Admins - It's time to rise to the occasion

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The only big problem I have with BW at the moment is Recalescence.

I wouldn't miss Recalescence if it mysteriously dropped off the rotation *cough* :)
I'm pretty sure most BW players would say the same.

Could also leave it accessible for votes, though, in case people still want to play it - as opposed to Thin Ice, which I would prefer to see obliterated from history :puke:

Hmmmz, well, I think the punishment outweighed the crime

I'll have to disagree with you there Grilla - One of the things that sets BW apart from most other GSP's for me, is that if you come along and ask for help politely you get it every time - if you arrive and start acting like a wanker from day one, you'll get pissed on from a great height until you sort yourself out ;)


even nguk's katabatic only server was fun and always full :|

NGUK Katabatic server was 32 player limit, in fact about half of all NGUK base servers were 32 player limits. People probably think that NGUK are only 48 players because the 48 player servers invariably came to the top of those lists that sort by players.

If i ever played on an NGUK server it was the 32 player ones as the larger 48 player servers almost always tended to be newbie traps.

With that in mind i think BW should consider possibly converting one or 2 of the unused CM servers to 48 player servers (I told ya noone would play on a Custom map only server, only way to try out new maps is to integrate them into base servers ala Insalubria). Id much rather have all the newbies have their 48 player servers to go to to DM on than invade the current BW servers. (dont get me wrong im not calling all who play on 48 players newbies, but a newbie will always join the most popular servers).

The problem with Recallacence and Thin ice is that noone plays them properly in public, they spend the entire game bombing and vpad camping instead of bothering even trying to infiltrate the base, but yes, too many people dislike them to keep them on rotation.


Tbh I quite enjoy recalsitrance but its a "server emptying map" of a lot of the good players, ruining the flow of good games, so I think it should removed from the rotation on on at least 3 of the 4 main ctf servers.

What to replace it with.... Well Insalubrious is probably the best of the newer maps so that would get my vote. But there are some other good new maps out there worth looking at.


Btw the big problem with nguk, as fatgit pointed out was the VERY poor standard of public admining, with TKers left to dominate maps all night by simpy rejoining when their kick expired & abuse of admin by certain players, the instance quoted by fatgit is a good example but we ALL saw many others.... which didnt encorage many of the better players to play there.


Yep, it was a problem - I've known NGUK admins come on and broadcast to the whole server just to say 'hi'. Last thing you need when playing is a huge dialogue box pop up for 20 seconds when you're trying to grab the flag :rolleyes:


you guys have way too much time on yer hands...


thats cos our hands aren't always twiddling with our genetalia like you Bru ;)

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