AFK Killing



he was floating between spots...sitting down going afk and setting pet to aggro..he wanderd into my area..told me to piss off..and set pet and went AFK..thats how.


I still maintain that if u have a cordless keyboard and set ur pets to agressive and then TAKE THE KEYBOARD with u to the living room for sum quality tv/movie/ps/ps2/x-box/gamecube/nintendo 8-bit/whatever time u are by your keyboard all the time! no coc-breach. problem solved! :D
Heck! u culd even go to the pub! ppl might wonder why u carry a keayboard around, but hey! just be carefull not to spill beer on the keyboard! :drink:
more cheese anyone? :)


Originally posted by elewyth
he told me to piss off as he was camping this spot.. first breach of CoC...
then he told me he didnt control his pet while it was on aggressive...coc breach again..
then his pet leeched my mobs 3rd breach...

well, not defending this guy, but..
point 1: saying that ur camping isn't against the CoC, just very rude :) The only thing the CoC says, is that u can't camp a spot. It's like someone standing next to a Ferrari, saying "this is my Ferrari so FO". He can say it, he won't get arrested for it, but tis not very nice to say.

point 2. He put his pet on aggressive, which means he orders the pet to attack all enemies in sight. If he then goes to the toilet, it's not a breach of the CoC. He was at the screen when he ordered the pet to kill the mobs, it's just that it takes some time.

point 3: if his pet hit a mob u just pulled, then yes, it is a breach of the CoC and should be reported for it :)


You cannot put a pet to aggressive and go to sleep while it kills for you all night as you will timeout after some time.

COC wants you to be at your screen when you perform an action. The action you perform is setting your pet to aggressive. You can go away as long as you want with bob happily killing greens and blues (omg great xp....). However if the aggressive bob happens to walk up to a mob someone else is fighting and hits it, THAT would be a breach of COC. So being afk in my opinion is fine, as long as you are lucky enough to be alone. As soon as someone else chooses to xp nearby you risk breaching the COC unknowingly.

Having 2 cabbies myself I wonder though how much of an issue this really is ?! I have NEVER in >2 years playing seen an afk killing cabby, and someone here encounters a guy once and chooses to report him ? OMG get a life and stop being so bitchy.
The pony spawn spots in dartmoor have HUGE amounts of ponies and even with a full spirit cab you can not possibly clear the whole area. You could have just went some 100 feet away.

(edit: just noticed the irony in this...the guy being pissed of by the cabby supposedly hugging all the mobs for himself was a necro...anyone else laughing with me here....)


wouldn´t that make BB illegal as they are affecting the game a LOT? and still not no one at screen? :p


well, no, someone was at the screen when the buffbot buffed the player :) then the buffbot goes afk, but that doesn't matter since he isn't performing any actions then.


"OMG get a life and stop being so bitchy"

you hit the nail on the head really

the realm is big enough for everyone to xp, so unless they're constantly stealing ur mobs or sth, then stfu and get on with the game :)

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