Help Advice on a friend.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm. I'm past 30, have no job and no relationship :eek7:

Then again, age means sh*t all, i'm looking for a job and relationship means f*ck less then age :p

But, since this is a normal person you're talking about, my two suggestions;

Back off. You've done more then enough, tried to hook him up, tried to get him a job, yet he meets everything with meh. If someone doesn't want help, then it's no use forcing it.

People are not your responsibility anyway and it's the nannypolice bullsh*t to feel like they are.(excluding things like kids...)


Slap some sense into him. Simple as that.

From my experience, if someone is depressed, they won't listen to anything anyway. Just not going to happen, so either be confident in your senseslapping skills, or just leave him take care of it.

One thing i can say for certain; Living at home, being single and out of job at 30 does NOT necessarily mean that you're somehow depressed/dying inside.

But as someone said; only you can know as you know the person.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
He needs help

I can with some authority tell you that your friend is showing classic signs of clinical depression. He needs professional help, simple trying to force change on such a person would be like asking someone with a broken leg to just get better. It is an illness and needs treating. The problem is... That he needs to want to get better. Talk to him tell him your worried it may shake him into action. Then again it may not and there may be little you can do if he doesn't want to help himself.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Please do note though. Just because the signs are there it doesn't mean he is depressed. He may just be a waster. Only you know his character.

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