Alb Caster Group 4 Teh Win



Originally posted by old.Sandariel
I was actually talking about my own whine there ;) But whatever, I didn't play my wiz for ages anyway...
He's Earth spec :eek:
The only thing where he's actually usefull is in a keep defence.
(Started as fire wiz tho, till umm, September 02 or so I think)

And even tho I DO have a single line respec left I don't dare to use it, since Mythic's about to change quite some stuff about wizzies so I don't want to waste it :)

Well, we'll see, atm I don't see wizzies doing any good in RvR unless they're in a well balanced guildgroup, and those usually prefer other classes.
There's no good reason to get a wiz in a group except VP maybe...
Tanks do more dmg, they do it faster, they don't drop in 0,1 secs so they can actually be healed, their attacks don't get interrupted all the time, and since there are no casted melee resists buffs (WHY?!) they don't suffer as much from resists as any caster out there.

And yes, a well played tank can protect a caster, but... is it worth it?

You actually use 2 classes to do the damage one class can do
lets say you use an S/S armsman to slam attackers and guard the wiz.
The wiz then does his nuking, he hits for less than, lets say, a merc would do.

So why get those two, and not two mercs with det 5 and IP instead? :)

Even more annoying is that if the tank blocks hits on you, you'll get interrupted anyway, and can't nuke for ~4 seconds.

Can't really blame those uber groups not to take wizzies with them, if they would, they wouldn't be uber ;)

But I agree, those Cookie Cutter uber groups make RvR quite boring for those casual gamers (Yes I'm one of them, at least nowadays). I see a lot of those around who actually prefer PvE, since RvR is so frustrating :eek:

Anyway, didn't resubscribe, and I won't untill foundations is out, will play around a bit with housing and then I'll most likely cancel untill we'll get a nice balancing patch.

Atm neither my wiz nor my inf are fun to play, my wiz due to the issues discussed here, and my inf since every other assassin out there is buffed to the teeth. I don't mind to wait tho, sooner or later it will get better I hope :)

Thanks ;)

Aye gotta agree with most of the stuff u said is sad when FOTM/Cookie cutter groups/ppl...spoil the game for the rest of us...i play not a casual gamer.

i respecced from fire to earth in the hope it would give me more defence/utility...but then all i found in emain was ppl breaking my aoe roots...why ask for CC then when u get it....break it??

Though i must admit i did enjoy a little laugh i had at apk once...there was a shammie & runnie pair and they tried casting at me...i just spammed AOE root...was funny they couldnt cast shit but either could i except for AOE i just carried on and let some other Albs gank em...Sad when u find the best laugh u can get out of RvR these days is spamming someone with aoe root...but was fun watching em struggling to cast and move lol

Other than that like u said Earth is only for keep defence doesnt have any strong spec line DDs to help u deal more dmg..and i dont know about you but i found earth spec VERY power consuming especially having to use base lines all the time.

In the end i respecced back to fire...but then i ended up deleting my wiz altogether...i dont see the point of keeping a char when 1) hes not wanted in RvR 2) not much good for anything else but PvE.

My infil i enjoyed playing but like u said most enemy stealthers are sadly i had to do the same and get myself a BB...just to stand a chance to compete...but then the stealth zergs started come into play..which fair enough u should expect.

But now am without an infil because he got accidently deleted and even though GOA have said they have restored him...they havent..unless it take more than a week for chars to reappear on ur character screen after restoration.

So at the moment ive no lvl50s left....wiz deleted infil deleted (supposedly restored)...and at the moment i cant be arsed going through the xp grind again...especially with the amount of FOTM chars around at the mo....i made a lvl20 armsman went into keltoi 2 days ago to find it flooded with mercs!

so unless my infil appears within the next few days...i will either be moving to another realm...or jacking this game in and waiting for Horizons to come out.


As for the dmg i said UPTO 500dmg on a DD...i didnt say i got it everytime..or regularly just...that ive been known to do that kinda dmg without debuffs. But on average i did nuke between 350dmg-450dmg on chain wearers..obviously more on leather/cloth.

Firstly, armour type does not affect normal nukes, so you're wrong here.

Btw aug dex improves ur casting time and also helps on dmg..maybe thats why u aint seen that dmg...because i had dex lvl3...and noticed a considerable improvement on both dmg and casting time when i got it.

I really feel for you here. Aug Dex is not an efficient way to raise your casting speed, its mastery of the art. The only level worth having is 1 - cos u get 6 dex for 1 r skill point. I have aug dex 1 fyi :p

If i was nuking for the kind of dmg u was talking about ..what was it...100dmg?

I thought I had already explained this. With a 50% debuff you will hit for the dmg cap, which was 698 as fire, and 59x as ice, a 100 dmg difference (ish). I did not mean that you nuke for 100 dmg. The reason ice is more useful than fire is because the pbaoe will also hit for its dmg cap, which I think is 1012 atm for me.

1012 > 698. Get it? :)

1012 on three tanks = 3036

3036 > 698 :p

Understand yet?

p.S. Sorry for being ewul, I'm in a bastard of a mood :p


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
Firstly, armour type does not affect normal nukes, so you're wrong here.

if you say so...probably got that mixed up with my bolts dmg

I really feel for you here. Aug Dex is not an efficient way to raise your casting speed, its mastery of the art. The only level worth having is 1 - cos u get 6 dex for 1 r skill point. I have aug dex 1 fyi :p

never said it was an efficient way to raise my casting speed...but every forum ive read always suggests the more dex u have, the less ur casting time will be and that dmg will increase you stick with ur aug dex lvl1...i was more than happy with results i got after i got dex lvl3...and with MoA too this greatly reduced my casting time, also having good cleric dex and spec dex/quick buffs also helps..putting this altogether i was nuking every 2-2.5 secs...and since u cant nuke below 2secs id say that was damn good myself

p.S. Sorry for being ewul, I'm in a bastard of a mood :p

Sok...ill just add u to the "uber" kiddies list, god forbid anyone should play this game how they want with what specs they want..without someone having some sort of "eilite" view !

Anyways no matter now i no longer have a wiz...i was merely trying to help other casters who found it hard or damn annoying as i did, of not being able to play RvR because of "uber" kiddies !


Certainly been a while since i played my wizard in rvr, but i thought id just offer my thoughts on theese subjects.

Dex first, personally love it, have a friar and cleric, so at least here i know how it works hehe.
1 level aug dex = 6 dex = 0.6 % cast speed (10 points of dex = 1% cast speed)
1 level of MoArt = 3% cast speed (i think, correct me if im wrong)

3% / 0.6 % = 5

MoArt is 5 times better at raising your cast speed than aug dex, which means you should get more cast speed per realmabilitypoint for MoA 2, than you do for dex1 even.

Still, the other ways of raising dex, items and buffs are simply the BEST. Cleric with 300+ dex can spreadheal damn fast, and my icewiz with 330+ dex cast a pbae at amazing speed, even without any MoArt (specced as a powerlevel bot, magery and wild power kills drakorans better than art :) )

As for specs, ive been both fire and ice. (damn you Gelid for respeccing fire and convincing me it would be better for rvr) :p

You keep talking about the nukes, but forget one important thing, ice single nukes are a bit faster than fire nukes.

Comparing ice base nuke because it does the same damage as the spec nuke, allthough no snare, for all practical purposes, snare will be broken pretty fast by ae effects in combat anyway, and cant be reapplied til immunity is gone.

Ice baseline nuke 179.5 dmg / 2.6 sec delved = 69.04 dmg / sec

Fire spec nuke 219.6 dmg / 2.8 sec delved = 78.43 dmg / sec

So, after 10 seconds of nuking, you would do about 95 delved dmg more using fire nukes. You would interupt less though, you got no snare if you want that applied.

But what am i on about? Baseline nukes? Its irrelevant. You are fightin a group vs group war.

If you were to baseline nuke, you would need a tank to guard you and stay close to you <blows a thousand kisses to Ilum and others because they are good tanks that protects my cleric well when running around with PE>.

As has been said i think by Gelid, you take a lot of utility away from the group, my friar can hit for 500 on a cloth/leather too, and swing his staff just as fast as my icewiz nukes. Mercs outdamage my friar by far, and survive longer than both my friar and icewiz.

So you dont want a single target dder/bolter (try picking out a cloth wearer to bolt while a group comes running at you at mach 6, 99% of the time you will target the main tank running first, unless you wait till you can get a good target, in which case you be having a tank on you before even starting a cast).

You want a pbaer, because the only way to make up for taking a tank away from combat, is to hurt more than 1 person in return. While being stealthed in emain, i look in horror at the poor albs staying in a cluster at amg, while midget mafia (or some hib team) comes along, ae mezz them, ae stun them while 2/3 SMs starts casting, and albs get blown to pieces by pbae before they can even think of hitting purge or IP often. (its a damn challenge getting out a group insta when this happen to my cleric, when i use purge to do it).


Oh and for the team Ilum, im with you of course, either you need an infil for scouting, a cleric for healing, or even an avalonian icewiz with no extra con, lots of extra qui and only 5 points dex as starting stats. Need to try something new than just tankassisting groups.


Did it today, thursday, with 3 icewizards :) Was great fun, thanks to everyone in group :)

Performed pretty decent, and the set-up wasn't optimal either. Still looking for a split spec body/spirit caba and body/mind sorc :)


we did ice wiz group back in the day when Vaya was alive killed 2fg hibs in odin with no deaths and only one cleric, was fun and yes as usla Sycho laughed his testicles off


Originally posted by ilum
Did it today, thursday, with 3 icewizards :) Was great fun, thanks to everyone in group :)

Performed pretty decent, and the set-up wasn't optimal either. Still looking for a split spec body/spirit caba and body/mind sorc :)

aye was damn good laugh :)


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Good luck, you'll need it vs Instantgard and Baodernia
aye and also savage/healer grps would run these down in a second.


Done it quite a few times now - Basically have to look in odd places to find Icewizards wanting some RvR action. Group performs decent, hard to win vs Mid groups because Savages hit so hard and the interrupts of ASD.

But its doable and I think the groups have a future. Havent really had a optimized group yet - dont think I even had a group with all 3 icewizards spellcrafted :)

But gotta start somewhere ^^


Originally posted by ilum
I wish Gamah would join my group as mincer

Your in luck! I will try it out you know where to find me :p


Originally posted by leviathane
aye and also savage/healer grps would run these down in a second.

So what? if you have made 25k rp before you run into sav/heal grp , which we did :p

I made over 50 k rp in 6-8 hours of rvr, took me 2 weeks to get that before I was in pbae grp. I was in Erodafiras grp with my merc the other day. 16K in about 3 hours in DF after it was lost. We pwned grp after grp in there, 2-3 at times, and our df adventure just ended when grp was fighting mobs and we got attacked by 3 fg mid at the same time, healers died unfortunately but I am sure without the mobs on healers we would have pwned those 3 grps too.

And I would like to say thanks to Ilum for showing us how :)
Ilum, I believe :) remember the pile of mids on Beno doors LOL!

It would be fun to try a full pbae grp with a 4+ tank support grp to take out healers/seers then suck those savages into pbae area, now that would be a laugh ...
Caiuga 50 merc
Mooshy 50 Sorc body/mind btw


Watch one of the gazillion hib chanters press baod button and start crying for standing on top of someone and pbaoeing for 50 damage ;)


I would love to try it .. I could fill in for the mincer spot.

Been in your pbae group before but not cabalist, so could be a change :)


Originally posted by tiareth
Watch one of the gazillion hib chanters press baod button and start crying for standing on top of someone and pbaoeing for 50 damage ;)

one of the reasons we keep a chanter with us is for baod since its the best way to combat mids CC. Mids CC vs a castergroup is just insane and very very hard to deal with.


Still looking for a split spec body/spirit caba and body/mind sorc

You're looking for Ziera and Listes then Ilum :D We're with you, if it suits you :D :D :D


Aye, as Liste said, we're deffinantly up for it. Not often anyone wants a body caba ;)


Originally posted by old.Ziera
Aye, as Liste said, we're deffinantly up for it. Not often anyone wants a body caba ;)
It's a lie! :)


We are getting better at this group setup, managing to kill all sorts of group setups, and defending keeps vs 70 mids is always fun when you get 12k rps from one lord room defense.

DF clearing is also great fun with this group, I suggest some more albs give it a try.


/em hugs Tuesday

give more of these groups


Originally posted by Traia
We are getting better at this group setup, managing to kill all sorts of group setups, and defending keeps vs 70 mids is always fun when you get 12k rps from one lord room defense.

DF clearing is also great fun with this group, I suggest some more albs give it a try.

Very nice Traia !! :)


Nothing more fun than firing several volcanic pillars at a zerg in df or while defending lord room in a keep xDDD


Just thought I would add that we are running:

2 Clerics (41/35 & 40/36)
3 Ice Wiz
1 Minstrel
1 Sorc (44/30 or 49/rest)
1 Paladin (50 Shield, MoB 5)

We don't think this is the optimized setup, as a Sorc specced 36 mind 40 body may be better with the 30% resist debuffs.

However, given that all your group members are in SC'd armour, and all ice wizzies have at least VP, minstrel SoS and clerics BoF, this setup works very well.

A week or so of determined playing in this group and its starting to fall into place.


when Earth Thurgies get there 1 min pets you gonna try and fit them in somewhere?


Rather paladin with 50 shield as guarder, so you can replace armsman with something.


Been asked to play by ilum a couple of times, but i'm usually working/post work, and gmt+2 leaves hardly any time to play.
Feel free to ring me up again tho, anytime :)

Overmind, 5l9, Bodysorc (46/28)

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