Since early teenage years I've not used soap of any sort on my face*, nor have I ever had acne. I know diet and hormones also contribute but it's worth a try.
I have 2 things to say
Firstly, I'm not a spotty person, however at the end of terms at school, i used to get quite a few spots. I'm pretty sure this was due to the chocolates all the teachers brought and fed us in lessons, conbined with partys, exam stress and more chocolate from other friends etc. A change of diet is the way to go. Don't go overboard and just eat vegies, the key is ballance, sure a packet of crisps is find, but with your main means make sure you're getting atleast 2 preferably 3-4 portions of different types of vegies, ie. spag bol with carrots, peas and onions etc.
Try to have a glass of orange juice with your meals rather than coke or whatever.
Eat an apple or some fruit in the afternoon or with your lunch.
Just little changes that increase the amount of vitamins you're getting.
Sun can help, but dont think you have to get frazzled, just go out a bit, do some gardening or whatever.
My second comment is a question. Just how do you pronounce this word?
Is is A-scene or Ack-knee ?!
/edit, if its causing you social or any concenr or real problem, go talk to your doctor and say that stuff you did try isn't working.
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