AFK Theurg brings more damage to a RvR tank group than a Merc !!!!!



Originally posted by AzuratMinimus
Hm well if you think a rr9 thane is a gimp you prolly havn´t see divious playing. And it´s just over the weekends he runs with us basicly since he´s doing army service atm. And if that´s the only reason you can think of why PE should be having an easy jobb owning pryd, which they have been doing the last couple of weeks since they implemented theurgist, you should prolly keep your mouth shut.


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Originally posted by stinkie
Right the standard tank grp is usually

1 mincer
1 sorc
2 clerics
1 pali
3 arms or mercs

This is suppose to be the ultimate tank group for albs from what Ive seen. Now heres the kicker. I did some math and the group will actually do MORE damage by dropping 1 arms/merc and taking a theurg even if the theurg doesn’t nuke once or run PBT !!

Anyway here’s the calc….

What u gain:

10 dps from EB x 4 chars ( mincer,pali,merc,arms) = 40 dps
19% Haste x 4 chars using 16.2(about average) = 12.3 dps

so a Total of 52.3 dps

What you lose:

Math based on a full DW rr5 thrust merc using backslash

base main hand damage = 16.5 dps
style growth rate is 0.88 = 14.5 dps
50+11+4DW so 57.5% chance to do an extra 16.2 dps = 9.3 DPS

So a Total of 40.3 dps

So a total gain of 12dps

I haven’t taken into account duelist reflex etc on the merc but I think the nuking, CC, PBT, pets. The theurg brings would more than make up for it.

So maybe its time for me to dust off stinkie and get to odins!

Forgot about this on a paladin? :)

46 Greater Battle Zeal Group 0s (Pulse)/6s/8s Rng: 1500 7.5 dps (Body) 0 power

And yes I can have it running all the time if I forgo dbl heal ^^

Effectiveness is halved if used in conjuction with Theug EB so ignore the flaws in your dps argument and rebasing it on this factor it would seem that:

6.75 (10+3.75 vs 7.5) dps from EB x 4 chars ( mincer,pali,merc,arms) = 27 dps
19% Haste x 4 chars using 16.2(about average) = 12.3 dps

=39.3 dps

So without engaging in any of the other discussions on the thread over basic utility using your system it's still time to roll that FOTM merc ^^

EDIT: Dont forget by that merit we should all be running with reavers for ABS debuff as if you start factoring effective DPS for a grp vs damage actually done taking into account resists and AF

47 Aura of the Inevitable Enemy 0s (Pulse)/10s/8s Area: 350 -15% (Sprt) (16/pulse)

Or even better a necro, who'se AF debuff will cause at least 25% extra damage to a target for all damage dealers!

50 Specters of Death Enemy 3.0s/30s/3s Rng: 1500 -250 (Sprt) 33 power

So why is it that we have 0 necros in RvR then?

Pure stats showing only one variable can be very misleading :rolleyes:


Isnt that why ppl have eb and haste bots?...hence no thergs in group


I remember watching an alb group on pryd returning to APK every 10 min for a necro abs buff once. :m00:


Healer with no theurg pet on him have a hps of 300 maybe, alb grps usually dont interrupt healers. With the rare exception of a few mincers, that still cant interrupt more than one. Im not sure if a paly+mincer+2 mercs can reach 450 dps (what u need to kill all healers during SoS, if all are interrupted). Anyways go 2-3 FG:s and u can have 1 theurg in that and still have a chance vs FG:s.


I like it!

Rez rps for the cleric on the theurg every fight !


Originally posted by old.m0000
base damage yes, but it reduces style bonus

Not on a per second basis, only a per swing basis.


Question: How does an AFK theurg cast eb and haste ;) arn't they AFK....

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