no doubt succeed.

And your lot trying to dictate to us how we should rvr does nothing but make it easier for them to regain their footing. If you just want to release your keep, fair enough let someone else take over. But this is inexcusable, and it'll be your fault when we start losing albions keeps because you let them get the offensive.

But for God's sake, don't you understand that keeping the relics but not having fun with them is not worth it?? For us at least. That's why we lower the keep. We don't have fun, and as you said you dont have fun as well, what's the point in having the relics and not having fun in the same time?? I was ok with 4 relix as well, and I would be ok if everyone would have their own relics so noone would have advantage in this way. That's our point.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Uberlama said:
But for God's sake, don't you understand that keeping the relics but not having fun with them is not worth it?? For us at least. That's why we lower the keep. We don't have fun, and as you said you dont have fun as well, what's the point in having the relics and not having fun in the same time?? I was ok with 4 relix as well, and I would be ok if everyone would have their own relics so noone would have advantage in this way. That's our point.

Albs couldnt live with just there own relics.. what would they do at 4am? :x


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Shike said:
as I stated before, I believe 90% of albs are idiots, this only strenghten my opinion really. I'd just SS and report the abusive ones, they have 0 right to spam down a fella of a guild because of their way to handle a keep they have claimed, its ridicilous. I could understand if it was about lootstealing and such, or blatant crossrealming such as Avernal/Keriwin did some time ago but not in this case.
so true :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Uberlama said:
But for God's sake, don't you understand that keeping the relics but not having fun with them is not worth it?? For us at least. That's why we lower the keep. We don't have fun, and as you said you dont have fun as well, what's the point in having the relics and not having fun in the same time?? I was ok with 4 relix as well, and I would be ok if everyone would have their own relics so noone would have advantage in this way. That's our point.
keep it up m8 think most non albs are on youre side :p the should respect youre way of playing as you respect their ways of playing. Period


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You are really this dumb? Twisting my words the only thing you can come up? Well i guess this is forum trolling if I'm right. Yeh and sorry but I really hate when someone trying to twist my words, since I'm not native english and learnt this language only for 2 years in school, I think it's so sad to try to argue with someone on this way. But hey, keep it going if you fell like.

Care to tell me where exactly I was "twisting" the words in your mouth? I merely quoted(!) you and asked you a question about the intention behind your quote. If this is classified as "trolling" from your side, then you might consider stop discussing stuff here at all. I don´t give a flying f*ck whether you´re a native english speaker or how long you had the chance to learn the language. All I did was questioning your intentions. And so far, I didn´t get a satisfying reply except a blattant flame, which doesn´t exactly make you look like a mature person to talk to. If you want to defend your actions, accept that some people might question them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Uberlama said:
But for God's sake, don't you understand that keeping the relics but not having fun with them is not worth it?? For us at least. That's why we lower the keep. We don't have fun, and as you said you dont have fun as well, what's the point in having the relics and not having fun in the same time?? I was ok with 4 relix as well, and I would be ok if everyone would have their own relics so noone would have advantage in this way. That's our point.

Moot point. You can have fun, just don't go emain. You see more people in emain at the moment obviously but there are fights to be had elsewhere, if crim is taken no doubt hibgard will take beno and then it will be iRvR again just in albion and we will be a relic down as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Kinag said:
No, a guild member got lots of whine pm's by albs in game when he logged on last night and in the end he succumbed.

Can't blame the person though since it's not fun having your whole chat window full of pm's about how much you suck, you cross realm, you will get banned and the list goes on etc.

ppl acting like that should be listed and ass slapped! (the whiner's)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
Care to tell me where exactly I was "twisting" the words in your mouth? I merely quoted(!) you and asked you a question about the intention behind your quote. If this is classified as "trolling" from your side, then you might consider stop discussing stuff here at all. I don´t give a flying f*ck whether you´re a native english speaker or how long you had the chance to learn the language. All I did was questioning your intentions. And so far, I didn´t get a satisfying reply except a blattant flame, which doesn´t exactly make you look like a mature person to talk to. If you want to defend your actions, accept that some people might question them.

I was explaining our points for pages, if you still cant find the answer it's not my problem. I was clear and straight. No other reasons only what already have been said. If it's not enough for you then you have to live with it. Now go and leech some more while you can.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Uberlama said:
But for God's sake, don't you understand that keeping the relics but not having fun with them is not worth it?? For us at least. That's why we lower the keep. We don't have fun, and as you said you dont have fun as well, what's the point in having the relics and not having fun in the same time?? I was ok with 4 relix as well, and I would be ok if everyone would have their own relics so noone would have advantage in this way. That's our point.

Who said im not having fun with relics?

I don't find instant RvR fun, but I choose not to do it, I simply go elsewhere and play with the stealth zergs etc.

Im having tonnes of fun with the relics, hitting capped damage more often then not is a blast I rarely get to enjoy.

If you don't like instant RvR release the keep and fuck off elsewhere. I do, and sometimes I do go to emain for a change of scenery. But trying to dictate how others should rvr, thats just childish, petty and worse of all, betraying your own realm who are working hard to keep their relics. With allies like you, who the hell needs enemies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Kagato said:
Who said im not having fun with relics?

I don't find instant RvR fun, but I choose not to do it, I simply go elsewhere and play with the stealth zergs etc.

Im having tonnes of fun with the relics, hitting capped damage more often then not is a blast I rarely get to enjoy.

If you don't like instant RvR release the keep and fuck off elsewhere. I do, and sometimes I do go to emain for a change of scenery. But trying to dictate how others should rvr, thats just childish, petty and worse of all, betraying your own realm who are working hard to keep their relics. With allies like you, who the hell needs enemies.

Omg you nearly reached the point where I should feel bad. Uhm sorry you failed.

I didn't say we don't have fun with relics, its ok, but we don't have fun with irvr, and there is nowhere to go since enemy sgs are going to farm the zerg. We went to agramon had 3 fight, then it was empty, had to go back to emain to find enemy. And DAoC is a game, such as can be dominated in a way or other. Shit happens, and dont worry you will be able to zerg back the keep as i know the albs. Please think before you say such things. And with albs like excal ones who need to keep the enemies occupied when you can just zerg back the relics if they take or just do an AC raid >.<

edit: I think this is the point where we should stop this conversation , as we wrote our points fairly straight, and there is nothing else we can add to that. From now on it will just be like cursing an throwing shit to each other. I will try to stop myself posting into this thread from now on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Uberlama said:
(damn I shouldn't answer these, I wont be ready for exam.) You know what? I don't need the third str relic myself (i can feel the wihnes, I will be a Jedi of the Whine Order). It's nice on my infil, but its good without it aswell. If the 110-120++ albs who is in emain nowadays can't defend a goddamn keep, we deserve to loose it.

edit: Besides, we will loose it now or then. We won't be able to defend 3 keeps and I can't blame the mids-hibs if they decide to attack on the same afternoon

damn, you dont need the third strenghtrelic?we better return it then as we took it just for you.
seriously i dont get it. if you dont like the zergs in emain why run there? i belive alot of ppl acctually like irvr, i like some keepfighting now and then but i dont like bridgecamping so when it comes to that I GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
you like fg vs fg then dont hang out in that area instead of trying to force your own rvrstyle on others. i run in a gg most of the time and also enjoy fg vs fg but then i dont run them in zergy areas, and i wouldnt force that type of rvr on anyone by doing what you did. i usually dont get myself involved in threads on rvrsection if its not a grats thread but this i think is wrong and i stand for my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Working hard to keep our relix while standing on a bridge and getting farmed by shrooms, hm... that stinks for me ^^
Actually if we lose crim, and yes we will, that 100+ albs should show up at beno defense aswell, when there will actually be something to defend. Yesterday i saw on /rw that hibs took a renaris tower and i even saw a lil tree there, i said it in groupchat and guess what, we were nearly the first to arrive there. Ass-slapped the hibs back to their frontier (yes outnumbering them) and went back to have our limited amount of fun. This was ofcourse while albs were defending our relics in emain, on a fuckin bridge. So i really do think that those ppl live for their 10rps/kill and i bet they will whine the most and i can even guess that half of em will be standing on a bridge or will have something really important pve to do when we lose relics. (and yea we will lose em sometime, relics are there to be taken not be nice decoration in a keep)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
[Cinderella] said:
damn, you dont need the third strenghtrelic?we better return it then as we took it just for you.
seriously i dont get it. if you dont like the zergs in emain why run there? i belive alot of ppl acctually like irvr, i like some keepfighting now and then but i dont like bridgecamping so when it comes to that I GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
you like fg vs fg then dont hang out in that area instead of trying to force your own rvrstyle on others. i run in a gg most of the time and also enjoy fg vs fg but then i dont run them in zergy areas, and i wouldnt force that type of rvr on anyone by doing what you did. i usually dont get myself involved in threads on rvrsection if its not a grats thread but this i think is wrong and i stand for my opinion.

but you are forgetting that AOD need the low rr hib and mid groups to be out so they can farm them - THAT is the real point of giving back the keep - so that they can get back to their RP farming of lowbie RR's


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
If Lujo cuddles me alittle I will come to Pryd and do some relic raids so all the ppl who like zergs and keepfights are happy and the fg vs fg ppl have the rest of the frontier for themself :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Personally I prefer running in agramon for fg/fg fights, for my own selfish reasons - nice try AoD. I dont personally see how all the bridge zerg campers can get that much satisfaction from their play style but I guess they must do.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
rampant said:
but you are forgetting that AOD need the low rr hib and mid groups to be out so they can farm them - THAT is the real point of giving back the keep - so that they can get back to their RP farming of lowbie RR's

someone in this thread wrote we got around 3 million rps last week, now i ask u, do we need those guys out you're talkin about? :eek: (and no it's not that much rp-s really)
ohh and btw we didn't give the keep to anyone, just lowered it to lvl1. i didn't take the keeplord to a vacation to allow hibs take it, she's still there with that legendary weapon on her side (if we still got the keep as i'm not online so dunno ^^)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Steveh said:
Dont blame AoD. Blame me . it is my decision . i have no friend in hibernia ( every hibs hate me actualy )i have no other hib caracter in excal /prydwen ,only in albion.
If this zerging shit in midgard and AoD have a keep there i do it there, without any hesitate. i have no firend in midgard ( everyone hates me there to :)) and i have one lvl 20 caracter there.

i just surpirsed how the albs number grove in emain from we got the relics. i rather smell crossrealming here.
catapulting dc bridge and putting random TWF-s to hib and albs its fun?
if the albs think dc bridge camp is fun why not take all of the hib keeps or defend bolg what the hibs took back with 3-4 fg when they know crim going to lvl 1? no albs just stayed at DC bridge for the holy 1 rp / hib.
albs over zerging emain means other hibs/mids got bored about this and log out. hibs got shrooms and banshees but they still cant take a keep in their own if there is 120-130 albs in primetime.

the lvl 1 keep is not against the albs/hibs/mids. its for the ballance what we miss now for a long time.

all albs can PM to me if you want ( leave Kinag pls ) . leave the bs pm-s i just put you to ignore list if you start with it.

thank you and best regards

such betrayal, if you ain't enjoying the game i suggest u fuk off to barbies undersea adventures of something.

dictating how others should play the game is plain wrong. The very fact that you are lowering the level on a keep your fellow realmates thought and trusted you would keep to a high level shows the little consideration you have for other people. Forgive me if i sound harsh but do the right thing and release the keep so another alb guild can claim, if you feel so strongly about the irvr issue. Afterall there are plenty of other areas for you to fight in <looks at agramon>

Kind of like black company, most mids would rather grp with an inanimate piece of turd than invite a BC member, regardless of how nice some of the people are. I kind imagine your rep would go along the same lines if you continue this xrealming.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Corran said:
You wouldnt have seen it because you fucked off to another server :p Been many situations when alb tried to retake keeps but couldnt because they were 1) outnumbered, or 2) outgunned.
...on Prydwen. However, this is the Excalibur-Prydwen cluster, and you've recently been merged with Albion/Excalibur, who has a long record of high siege warfare activity and high population. The tables are turned now.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
we gotten 100k every night on cluster for three weeks or soo, need more! come classic AoD n Synergy please xD
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