


can someone please leave some decent stats of there aDSL connection e.g.
Is it worth getting?
whats average download speed ya getting?
what average ping you getting on CS?
How much downtime ya getting? if any!
Replies apreciated as I cant get cable in me area but I need broadband like pronto, but dont wanna end up with a turkey. All the info,reports,reviews etc I have read just dont give a straight answer.



Thanks for the nose news neighbour!!


I have had BTOW ADSL for 3 weeks now and:

-Yes it is worth getting

-Downloads average 50-60 kbps on UK sites.

-Pings on CS (and Q3) average 50-60ms on the BW servers. Has been as low as 35ms and as high as 110ms depending on time. No packet loss.

-Had some downtime (1 hour) in my first week, none since.

Also, Netmeeting with voice and video camera worked for me, ICQ and peer to peer transfer worked, Napster works (v well).

I have had problems with sending emails out sometimes with the BTInternet account. This is down to BTi though I believe.

It has transformed my Net use. I can now go to sites like and DL all the big trailers from films without batting an eyelid.



Originally posted by fuKeTaminE
can someone please leave some decent stats of there aDSL connection e.g.
Is it worth getting?
whats average download speed ya getting?
what average ping you getting on CS?
How much downtime ya getting? if any!
Replies apreciated as I cant get cable in me area but I need broadband like pronto, but dont wanna end up with a turkey. All the info,reports,reviews etc I have read just dont give a straight answer.

lo m8,
i got dsl from BT.I usually play on BW servers and ave about 40-50 ping.My download speeds are about 60 - 80 Kbps.
Is it worth it - so far so good

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