Account Terminated Still....



Question: what realm do you play on Prydwen? (if any)


I got 3 days axtra for my 30 day trial :rolleyes:
When they realised they soon sorted it though


I'm a middie on Prywyw. Or I will be again, if I sort out my account.


As I have told you on my previous Email, we have a technical problem with the
reconduction of our subscriptions.
We apologize for the inconvenience it caused you.
Our technical staff is trying to arrange it as soon as possible.
Everything should be in order in a couple of days.

Thank you for your comprehension.

Sincerely yours,
I have worked in customer support and YES you do get some right spanners - the problem is that sometimes the spanners you meet on a daily basis colours your perception of people who have a perfectly legitimate problem - We have the joke 'user error' in my current section because thats all we ever hear our tech support folks say.

That email is badly written, I suppose the person who wrote it might be French and therefore might have a poor grasp of English, but if thats the case they shouldn't be dealing with English enquiries - period.

I agree with you damini - Kemor often does get throw to the lions, and in my dealings with right now - they have resolved my problem (which was entirely user error) very quickly. That email, however. would get me checking out who the managing director is and writing a snotty letter along with taking legal advice.

Its poorly phrased and very inconsiderate. At the end of the day it is a legitimate complaint - it is not a 'user error' it is a system cock-up which is resulting in a loss of a paid for service. I would expect a far more concilliatory reply than that.

Having said that - I hope your account is fixed and that you're happily playing DAOC again




That e-mail was from the *last time* they cancelled my account. Heh.

This thirty days thing is the second time my account has been cancelled.

They have responded quite quickly this time;

Thirty Day Trial Period has apparently run out

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) - 06/19/2002 04:51 PM

Due to a technical problem, the renewal of your subscription wasn't worked and
thus, your account is closed since your last subscription period (we mean since
the 12/06/02).

So, if you want to re-opened your account and subscribe to a payment period, you
must begin again the subscription process but before this, it's very important
that you terminate your subscription in "My account" category in order that the
renewal for one month not be considered (if it's considered one day...) in the
same time that your new subscription...

Please, follow the instructions below to subscribe :

We have sent you an E-mail with your confidential data to this E-mail address :

Go on the page of the official site of DAoC, column "Subscription" and link " My
account ".

Please , enter then your login and password SUBSCRIPTION.
You will reach a page concerning the invoicing.
Please , click " To reach the securized payment to validate ".
Enter then your method of payment, your particulars concerning this payment and
finally, your choice of subscription.

At the end of the procedure of subscription, you will receive a mail of
confirmation, a summary of your choices...

Sorry for any inconvenience...

Yours sincerely,
Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Customer (-----------) - 06/18/2002 11:30 PM
Three months after registering, I am now being told that my thirty day trial
period has run out. This period ran out along time ago, and I have been paying
to play ever since. This is the second time in UNDER one month that my account
has been suspended. Please can you give me a reason why this is? Also, in your
last responses to me, you have incorporated French words into your responses.
Reconduitment is not an English word, and despite your hardy efforts to use it
in conversation, I don't see it becoming one :)

Thank you.

So they are getting better :) Heh... No slight undertones of Lithuanian patios, no smuggling of German, nor the masculine/feminine attack of words. Admittedly, it does sound, if read aloud, that a Cyberman or Dalek could be saying it, but I suppose beggers can't be choosers.

It is still anoying that I have to run around to fix it myself though, for the second time in so short a period. I haven't fixed it yet, as I am still weighing up the pros and cons.


Midgard on both Pryd and Excal? bah :)

Oh well if you ever get to RvR level I'll get to hunt you (if I ever get to RvR level that is... hrm battlegrounds?)

If you renew yer subscription...

They're not treating you very well.

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