Account Terminated Still....



Maybe we should have a seperate forum just for flames, demonic sacrifices, blood rituals and the frequent demandings for GOA to be tied to a wooden stake (preferably one that gives you splinters) and to be burnt like the witches they are. I've avoided out right flaming so far, because it just dampens the game and the forums when all you ever read are GOA SUXOR and STAB TEH CHEAT, and I'm sure beneath the psychotic rage we seem to weild quite well in here, we're actually a nice forum. Honest!

But this latest thing with the account terminated has got my (sacrificial) goat. My card details were perfectly good to buy the game, and register for the first month, and Littlewoods seemed quite happy to let me use those same details to buy a washing machine at considerably more than £6, so I can't see how problematic my account was that it needed to be terminated. So, glitch assumed. Why does nobody communicate properly? How difficult can it be to set up a bulk e-mail to let people know what is actually going on?

Right Now is a nightmare to navigate. I understand the advantages of making us look at a previous query first before being able to ask a question, but the set up is as clear as mud, and as the sole way of problem communication I think this is unsatisfactory. If I have a problem I dont want to work through several FAQs each time I wish to give you merry hell. I wish to bypass that and go straight to the merry hell giving.

I don't understand what is going on. Maybe I *have* done something catagorically stupid, maybe I've tried to pay with my Boots Advantage card, but I can't see it, and if I have why was it accepted for the first month, and why haven't I been told? The world is populated with total idiots, and I'm not laying claim to superiority. I'm assuming I've been a total spanner, but until you tell me how and how to make it better I'm going to blame the billing people. Its my right as an obnoxious customer.

This game is addictive; so the logic in deliberately putting people into cold turkey eludes me. As it stands I'm honestly contemplating how much I am upset by this mistake. The longer this goes on the less I worry about going back into the game.

I'm not going to bludgeon Kemor to death because as he's the one thrown to the baying masses, it makes me one hundred percent sure he's not the one to growl at. The mouth piece isn't the one that makes the screw ups, thats the one hiding behind the desk usually. But I would like answers instead of vagueness. I want things spelled out CATAGORICALLY.

Assume I'm really stupid, its only fair that this feeling is mutual.

I don't want to have to rummage through websites, hassle right now, fire off e-mails and wait around while my account is hung in mid air. Its transparently obvious that this has happened to A LOT of people. So spell out what is happening. E-mail us, talk to us, or lose my custom.

Rant over. Here, now look at some kittens to once again embrace happiness.

old.The McScrooges

Had the same problem after Wednesday too.

My 30 day trial period had come to an end and my account was closed...

But my billing period was still active.

Canceled my subs and resubscribed, seemed to do the trick.

Even used RightNow to report the problem and my concern over being billed twice, hopefully I'll get a next day response that I got over my previous issue.

I hope they don't sort my problems out though.
I want to flame GOA god damnit.


Oohh! Blood rituals... Im in!!!

<quietly> oh how they will scream......

But on a less disturbing note: My access is all cleared up now. I had to resubscribe, but at least Im back in the game now. Its only 6 quid after all...


I'm timid of the re-subscribing, as my boyfriend was charged twice a month for subscribing. And I don't see why I should have to run in with the medi kit and fix things when the money seemed to come out of my account perfectly well before.

old.The McScrooges


The blood of Yorkshire men runs through my veins, they better not bill me twice.

<grumble grumble humbug mutter mutter>


Its only6 quid my arse :D

If GOA are billing twice then they are taking money from your account for a service you are not recieving, this constitutes stealing. Bad GOA!


I forgot to mention... I was billed for this month on the 16th. So, this shouldn't be a time for me renewing. I've paid up until the 16th of June.

1 month - DAoC 05-16-2002 06-16-2002 6.00 £ 1
Status Validated


/em gets the feeling of iminent legal action against GOA once somebody bothers to read the liscense agreement and spots a hole


Can someone just reassure me I'm not completely missing the bulletin though? Those dates above say I've paid until July, yes? And I thought all this was to do with the Renewal of problem accounts? But mine was neither problematic (since its been billed twice) nor in need of renewing just yet.

What am I missing? There has to be something.


Hi Damini

Kemor posted this in another similar thread... have you mailed him?


Could you :
1- send a report through RightNow about this
2- send me an email with your NAME & LASTNAME (the ones you used to register) at with subject "ACCOUNT TERMINATED PROBLEM".


GM, English servers, GOA.
[ Online English DAOC Manual ]
[ Customer Support ]


Yup, I mailed him and got told to use Right Now. I'd already used right now and got told wait a couple days. Which I have done.


Please check the news on for more information about your problem.
If you reported through RightNow as well, you should get a personal answer soon if not already.

Sincerely yours,
GM, English DAoC Servers, GOA
[ ]
[ ]

From Right Now
Response (CS) - 05/22/2002 01:41 PM

We apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.
We have a technical problem for the reconduction of the subscriptions,
and our technical staff is trying to arrange it as soon as possible.
Everything should be in order in a couple of days.

Thank you for your comprehension.

Sincerely yours,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

And from the News Page

UPDATE (05-22-2002)
Users with problematic or incomplete accounts were terminated yesterday.
On May 21st, all the problematic accounts (accounts with missing information or billing problems) were terminated. Upon login in DAoC since then, you may have a message saying that your account has been terminated. If you do, this means that we had a problem with your account because of the reasons listed above.

What to do if you are in such a situation :

Check your information in 'My account', make sure everything is correct.
Choose a subscription plan, making sure you give the right information with a valid credit card

If you still have a problem after doing this, please send a mail to giving as much information as possible.

I've e-mailed subscriptions too, but I thought I'd recap everything here for anyone else in the same boat.

Its just the fact that Nothing Is Properly Explained and its been two days and still nothing that winds me up.

But thanks Jupitus :) Was worth a shot.


Seems to me that the "only 6 quid" people are on GOA's side. If everyone with this problem (and it seems to be quite a few) were to unsub and resub GOA would be making a shed load of money by making mistakes!!! How's that supposed to work?

I for one am playing out this month's sub and unless things dramatically improve in the customer service department I won't be renewing my subs (cue battle to actually get them to stop charging my card).

There's a ton of mmorpg in the works and people will be spoilt for choice pretty damn soon. GOA, wake up and spend some of that poorly earned money you've got from all these long suffering customers and get some decent CS staff.


You can always hope that GOA will handle this is a subtle way and give all those who have had to resubscribe additional days on top of their new sub.


Im a Hibbie... I love GOA, Mythic, trees... everyone ;)


Originally posted by WPKenny
I for one am playing out this month's sub and unless things dramatically improve in the customer service department I won't be renewing my subs (cue battle to actually get them to stop charging my card).

I am also scared out of my brains about what will happen when i go to cancel my account with them within the next month or two.

I mean i think its an incredible cheek of GOA to kill peoples accounts and then ask people to pay them again to fix it. I imagine that when I want to cancel the subscription it will be a bloody nightmare and this scares me. The legal goings on off GOA in terms of money accpetance and billing issues are very shady in my opinion. People are addicted to their game and hence this it's only £6 attitude appears and people willingly just pay their subscription again. Surely as someone else has said this is stealing?

What sort of laws protect us if this is the case as GOA are a french based company i believe? Just this while doubelc harging thing has got me annoyed and i'm finding it hard to justify paying a company that robs from its customers as such.


I've had the same problem only difference is my mate is paying for me till i get paid end of month, and i'm worried GOa is ripping me off, i've sent a Right Now report and still go nothing back but have a look at what i'm having difficulty grasping

My current subscription:
1 month - DAoC From: 05-15-2002 To: 06-15-2002 Amount: 6.00£
1 month - DAoC From: 05-15-2002 To: 06-15-2002 Amount: 6.00£
1 month - DAoC From: 05-15-2002 To: 06-15-2002 Amount: 6.00£
1 month - DAoC From: 05-15-2002 To: 06-15-2002 Amount: 6.00£

My next subscription:
1 month - DAoC From: 06-16-2002 To: 07-15-2002 Amount: 6.00£

This is my first real problem with GOA unfortunatly it happens tobe a billing one, which really doesn't go well with me espically when its not my money being taken!


Well, my second (and perhaps some would say, more arsey) e-mail response is here.


As I have told you on my previous Email, we have a technical problem with the
reconduction of our subscriptions.
We apologize for the inconvenience it caused you.
Our technical staff is trying to arrange it as soon as possible.
Everything should be in order in a couple of days.

Thank you for your comprehension.

Sincerely yours,

European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

So, having consulted four online dictionarys, I have yet to find out what the word reconduction means. And a couple of days was a couple of days ago. *Sigh*


Originally posted by Damini
So, having consulted four online dictionarys, I have yet to find out what the word reconduction means. And a couple of days was a couple of days ago. *Sigh*

it's a french word... and thats all i know :)

well, i typed it into the search engine and it came up with a heap of french sites.

and the second reply they gave you damini... i hate to state the obvious, but it's exactly the same as the first, but worded differently. what figures? why waste time sending identical emails when they could be fixing this problem :)

and yes, that last paragraph WAS a flame. [EDIT: At GOA, not Damini :)]


Gah, babel fish tells me it means renewal. But...


*growl, savage, rage, collapse*

Keeeeeeemor.... can you talk to them? I don't like them :(

Has everyone else who was in the same position been fixed?


And just like that, its fixed. No word, no explanation, not even one that cunningly inserts french words, then mockingly concludes with "Thank you for your Comprehension" as you sit there, wondering what the hell they are talking about.

I thank you all for being with me through this difficult time :)


This is the best thread I've had the pleasure to read in ages.

You had me falling off my chair with laughter Damini :D


I'm hoping 'Thank you for your comprehension' is just someone's (babelfishes?) bad translation (Thank you for listening perhaps was the intent), and doesn't reflect GOA's opinion of its customers.

Then again I've always been an optimist.


my account was terminated last tuesday...

a simple "why?" with a bit of flaming for non professionalism did the tick, and my account is back and working


woot just noticed - I've moved from Brentford to Phnaargos. Wonderful.:clap: :clap:


Aw Damini. All OK now ? :fluffle:

btw - I never see u about these days. Still using the name Damini ?


Yep, still use the name Damini. I've started on Excal too, a feisty wee Kobold named Daminian. Original huh?

I've made the mistake of introducing my brother to the game, and he's racked up 24 hrs /played in two days, so chances of me getting onto my account right now are minimal.

I don't really see anyone online anymore. Its all gone quiet.

So, if you see me be social. Or I'll bite.


OK - I'll put u on my friends list for my new char... Wijj :)


"Your 30 day free trial period is over. Please enter your billing infomation"



same thing happened to me damini - eventually got back online after kicking off with nasty emails to them

first email - what happened??

response - nothing

second email - what happened?? threat of legal action

response - we are working on it

third email - what happened?? threat of legal action and threat of removal of all of their stock from my shop shelves to be returned as faulty goods :)

response - ooops sorry our bad! reactivated and 3 days compensation

just keep at em m8 - if all else fails take the piss for the shite french performance in the world cup! :m00:



Originally posted by GRAVITY

third email - what happened?? threat of legal action and threat of removal of all of their stock from my shop shelves to be returned as faulty goods :)

I take my hat off to you sir. Lol!

Truth be told, I'm not sure I really have the energy to fight over this game anymore. The last time I rallied a war cry at them, the main crux of their response was in French. No, it wasn't swearing :)

We'll see. But if this doesn't get sorted very soon, then I shan't be sorting it at all. The straw that breaks the camels back can be as small as the rest of them :)

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