Acount blocked



Hello all,

More then 2 weeks ago my acounts (have 3 and pay for them also) have been blocked by Goa. Reason : unknow :/

Some month ago i asked Goa for help, some items were getting stolen from my acount due that my passwords were stolen on a big lanparty. So asked Goa to change my sub pass, but they wouldnt allow that ...

So after some time i get a nice e-mail from them like this
"As there's a conflict with some accounts, we've closed your account ... " - Moreover, we're asking you some info about you :
... here some questions about name/adress/...
I answered all those questions asap.

Now more then 2 weeks later i still have not even got 1 reply from them and my acounts are still blocked. My payment is running in mean while ...

I also e-mailed zargar & kemor but nothing from them either (maybe on vacation, dunno)

My Rightnow status/posts are just being ignored and put on "Solved" or "Untreated"

So what the f u c k did i do wrong and why are they ignoring me?
And funny part they not only blocked the acount where the items where stolen but also the other acounts that were on my same e-mail ... so now we are in the middle of the vacation and still i cant play ... imho this is very unfair :'(

I am desperate, anyone wanne help or know what to do, all help welcome.

(btw sorry for the crappy English)



Think they all on holiday...

when going to an open lan always make sure you gotta login on you pc so others can't turn it on and steal things. Whenever you are not behind it, turn it into a lockmode or have a real friend watching...


Conversely, I'm pleased that GOA are taking action over suspicious account activity. I'm sure we'd all be moaning if they ignored it.

It's unfortunate that you're on the receiving end of this, but it does highlight the fact that people you meet at LANs/Online are not your friends. Online trust is something that has to be earned.

Hope it all works out ok for you.


worth remembering you lost/leaked your user details to others, not goa. the timing is probably just bad as goa are probably still on a skeleton crew right now. so your rightnow requests are buried somewhere amongst all the other hundreds of problems.

I do feel for you but I can understand how this is taking so long and why all accounts have been closed.


In theory the person who got a hold of your information, could've change the details on your account. However that would require him to get a hold of both your game login and password as well as your subscription login and password.

Thus when they asked for information, he had change it and it didn't match what you gave them.

My best suggestion would be to hang on till january after their vacation, then do everything you can to get a hold of them, emails, PMs, etc.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bet it was pr0n who stole your passwords.
He is an expert script kid.

Were you on that Eskimo LAN he keeps yapping and yapping about...:p



Got win2k so on the lanparty my pc was on lockmode when i was gone + had some irl i can thrust all the time there, but firewall was off during the lan due to some probs with it which it couldnt connect to some servers, so got hacked there, not hard at all to do tho but still :/

Dont know why Goa closed the acounts, got 2 play acounts and 1 buffbot acount, only had 1 prob with 1 acount and they close the 2 acounts and the prob was NOT worth closing it ... imho

Finally after 2 weeks, Kemor sends me a reply, not much in it but tho its a reply (still under investigation)

imho it was unfair to block the acount, all 3 even ffs cant even play, and that for so long without any reply , been 2 weeks 1/2 now (after some long, hard work you just accomplish to lvl an infil to 50 , play it a week and see your acount close ... put yourself in my position, think you also would feel pain :'( )

I hope i will get them back asap
If anyone has some suggestions or help, post it or mail plz :p


Blue Ix

That's about the kind of story I would make up if I traded/bought an account and desperately wanted a new sub password for it to make sure it's safe. Bet that's what GOA thought (know?) you did.


That's about the kind of reply I would make up if I was jalous or whatever ...
I am not pleased, it's my acount, didnt trade/bought
Gave all the information needed to prove it was mine, even information from months ago
Still nothing, been 3 weeks now
So i think you can mind your own bussines ... only asked for help, not for flaming ...


Blue Ix

Not a flame, just telling you why they might be suspicious about it. There's a whole lot of account trading going on and it's not allowed.

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