[ALB] <Auction> Papa cHo's Unique drop clearout, everything must go!



You represent you guild in word and deed, you trashed this auction and shamed your guild in the process. You don't know me because I left TDS before you joined but I was a member and a minister for a year. Ask all you guildmates who have been in the guild for more than 6 months about me, ask them if I am the dishonest person you have portayed me as. Hell ask anyone in the game if am I dishonest, you might find a few people who don't like me but you won't find anyone who has ever said I ripped them off. If you read the first post in this auction you will see that I was very upfront and stated that these items may not be ideal form anyone/everyone but I wanted to at give people the oppurtunity to buy them. I don't set the bids and people will pay what it is worth to them if they really want the item. If they are uninformed that is not *my* fault, at no point have I said 'this is an uber item, you must have it' so I fail to see how i have been dishonest.

Let me end with this. My remarks about rethinking over who my friends in TDS were did not relate to those 'dozens' of people but you deliberatly took that out of context. It related to the senators of TDS who I thought were friends and I have known for a long time. Yet they have allowed this to happen, they don't seem to want to take action or even acknowledge that anything happened. They are the people I now blame for this, they can't/won't act when the guild reputation is damaged and an old friend is treated like shit. People who have only just joined the guild seem to be able to do as they like............


And the winning bids are....

Fortifing Ring - Gillan - 200g

Thrustbender Choker - Gillan - 600g

Edgebender Gem - Gillan - 525g [with all the hassle over this gem and not knowing if you had won I haved knocked 25% off your winning bid as an apology]

Telsar Jewelled Wrap - cyan_daoc - 50g

Mighty Choker - Caerdhros - 50g

Bladeblocker Belt - Gimly - 50g

Bladeblocker Choker - Gimly - 50g

Fortifing Mantle - Gimly - 150g

I have made a list of winning bids and will send a pm to you all, I shall be at Caer Diogel this afternoon if you would like to collect or I can deliver during the following days as long as you aren't hunting in Yggdra all day :)


Messages for winning bids have been sent, you can find me ingame all day today on either Chodax, Flying or Murdah



Well you know, I wasn't going to say anything in public Chodax, I was going to email you in person. But your last comments have hurt me deeply and so I feel I must reply on behalf of the guild.

First of all: No one knew what was going on until you came onto Irc and started cursing and calling Spathi all sorts of names. I went and checked the post and then I talked to other guild leaders. Their decision was to buy the gem from you if you did not find a seller. None of them felt that what Spathi did was right but they did not feel anything further was needed. He even apologized to you, which we were going to ask him to do but we didn't have to, he did it by himself.

Was what Spathi did right? no. I have said that before. But is it worth kicking him from the guild? Is that what you would have liked to have me do? You don't know what goes on behind the scenes so there is no way you could know that we are planning on having a talk with him.

He could have contacted Dreami in game and I am sure he wishes he had. The other events that took place in Irc were just as wrong, including them kicking you. But remember this, Big Chief is Spathi's friend and you came on calling him all sorts of names. I was afk dealing with my children so I wasn't able to monitor the whole thing. You using profanity in your post in this thread and in Irc did not help the matter from their point of view.

I do however, do not think you are totally innocent. Were you trying to rip off Dreami ? No. But you did 2 things that really disappoint me. You asked me to take sides between you and a guild member. And also you are now trying to tarnish my guild's name. Once a long time ago, when I would get upset over some person's actions from another guild and I would say "damn that *fill in the blank of guild name here*" you would tell me not to blame the guild, but to blame the person. I guess this no longer applies.

I guess what it boils down to is that you are mad that we didn't act right away. We talked about it and were waiting to see what would happen. We wanted to see if you would indeed still be able to sell your gem and you did. I am not really sure what more you really expected us to do but on the scale of offensive actions from a guild or person, this is pretty low on the totem pole. There are things that people have done that are much worse and yet people say nothing since its coming from another guild. (I won't name names, but you know who I mean).

Anyway I am not really sure what it is you expected us to do but you auction is over and you have won twice. Both in selling your gem and hurting and insulting people who you call friends.

Congrats. :(


Kyra ;

1: Spathi ruined my auction, I was upset and yes I cursed in the IRC channel, Bigcheif then gave me a load of shit and banned me so don't tell me to be calm when I am treated like crap by 2 of your guild members.

2: This is the second time I have been treated like shit in your guild IRC channel because I am a member of Lords of England, the first I let go because I thought our friendship was more important. Then yesterday you did *nothing* to help the situation but go '/me sighs' so how the hell am I supposed to react. Spathi was out of line and so was Bigcheif, I gave you the chance to act and you did nothing even though I had been called 'dishonest' which you know full well that is not true.

3: I asked you to take sides against a guild member? You are damn right I did, first one of them ruins my auction and then the other talks to me like shit and bans me from the channel I created and where all my friends go to chat. You have known me over a year, you have known spathi and Bigchief a few months and yet you did nothing EVEN when you are aware that they have upset other members of your guild.

4: You had the chance to talk to me all yesterday evening about this or email me. There was the oppurtunity to resolve this, yet not one senator contacted me or stopped the trash that people were saying about me on /gu. After a year I would have expected some kind of loyalty considering the time we have spent together and the fun we had. Sadly it seems my leaving TDS to join LoE has damaged that and yet you know how hard it was for me to leave TDS.

5: As for the gem, well it was decent for you to make an offer for it but that doesn't make things right. Not one bid was placed for ANY item after spathi trashed my auction, the facts don't lie.

'Anyway I am not really sure what it is you expected us to do but you auction is over and you have won twice. Both in selling your gem and hurting and insulting people who you call friends.'

I expected you to be a friend and back me up, I was the one who had been offended/banned/cheated by your guildmates, yes I swore at them and got mad which is my right when someone calls you 'dishonest'. Instead it seems you are more keen to hang onto guild members than your friendships, trust me that hurt me more than anything else that happened. I expected better and frankly I deserved better :(


You miss the point.

Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Spathi was out of line and so was Bigcheif, I gave you the chance to act and you did nothing even though I had been called 'dishonest' which you know full well that is not true

Spathi was out of line. I apologise again.

However, *you* were out of line to bigchief and TDS and now Kyra too. You brought the guild into it needlessly and although you had the opportunity to drop it you continually pressed the matter.

I think you owe TDS and Kyra an apology.


Spathi, thank you for trying to help but please just let it drop.

I will deal with this outside of Barrys.


Thankyou to Gillan for prompt payment and collection, was a pleasure doing business with you :)


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Bigcheif then gave me a load of shit and banned me so don't tell me to be calm when I am treated like crap by 2 of your guild members.

2: This is the second time I have been treated like shit in your guild IRC channel because I am a member of Lords of England



and er


You got a load of shit because you came in and started it. It it certainly was not because you are LoE. It was most certainly because you first start on a rl friend of mine, and then on me.

Yes I could have handled it better, and I probably should have. You will not get an apology from me, mainly because you are still acting like a tard even after Spathi and Kyra have apologised. Just let it die fgs


im afraid i have to cancel my bid on Telsar's Jewelled Wrap due to account being closed :(

sorry for this but there's nothing i can do atm


Originally posted by cyan_daoc
im afraid i have to cancel my bid on Telsar's Jewelled Wrap due to account being closed :(

sorry for this but there's nothing i can do atm

No worries bud, these things happen.


I still want the items but have had a problem with my pc over th weekend... f00king gfx card :( pm me in game under one of the names in the sig \o/

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