AFK Killing



Soo i got a little question, i read in the COC that any action not done by u is illegal but science i began playing my BD, i just sat down in blue-orange con camps and put my pets on aggressive so they would start running around killing mobs 1 by 1
(ofc neutral mobs)

Then some1 passed by today and said he reported me for cheating..
Is it cheating?
cuz im not using some program or summit, i just went afk with my pets on aggressive and there "happened" to me yellow con mobs around me :> I even go LD after 40mins or so if i dont move my BD around a bit.

THanks :)


I remember a Spiritmaster in the US got banned for exactly this because all unattended play is illegal.
no idea about GOA's stance on this, ofcourse, but I wouldn't risk my account for it.


well, the action of actually killing the mobs is not done by you, however u gave the order to kill anything on sight, and that's exactly what the game then does for you. It's just that the order runs in an infinite loop :)


Ya well its a part of the game to make pets aggressive and they made it that way. Anyways ill ask GOA on rightnow.


being AFK is against CoC and can get u banned !

in theory...

funny but true.


bet GOA and RightNow will say




No way you should get banned for it, its not our fault it requires no skill to beat mobs.


If my memory serves me correctly, if the place is a popular DF rats at entrance and so forth...then it's a bannable offence. If the place is remote and noone really comes there except to cyber with their girl from ohio, then it was ok.



Originally posted by boni_ofdavoid
being AFK is against CoC and can get u banned !

no, it is against the CoC to perform actions while not facing your screen(aka being afk).


I don't know if it's against CoC or not, so not commenting it but one problem that might come up.
If you're afk and pets set on aggressive, and someone else is fighting mobs at that camp, the pets will go for those and keep "leeching" off those players.
That's against CoC and can't imagine it being very funny to the guy whose mobs they're hitting either :)


thing is... it's just to say "I wasn't afk" and you can't get banned... since they can't controll if you were... you can still be at the computer if you don't answer pms from CSR's...

if they however ban you anyway... then I guess everyone playing a pet class should get banned aswell... I guess that at least some time you(the pet class) have been afk and got aggroed by a green/blue con mob and your pet killed that one for you...


So if I read this right, or maybe if we all do, is laying on our settee's with a cordless keyboard on our laps with the speakers on our computers up reasonably loud so we can hear the crafting sounds so after said sound we can press a button again then every now and again going to our computers to sell items back to merchants and replenish our materials against CoC?

Of course if this is a ban-able offense then I most certainly don't do this.


Originally posted by amazingsteve
no, it is against the CoC to perform actions while not facing your screen(aka being afk).

whats performing an action defined as?

Is being afk while on autorun, or /stuck to someone performing an action?

These just put your character into a non resting state, similar in many was to your pet just being on aggressive.
Do they fall into the same catagory?


ok I have checked the EXACT wording on this.

You have to be at your computer when a button is clicked. That is all. Sticking your pet on aggro / stay and then walking away for a week is completely fine as I read it.

Check the exact wording on the text box when you start the game. For some reason windowz wont let me do a copy + past with it, anyway, sounds like what you are doing is fine.


errrmm i know a some cabalists that do this kind of thing with their lifetap proccing bob. never even considered it to be a problem, it is a very quick way to do some nice overnight xping tho (i don't even have a cabby so im not sure exactly how it works)


Good point, what if your pet is on agro and start hitting mobs other people have pulled?
Should be something for the grab bag.


then one can ask oneself;

a paladin beeing afk in a grp playin healchant, should he be banned too? :)

a warden with pbt up while beeing afk, should he be banned? :)

they both are examples of ways to affect the game and still beeing afk. Same thing really in my book.


didnt mythic put something in a patch that = Bd pets were only ones where agressive nolonger auto attacks mobs, for this exact reason ?

im sure i remember lots of whine threads on vn about it.......

on a odd pet note though, anyone noticed ithat if necro pet gets rooted (even if roots broken) it can move about and for about 60 secs, you can nuke any mob and get 0 aggro. Mobs simply just stand there dieing till the root icon vanishes of pet box :p


99% sure that this is how it is:

Any button clicking or any action that will benefit you XP/crafting/money-wise, done when you are not at the keyboard, is essentially ilegal.

This means macro crafting, macro hinging, putting pets on aggresive or macro combat systems while AFK.

So, if you want to let your pets be aggresive, fine. nothing wrong with that, AS LONG as you are at your keyboard.

Reasoning behind this, is, as someone commented, that your pets could very easily interfere with someone else's combat, and you wouldnt be able to stop them, and to avoid people leveling while at work/school/whatever.


Originally posted by liste
So, if you want to let your pets be aggresive, fine. nothing wrong with that, AS LONG as you are at your keyboard.

That's it... I'm buying a cordless keyboard so I can take it with me when I leave the comp! :D


Originally posted by soullessminion
didnt mythic put something in a patch that = Bd pets were only ones where agressive nolonger auto attacks mobs, for this exact reason ?

im sure i remember lots of whine threads on vn about it.......

on a odd pet note though, anyone noticed ithat if necro pet gets rooted (even if roots broken) it can move about and for about 60 secs, you can nuke any mob and get 0 aggro. Mobs simply just stand there dieing till the root icon vanishes of pet box :p

Pets seem to start attacking mobs by having em on aggressive, sometimes they wont but if they dont, just send em to attack some mob while on aggressive and they will start then.

Im doing this at very deserted spots (bottom of cursed tomb etc.) cuz its on Camlann and ill get ganked anywhere ells :>

I wanted to ask on rightnow but when i tried it kept saying my password is invalid (used both game and sub login).. works fine when i login tho :>


Check so you don't write the first letter in your name as a Capital letter.


Doing this can and quite likely WILL get you banned, i advise against leaving pets on aggro, i reported some spanish cabby in dartmoor with his pet on aggro, i thought it was quite ironic i was leeching from him then i reported him for afk-pwnage :D GOA said it was verra naughty to do what he was doing and theyd deal with it.



Originally posted by ChillyDawg
Doing this can and quite likely WILL get you banned, i advise against leaving pets on aggro, i reported some spanish cabby in dartmoor with his pet on aggro, i thought it was quite ironic i was leeching from him then i reported him for afk-pwnage :D GOA said it was verra naughty to do what he was doing and theyd deal with it.

Do not trust this player! Hypocritical Idiot.

The CoC rules are kinda vague, basically I think everyone sees this as being "you must play the game AT your PC.".

Pet classes are really defined as letting the pet do the work for you. Lets face it most pet classes cannot solo mobs without them. So really as long as yo are close to your PC why not.

However setting it up and buggering off to bed for the night is naughty, ban IMO.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Do not trust this player! Hypocritical Idiot.

The CoC rules are kinda vague, basically I think everyone sees this as being "you must play the game AT your PC.".

Pet classes are really defined as letting the pet do the work for you. Lets face it most pet classes cannot solo mobs without them. So really as long as yo are close to your PC why not.

However setting it up and buggering off to bed for the night is naughty, ban IMO.

No, the rules are very clear, look at the box when the game starts. You must be at your pc when a button is pressed.

As long as you are at your pc when you put your pet on aggro (your not using a macro tool to run your character), you can happily go on holiday while your pet exps.


with regard to this and bonedancers:

hypotheical situation:
  • go find a camp of neutral blue/yellow mobs
  • summon 2h commander, 1h buffer and a healer
  • stand in the middle of a spawn and instruct your pets to 'stay' (they'll then do that weird pacing back and fore thing)
  • if you then '/stick' to your healer you won't time out, as you'll also move about, but you will not stray from the spawn
  • put your pets on 'aggressive' and they will then attack the mobs one at a time, without any risk of adds, calls for help etc.

in theory you can then go afk for a sizable length of time, and come back 2 levels later. the nature of the bonedancer is such that he commands a self sustained, self sufficient mini group- obviously necessary due to the abysmal lack of group desirability that the class exhibits.

now those of you who have played a solo pet class like a bonedancer will know how incredibly slow they are to level (and i'm not talking about with a buffbot strapped to ur ass).

people with no experience of the class may argue that 'omg they can chain oranges'- which we can, but its not as easy as it may seem. inevitably a high con mob will then go after the spazzing healer pet, and may well run through a wall aggroing god knows what and getting us killed; therefore we're generally in the same boat as most other soloers, i.e. killing yellows.

lifetapping uses massive amounts of power, so over-use will lead to excruciating downtime. also remember our pets take a chunk of our xp (which imo is retarded- its like a warriors sword taking part of his xp), so its even slower.

what point am i trying to make, you may wonder... bonedancers are a complete twat to level, and are devoid of groupability, so the odd 'limited attention' xping session shouldn't warrent harsh critisism.

imo its not a problem unless it effects other people- if you leave your pets on aggro and unattended in a very populated place, then its a bit naughty since they may well start attacking other people's mobs- HOWEVER, if you're in an isolated area, I say go for it. its is NOT a violation of the CoC as it stands unless you are using some kind of macro, or are attacking other people's mobs- which is the only real issue as far as i'm concerened, as whether i am in front of the screen or downstairs making a cup of tea i would be doing exactly the same thing- pets on aggro, let them do all the work. there is no difference.

on a related note: i did find it rather funny yesterday in spind as i was camped in a room, and some zerker and his shammy then invaded and started pulling all the mobs, then had the audacity to complain that i accidentally attacked one of their mobs. if you're familiar with the spindel rooms, you'll know there's really not enough room in there for more than one when they're yellow con. you wouldn't pull through a sm's PBAoE and complain would you? same thing in my opinion :\

anyway, conclusion, if it doesn't effect anyone else, i don't see the problem. its not abusing any bugs, its simply taking advantaged of one of the very few upsides of the character


Havent been banned yet so my guess is they ignore it : ) Or the guy dident report it as he said he would.

And do any1 know of some neutral camp spots at lvl 28? prefer yellow/blue cons :) Any realm just has to be a bit away from the populated spots as i will be ganked on camlann :>


i have to agree with chilly, i was in dartmoor with my necro and this cabby called Somethingaboutdapet was afk aggressive killing with his pet.. he told me to piss off as he was camping this spot.. first breach of CoC...then he told me he didnt control his pet while it was on aggressive...coc breach again..then his pet leeched my mobs 3rd breach...i didnt report him cos i couldnt be arsed..but i will from now on...why the hell should i have to xp elsewhere because your too fat and lazy to actually control your pet..and dont try and say your wernt AFK cos you were..then u came back..then went away again... i hate people like that.

Also the point about AFK pallies and wardens etc..thats crap thats consentual AFK...the grp decides..and he isnt interfereing with others pulls...totally legal aslong as the grp is aware and fine with it..seeing as they are making the XP... by your rules BB's and low lvl alts should be banned also...cos theyre AFK when they get power-levelled..


Originally posted by elewyth
i have to agree with chilly, i was in dartmoor with my necro and this cabby called Somethingaboutdapet was afk aggressive killing with his pet.. he told me to piss off as he was camping this spot..
Also the point about AFK pallies and wardens etc..thats crap thats consentual AFK...the grp decides..and he isnt interfereing with others pulls...totally legal aslong as the grp is aware and fine with it..seeing as they are making the XP... by your rules BB's and low lvl alts should be banned also...cos theyre AFK when they get power-levelled..

Now how on earth could he say something to you while afk? Or was he "consentual AFK" as you put it in your words then too? And anyway, saying they interfere with other pulls is bs imo, since people who plan to do this will find them a nice free spot & set up before going afk afaic

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