Account stolen...



Originally posted by monkeynutter
you dont lose your chars when you stop paying, point is if this is not a wind up then the person who stole the account is going to have to use a bank to keep it going. then goa can trace who it is.
perosnaly this is all rubbish.

I meant if you stop paying, you lose the ability to play with those characters, if the other person on the account doesn't pay to resubscribe, then you have in effect lost those characters (unless you resubscribe and hope that other person doesn't notice otherwise you're back at square 1.)


Originally posted by gudsemt
It seems that his paying for my account now, coz i already stopped the night I found out. What do I do?

The subscription wont actually end till the end of your current Month/3 Months/6 Months or whatever billing plan you subscribed on.


goa wont do much (like always)... They s00k!!!



send another email to goa

use capslock


my twopenneth

Well kinda makes sense, we are responsible for our passwords, why should they be responsible for something we have ?

If ppl had written it down , put it in a safe place, like me, when first received the email, then deleted the email, it wouldn't happen, and no one would flame GOA.

Christ, why does everybody always turn it round so its GOA's fault?

If you read the EULA, COC, etc... before just scrolling down, then clicking accept, you'd know this information. Who actually reads it, i hear u cry... well, its a legally binding document so everybody should. I know they don't but thats not my problem. Heck even I don't read some game's EULAs but im taking the risk just as everyone else is who now doesn't have a leg to stand on.

I feel for the guy who may lose his char due to hacking. But on the other hand nothing in this world is safe or sacred.


Someone could use a brute force program (Yes im being a bit of a pedant :p ) to find your password, it would be 100% not your fault that your password has been compromised, but GOA would not allow you to do anything to rectify the situation.


Re: my twopenneth

Originally posted by tripitaka
If ppl had written it down , put it in a safe place, like me, when first received the email, then deleted the email, it wouldn't happen, and no one would flame GOA.

Christ, why does everybody always turn it round so its GOA's fault?

If I came round your house, stole the piece of paper you had written it down on, and logged in and played your account etc, GOA wouldn't do nowt. Sure you could phone the police and get me arrested :clap: but I could have passed that password on to all my friends by then. It's not GOA's fault that the password has been stolen, it's GOA's fault that theres absolutely nothing you can do once it has been stolen.

(Sorry for 2 posts im just lazy!)


Re: Re: my twopenneth

Originally posted by Meatballs

If I came round your house, stole the piece of paper you had written it down on, and logged in and played your account etc, GOA wouldn't do nowt. Sure you could phone the police and get me arrested :clap: but I could have passed that password on to all my friends by then. It's not GOA's fault that the password has been stolen, it's GOA's fault that theres absolutely nothing you can do once it has been stolen.

SO it *WAS* you then ... although why you'd want an account with no 50's on it is beyond me ;)


Originally posted by gudsemt
I tried loggin into my account, then it said 'account alrdy logged in'
Then I logged onto my friend's account, and talked to em.

I told RightNow that account info (SUB info, everything) has been stolen, and now the theif is threatning to delete my chars. And asked them if there is anything that can be done?

And they replied with what I've posted above...

Well, there you have just gone and given them a reason to lock your friends account too.

Sorry, but if you want them to so something about someone else having your password, and then telling them you used someone elses account to log in and talk to the person who is using yours...

Well, you see where I'm going?

Look at it from GOAs PoV:

You have already admitted to participating in account sharing, so why should they bother doing something to help you incase you have given your account details to someone else.

Yes, I sympathise with you, but as trip has said, it is not GOAs fault.

The only thing GOA have failed to do is provide a means for us to change ALL the security details on our accounts, including the Account password and RightNow password.

As stated in the EULA par 4
* Upon registration, you must select a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any damage, harm, lost or deleted characters, etc. resulting from your disclosure or allowing the disclosure of any password or from use by any person of your password to gain access to your Account.
We advise you to change your game details in case of.

Yes, and when have they ever asked me for this password, even though I have changed my game password countless times?

If they refuse to change any of the passwords, I don't see the use of this password you select.

As has been said, if you feel that your e-mail or PC has been hacked, the only people you should be reporting it to is the police, as the person who did it has committed a crime.

j000 d000d

I wonder how people want to be able to change their subs pass.

Because if you get hacked then the hacker changes the sub pass and u can't do anything then...


Hehe Kemor dont run around posting silly stuff , go club the bad guys with a...ehhhh club ffs ;)


kemor what you think about all this ?

If its legit and someone has stolen his password can something be done.

oh and noobs please stop trying to be funny slagging off goa its just not funny. The couple times i even needed to use rightnow they have always replied quickly.


Ok Gudsemt.

I will try to help here as best I can for you. This is based on the assumption that you are a UK resident, so sorry for generalising.

Basically you are in trouble. If the person who has stolen your account has not given it back yet then the chances are that he never will. If he was just going to steal all your gear and let you have the characters back he would have done it by now, otherwise why else is he keeping your characters?. He/she may be trying to sell the account. I don't think you are going to get them back, so it my might be best to name them - atleast you screw the thief.

As to the legal side of this thing, well, unfortunately it is not as clear-cut as you might think. Any kind of computer hacking is a crime in the U.K. and the rest of Europe. If you can prove this guy hacked your computer then he could indeed face prosecution, and up to 6 months in prison. If you can prove he gave your PC a Trojan or a Virus he could get up to 2 years in prison. The problem is that you would have to prove that he got your details from your e-mail and nowhere else for this to stick, and you would have to convince the police of this for them to take action... but since it is only on a domestic basis and very difficult to prove they probably wont take much action.

However you can get this guy for theft. All subscription on DAOC is prepaid. If he stole your subscription details and is using your account without permission then this would constitute theft of the value of that subscription charge. I dont know if Mythic restrict this game to one account per licence key, but in this case you could contend that he has stolen your licence to this game aswell, again which you have paid for. Again you would have to prove this to Goa/Mythic ( that is was your account and you hadn't sold it etc). If Goa/Mythic refuse to do anything (eg. suspend the account) it will then make them complicit in that theft, which can be an offence but is no biggy. However they would still be under no obligation to restore any characters that were deleted. The actual intelectual property that is your character belongs to GOA, and will still belong to GOA whoever has stolen your account - therefore no theft has taken place in this respect. You do still have rights to that data under the European Human Rights Act ( believe it or not ), and the thief could be prosecuted under this act. If the theif is gaining unauthorised access to the GOA servers through your account then this could be viewed as a form of hacking into the GOA servers and is an offense under the Data Protection Act and the Computer Misuse Act, but it will be down to GOA to bring about the prosecution.

However you are at present dependant on getting all the proof yourself. You will have to prove to both the police and to GOA that this is your account which you paid for and that someone is using it without your authorisation. Basically GOA may be unwilling to help because they have already disclaimed any responsibility in the EULA, and if they go blocking accounts etc. they may open up a can of worms for themselves - it seems that they maintain it is your fault (going on the evidence presented). You will have to get the police involved and give them as much evidence as possible, try and present it as case of theft rather than a hacking problem as most police officers are better equipped to deal with theft complaints. Strictly speaking GOA has no obligation to you because the EULA has been broken since someone else has your log-in details.

If the thief re-subscribes to this account with his own details then he will be traceable, but it will be purely down to the Police whether they wish to pursue this matter, and that is the only circumstances in which GOA would divulge this information. You could pursue a private prosecution against the thief and GOA for being complicit in this action, but this almost certainly would not be worth the effort.

Sorry I can't paint a happier picture.


They cant be allowed to get away with this, email GOA directly to avoid Rightnow and explain the situation.

They do keep backups and should be able to restore any character or items that this theif removes. Name and shame so others know what this person is like.


Originally posted by gudsemt
It seems that his paying for my account now, coz i already stopped the night I found out. What do I do?

i doubt this is correct
it would be the virtual equiv of leaving a card with your name, address and telephone number at every bank job you pull.


yer this is geting boring, whats the stolen chars name and server.

Ninth Dimension

Re: my twopenneth

Originally posted by tripitaka
Christ, why does everybody always turn it round so its GOA's fault?
Come off it, GOA are hardly a standing example of how a company should act. GOA are infact one of the WORST companies that I've ever had dealing with.

At the very least goa should have an option for changing your subscription password, i mean jesus, it's just a field in a database, if they don't have the technology to change the password I could even write a program/script that would let them do it.

What happenes if your cash card gets stolen?? you get a new card and a new PIN, this should be the same - it's pathetic, really pathetic!!!


There, his gone. the theif deleted him.
I'm not even gonna bother trying to restore em through Rightnow. Theres no point. He still got me subs.

Anyway, thanks for your help. Btw. my name was Zabin Blaze. For those who knew me, cya around. might get a new account sooome time :) .. Farewell


Zabin - L50 Thane RR3


just thought, did you think to take screenshots when talking to the guy who stole the account when you spoke to him.

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